Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 3

What an asshole, I think to myself as I walk back to my office.  I didn’t purposely make him miss a tape review; it was the time the coach assigned for him.  Plus, I didn’t think anyone actually liked reviewing tape.  Luke complains all the time about it.  I look around my office at the daisy rug and house plants I brought in this morning.  I wore my lucky sneakers today – yellow low top Converse.  They pair perfectly with the black jumpsuit I picked.  It shows off my waistline and makes my legs look great.  I don’t have a huge chest, but this jumpsuit is just low cut enough to look professional but good.

My brother brought me coffee and a blueberry muffin since he knows I will forget to eat.  I begin to look at my content ideas for Zane so I can hopefully find something we can film today without needing to spend too much time together.  Luke says that Zane is a good guy and isn’t the asshole player he’s made out to be, but my past two interactions with him have proven that wrong.  First the comments on my hookup app, and then he wants to be an ass because his coach scheduled him to work with me during tapes.  Not really proving himself to not be that person he’s described as.

My current issue is that even though I was mad and annoyed last night, I still couldn’t get him out of my mind.  I can’t stop thinking of his arms in that rolled up button down, and the way his pants sat tight on his legs, showing off his muscular legs and round ass.  My face reddens as I remember I went home yesterday and got myself off to thoughts of him.

Lying in bed, all I could think of was him tossing me on the bed, hooking my legs over his shoulders, and eating my pussy until I cum on his tongue.  I touched myself to thoughts of him flipping me on my stomach and fucking me from behind while playing with my tits and clit.  I bet Zane has a big, thick cock that would fill my pussy up completely.  I went to bed satisfied, but also lost in thoughts about Zane.  I really need to hook up with someone so I can get him out of my head.

I start to get an ache between my legs remembering last night’s “self-care” session.  It’s what my roommates and I call our masturbation time.  As I start to think of Zane pinning me against the wall of my office and fucking me during our session, there’s a knock on the door.

I take a minute to recompose myself and remember Zane may be godlike in looks, but he’s a complete asshole.  Most importantly he’s an athlete.  An absolute no-go for me, especially a hockey player.  My ex ruined that for me forever.  Another knock comes to the door.  Time to get this shitshow over with I think as I open the door.

I open the door and step to the side, inviting Zane into my personal space.

“Wow, this is really nice!  The view of the rink is amazing,” he says as he looks around.

I give him a nod and sit at the table by my content wall.  “Thanks, ready to get started?”

He sits across from me.  “Of course, but before we start I just want to apologize for being an asshole last night and this morning.  I’m not really an asshole.  I’m not sure what is wrong with me.”

I give him a small smile, not making eye contact.  “No problem, water under the bridge.  Let’s get started.”

I open my tablet up and turn on the keyboard that I have for it. “So, Zane Miller, heading for the draft, senior, ladies’ man.  Tell me about yourself – hobbies, superstitions, favorite snacks, what your family is like, goals in the NHL, goals your senior year, and your major.”

I look up at him and continue, “I won’t be using everything, this just gives a good starting point of getting to know the real you and lets me think of how to create your online presence.”

He lets out a long sigh and makes eye contact with me.  His eyes are stunning.  I could get lost in them.

“Well, my only hobby is hockey, honestly, but I do like to surf every once in a while.  I’m not great at it.  My only real superstition is I must have two Airheads before a game.  I know it’s weird.  It’s something I started back in the Mighty Mite league.  I want to play for the Tampa Thunder.  My goals this year are to be a good co-captain and get the team a championship.  I am majoring in sports management.”

His answers are short and not too full of emotion, but I type them up in my player profile I created.

He catches my eye and continues, “My family is amazing – all athletes in college except my sister, Penny.  Penny is one of my best friends.  I love her so much.  She comes to almost all my games.  My parents make sure to catch as many games as they can in person when they are in town.  They are my entire support system; I wouldn’t be here without them.  I love them.”

This was the most amount of emotion I have seen from him.  It’s like another person talking to me.

“I am close with Luke and Lucy too, so I understand.  I hated being away at college the past four years.”  I give him my first genuine smile during this meeting, and he smiles back.

I write up some ideas quickly.  “I think we could do a cute TikTok about your Airheads, see what flavors everyone likes, etc.  I also would love to maybe get some surfing footage to let people see you off the ice.”

I write some more and then say, “Also, I need you to do some charity work.  Any ideas where you would like to volunteer?”

He stares at me for a moment before collecting himself.  “I do a beach cleanup yearly; we can do that.  Everything else sounds good to me.”

I realize I am actually smiling now.  He’s not so bad, I guess.  “I love cleaning up beaches too.  I haven’t been in a while.  When’s your next cleanup so I can plan to be there to film?  And help, of course.”

He leans forward.  “The next one is in two weeks.  It’s at Cocoa Beach.  I usually go over and stay the night so I can get some surfing in.”

“Perfect!  One weekend, two different types of content!  I can drive over the same day; I will just get a hotel,” I say.

I love Cocoa Beach, but I don’t want to seem overly excited.

“Sounds good, but you can just ride with me and we can save gas, if you want.”

