Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 20

Coming home from dinner, Fiona and I shower and head straight to bed.  It’s been a long day.  Thanksgiving is over so my parents will be heading back on the road soon.  I am glad they got to meet Fi, though.  We are spending Christmas with her family, which is exciting because I feel like meeting the parents is a big step.  After Fiona’s big confession, I feel a lot better about where we are at in our relationship.  I plan to ask her to officially move in around Christmas, even though she technically lives here as it is.  I want to do something special, but I need to talk to Lucy first.

Sunday after breakfast we head to Fiona’s to grab some more stuff just to help her have something for every occasion.  While we are there, I tell Lucy I need to talk to her and we make a plan to meet up on Wednesday afternoon.  Heading home, we unpack her stuff into the closet and I clear a few drawers for her.  Once she is unpacked, we lay on the couch and take a nap.

I wake up to her ass pressed perfectly against my groin.  She is in a t-shirt and a pair of cheeky panties so I can feel her warm skin on me.  I rub my hand up her thigh and lightly graze the hem of her shirt.  She shudders, pressing into me even more.

“Baby, wake up so I can fuck you properly and show you how strong my feelings are for you,” I whisper in her ear. “Go for it,” she says.

I slide my pants down just enough to get my dick out.  Pulling her underwear to the side, I feel she’s already wet.  I slide myself right into her, slow and steady, because she is especially tight at this spooning angle.  It is not long before we both orgasm.  I clean her up and let her fall back asleep while I order dinner.

Monday seems to drag on, but I did find time for coffee with Fi.  By the time I come home she has dinner cooked and is sitting on the couch watching some chick flick.  I am happy she didn’t go back to her place.  This is where I want her to be.  I like this domesticated lifestyle we have started.

Tuesday I sleep in while she heads to work.  I drop off a McDonald’s Coke to Fiona’s office while she’s in a meeting.  After practice I go meet the guys for a beer.  It’s our first night out since Celisa’s birthday.

“So I am in love with Fiona and I think I’m going to tell her soon,” I blurt out after our second round. “No shit!”  Luke says it like he’s known forever.

“We can all see that, dude.  You go from don’t-speak-to-me-grumpy to Target trips and braiding hair around her.  Plus when the guys joke around with her, you glare daggers at them,” Stuntz says. Well, that was easier than expected, because they already know.

We enjoy the rest of guys’ night and I head home to my girl.  At the apartment she is sleeping in bed peacefully.  I go shower, trying not to wake her up.  Climbing back in bed she stirs slightly, falling right back asleep.  I lay there thinking of my talk I am having with Lucy tomorrow.  Finally, sleep hits me.

I wake up to kisses making their way down my chest.  It’s like a dream.  I wake up fully when I feel lips around my cock.  After bobbing up and down a few times, Fiona looks at me and says, “Good morning, handsome.  Just starting your day off with a little loving.”

She proceeds to give me the best head, making me cum in record time.  Then she just jumps up and gets ready for work.  I lay there for a few minutes.  Fuck, I love this girl.  I need to wait to tell her, though.

I head to practice and then my early afternoon class.  I am so nervous meeting up with Lucy at the coffee shop on the medical side of campus that I am almost sweating.  I hope she likes my idea and doesn’t think I need to wait.

“Hey, Luc,” I say, taking a seat with my coffee at the table she’s at.

“What’s up, Zane?” she asks, looking intrigued by why I wanted to meet her.

I tell her my plan for Friday night.  I am going to have Fiona come home to a gift basket with a keychain, gift cards to a few home décor stores, a mug, and a candle.  It will be my official “Will you move in?” gift.  I also offer to help with her portion of the rent at their place, but I guess Lucy has a friend who is going to move in after she talks to Fiona.  I really want things to go smoothly, and I am hoping this is the way.

The rest of the week drags on after my coffee meeting with Lucy.  I am so excited, and I think Fiona can tell I am planning something.  I just want to wait until Friday when we are both home at a decent hour.  During the week our schedules at night can be crazy.

Friday after practice I spend the day at Home Goods, Hobby Lobby, and Target getting gift cards.  I find a cute mug and keychain in Target too.  I get this champagne toast candle at Bath and Body Works that I think she will love.  I arrange it all in a super cute basket I bought at one of the stores.  Then I head home to surprise her.

Fiona is on the couch when I get home.

“Hey, where have you been?  You left the rink before me.  I was getting worried,” she says, not accusing, but concerned.

“I was getting you a surprise.  Close your eyes,” I tell her, overflowing with excitement.

I put the basket on the coffee table and let her open her eyes.  She looks through everything and starts crying.

“Good tears or bad tears?” I ask, concerned.

“Good, definitely, good.  Yes, I will officially move in!  I just need to talk to the girls,” she says.

“I already talked to Lucy before I asked you, just to be sure they would be okay.  But she is expecting your call, I’m sure,” I say, giving her a kiss.

“You talked to Lucy first?  That is so thoughtful of you,” she says, pulling me in for a hug.

We have chicken alfredo for dinner before we head to bed.  Another home game means we have a busy day ahead of us.  Tomorrow’s team is physically abrasive; they spend a lot of time in the penalty box.  So we know heading into the game we need to be physically ready.

Saturday Fiona leaves before I am even awake.  We have a later rink time due to Coach knowing this game is going to be a bloodbath.  Once I arrive at the arena I see Fiona and smile.  She’s in her usual game day attire with my number on her cheek, her hair in a cute bun, leggings, and Converse with my jersey.  Before I can say anything, she’s tossing a handful of Airheads at me, making me scatter to try and catch them.  I am sure the footage of that is hilarious but I hope she’s ready for retaliation.  Smirking, I walk off to the locker room.

Heading on to the ice Luke, Stuntz, Davis, and I skate over to where Fiona is sitting.  She looks confused as the four of us come to a stop in front of her.  I press my glove to the glass and then when she gets close to put her hand against it, all four of us toss a handful of Airheads at her.  I wink and we all skate away for warmups.

The game starts off rough, but not too bad during the first period.  The second period, though, the other team is getting more and more aggressive.  The minute one of their players checks our goalie it’s fucking on!  The unwritten rule in hockey is the goalie is always off limits.

Racing down the rink, I shoulder check their player into the boards.  Ripping my gloves off, a full fight begins.  Helmets are flying until the linesmen break the fight up.  I realize quickly that Stuntz and Luke also got involved with players from the other team.  Three of us on each side are in the penalty box right now.  It was worth it though; I find Fi, giving her the nod.  By the time we are done in the box the second period is finishing up.

Third period immediately starts off violent.  There is instant checking into the boards from their team.  O’Brien, our left defenseman, is in the box for fighting with one of their players.  There are seven minutes left in the final period when I get checked from the side.  I hit the boards hard, and before I even realize it, the player sends me and my helmet flying backwards.  My head hits the ice.  I can’t move, it hurts so bad.  I hear the team doctor talking to me, but it all seems muffled.  I am conscious so I know that’s a good sign.

I hear Luke next to me saying he’s going to let Fiona know to go to the trainer’s room.  My head is killing me as I stand up to get off the ice.  I can feel the throbbing in my brain.  I look down and see the blood.  The trainers tell me to sit back down but I stay standing.  Making my way off the ice, I head right to the trainer’s room.  I don’t care about the policy of not walking, I keep going.  I just want to see Fi and let her know I am ok.

“Yeah, he is up and they are getting him off the ice.  Luke told me to head to the trainer area.  I will call you when I talk to him.  Bye, Pen,” Fiona says as she sees me walking up.

She’s crying and her face is puffy.

“You are okay!  I was so scared, Zane,” she tells me as I hug her tight.

Before I can answer, the trainers are shuffling us into the room.  Checking over my head, they recommend a trip to the ER for stitches and a concussion check.  After trying to argue my way out of it, Fiona speaks up.

“I will take him straight there.”

In her car heading to the ER, we make a few calls to my parents and Penny, who apparently called Fiona to see how I was doing.  They were watching on TV and it cut off with the trainer out there and me not moving.  Not ideal when it’s your family watching.

The ER was not too bad.  They got me back quickly because the athletic director called ahead about what happened.  I am waiting on my scan results, but the doctor does come give me four staples in the back of head.  Fiona holds my hand the whole time.  Three hours later we are out the door, going home concussion-free and all stapled up.  Concussions can be career ending, so that was my biggest worry with this fight.  I text Coach the news on our drive home.

Getting home, I go to shower and get ready for bed while Fiona runs back out to pick up my medications.  I am exhausted and my head hurts so bad, but I am lucky this game is over and we ended with a win.  I would have been pissed if I got hurt and we lost.  Poor Fiona was terrified today.  I hated seeing her like that.  I can’t imagine how she felt seeing me on the ice, unmoving.  I drift off to sleep at some point while I am waiting for Fiona to return.

It’s noon on Sunday when I wake up and I can hear voices.  Coming out of the room I see Fiona, Penny, Luke, and Stuntz.  They all came to see how I am feeling and brought over stuff.  Penny brought the chicken and rice casserole I love.  And the guys brought coffee and muffins.

We hang out for a few hours before everyone heads out.  It was nice seeing them and I am grateful for them checking in, but damn my head hurts.  Fiona goes to the kitchen to take care of heating up dinner.  When she comes back to the couch, I pull her into my lap.

Holding her against me, I whisper in her ear, “You are so special to me, Fiona.  I am so lucky to have you here.”

She smiles before saying, “I was so scared!  You lying there was terrifying; there was a lot of blood, and the lineman was struggling to get him off you.”

Kissing her cheek, I tell her, “They went for the goalie, Fi, you know that is enough to clear the bench for a brawl.  I couldn’t let them get away with it.  But I am sorry with how far it was taken.  I don’t even know how my helmet came off.”

We talk more about the fight and how it’s going viral right now.  Everyone loves seeing the team defending the goalie.

Dinner was good; Penny makes a great casserole.  We watch a movie and then head to bed.  I have no practice tomorrow, but I must report to the rink to talk to Coach and the trainers.  Then I still have to go to tape.  Finals are in two weeks, Christmas is in three weeks, with two games coming up – one home and one away.  We lucked out this season with no game Christmas week.

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