He’s obviously trying to be nice by offering me a ride, but why not?  I could use that time to do some other content editing.

This has been a really productive meeting; I am about to ask him to meet me tomorrow to film some on ice stuff when another knock comes to the door.

“Come in!” I almost yell as my brother comes in with a vase of daisies.

“Thank you, Luke, you didn’t have to do this!”

He looks confused.  “Um, I didn’t.  I love you, but why would I get you flowers?  These were delivered and I offered to bring them up.”  Just now noticing Zane he adds, “Miller!  What’s up man?”

Zane just looks up and nods, then goes back to glaring at the flowers.

“Open the card!” Luke begs while I reach for the envelope.

I open the card, reading it.  My good mood instantly sours and my face falls, but I quickly regain my composure.

“That’s a weird reaction to getting flowers, Fi,” Luke says as he snatches the card before I can stop him.

“WHAT THE FUCK!  He’s still doing this shit!  You moved!  When is he going to stop with the bullshit?” my brother says with a pissed off face, his empty hand balling into a fist.

I reach for his arm to comfort him.  “It’s fine, I’m not letting it get to me.  He’s just being an asshole trying to mess with my head.  No worries, I’m fine.”

I grab the card, give Luke a hug, remind him I’m working, and tell him we can talk later.  He hugs me back and heads out, obvious anger radiating off him.

I forgot Zane was even here until he reaches up and swipes a tear from my cheek that I didn’t even know was there.  “I’m not sure why I did that.  I’m sorry.  I don’t know what he said or who he is, but you deserve to be treated like the absolute queen you are.”

Zane gives me a quick hug and goes to walk out the door. I quickly yell “Wait I need your number?” He gives me a cocky smirk but before he can answer I say “Your jersey number I mean.” I need to stop letting him fluster me. “27” he says with a wink as he walks out the door leaving me to feel my feelings alone. He’s good with emotions, which is weird for a hockey player.  He does have a sister he’s close to, so I am sure that helps him to be better with emotions than the average college guy.  I start to cry again right as my phone dings with a bunch of group chat messages.

Luke: Fi got flowers with a shitty card from that asshole ex.  I will kill him.

Celisa: What did that asshole say?

Lucy: Yes, tell us!  I will stab him in the left nut for you, girl.

Fiona: The flowers are my favorite kind, but the card said, “Hope you are enjoying your new internship!  When you are done playing “independent” I will be here to pick up the pieces.  My heart is always yours, Fiona.  Stop playing games and get back here in my jersey where you belong.  See you in a few weeks at the game!  Love, Justin”

Lucy: What kind of delusion is he living in?

Celisa: We need to beat his ass.  We are all going to the game against GU with you!  I don’t want you alone.

Fiona: I’m fine, guys.  It’s empty threats.  He won’t talk to me in person.  I will see you at home!

Why did Luke even tell them?  I would have told them when I got home.  Wouldn’t I?  It’s not that I want to hide things from my best friends, but they worry too much.  I am fine.  I finally got the courage to leave Justin after three years and it was the best decision I have ever made.  He was verbally and emotionally abusive to me.  He tried to control my every move.  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about the upcoming game against GU. He will be there, and he expects me to be in his jersey.  I don’t think he will be dumb enough to confront me, though.  If I leave the arena after most of the team, that should put me in the clear.

I pull out my phone and send a text to Zane.  “Hey, it’s Fiona.  Can you meet me after tapes tomorrow to film some on ice footage?”

Now that I have handled that, I start to write up my content plans for the seniors.  I flip my phone to silent, turn on my playlist, and get started.

I look up when I hear laughter in the hall.  Checking my phone, I see it’s already 4:30 P.M.  I must have just zoned out and focused on working.  Needing to head home and eat something, I clean up my office and get ready to leave.  I throw the flowers away because I don’t want that reminder in my office.  It feels good, though, kind of freeing.  With a smile and my head held high, I go to the car.

Getting home, I shower and make some mac and cheese, my favorite comfort food.  No one is home yet, so it’s the perfect night to head to sleep early.  I clean the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge for the girls when they get home.  My bed looks so inviting.  I am exhausted.  I climb in and bundle up under my favorite fuzzy blanket.

My eyes snap open.  I am exhausted, why can’t I fall asleep?  When I close my eyes all I see is those amber eyes and that shaggy blonde hair.  Thoughts of Zane are flooding my head.  This time I’m dropping to my knees and taking his huge cock, choking, but I keep sucking, hungry for all of him.  In my thoughts, he grabs me and tosses me on my bed, saying he’s hungry, right as he slides me to the end of the bed.  With my legs hooked around his head, he licks my pussy and starts to rub my clit at the same time.  I cum on my fingers as I imagine it being Zane’s tongue.  I get up, clean myself up, then get bundled up in bed again.

What does it mean that I keep coming back to him when my thoughts are quiet?  What is it about him that keeps me wanting his touch?  Maybe it’s the thought that I know he’s off limits.  If he wasn’t an athlete I would have already fucked him out of my system.  I drift off to sleep, my brain still flooded with Zane Miller.

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