Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 16

That interview has my phone blowing up!  My parents texted, wanting to meet Fiona and Penny texted, asking about our plans this week.  She wants to do dinner.  Fiona texts, but doesn’t mention the interview, and lots of puck bunnies and are using it as a challenge to try and get me. The DMs on Instagram are annoying, but what really kills me is the text from Lucy, who never texts me.  It’s a video link.

Fiona told that girl off.  The blonde girl, Nicole, was a one-night stand last year and she always hangs on me.  I don’t like her, and I push her off more often than I should ever need to.  I was proud of Fi for defending herself, but laughed at the way she used Penny and the key to my apartment to show she was worthy.  I just claimed her on national television, and she uses the key as her point, instead of using the interview to her advantage.  I close the video, chuckling, and get in my Jeep to head home.

Fiona is fast asleep in bed when I get home, snuggled under the covers.  Stripping out of my clothes, I crawl into bed with just my boxers on.  I am exhausted so I just lean over and kiss her, so she knows I am home.  She murmurs something I think is English before falling back asleep.  I lay in bed for no more than ten minutes before I succumb to the dreams calling my name.

I wake up to the smell of bacon.  I reach over for Fiona, but she’s gone.  My awake brain decides she is the cause of the bacon smell.  Throwing on some shorts, I head to the kitchen.

“Good morning, handsome.  I made breakfast and coffee.”  She hands me a cup of fresh coffee.  This is nice, I could get used to this.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” I ask her.

“The interview,” she says, then goes back to finish cooking.

We have a relaxing morning together watching a movie after breakfast.  We discuss the party tonight, since Halloween falls on a Sunday.  I love the idea that Fiona came up with, plus it’s easy and comfortable for me, so I am all about it.

“Hey, I am going to head home and get ready for the party.  Will I meet you there?”

I kiss her softly.  “Yes, babe, I will meet you there.  We have early practice, so the guys better not get too crazy.”

She grabs her bag and hugs me before she heads out the door.

I spend the rest of the day studying and I also fit in a three-hour nap before I get ready.  My costume is easy.  I am wearing khaki pants, a Tampa Thunder jersey, and my Thunder hat, backwards.  I get the ease of being a traditional hockey player.  I can’t wait to see Fiona’s part of the costume.  I eat a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich before I head out the door.

Arriving on frat row, I immediately regret agreeing to come to this party.  The parties here are always outrageous and it’s not really my scene.  I am more of a drink-at-the-bar kind of partier.  I find some parking a few houses down, then begin weeding through all the people already drunk on the sidewalk.   College really is a wild time.

I quickly find a few teammates and grab a beer from the keg in the backyard.  Girls are swarming around us, puck bunnies and cleat chasers alike.  I move to the edge of our group, feeling uncomfortable and not wanting to upset Fiona when she gets here.  She texted saying she was on her way soon.

“Zane! Yo, is that your girl?  She looks smoking hot tonight!  She can be my trophy anytime,” one of the younger guys on the team says, and I send daggers from my eyes at him, making a noise that’s almost a growl.

He chuckles lightly, backing up.  “I’m joking, I’m joking.”

He is not wrong, though, Fiona dressed to the nines tonight.  She was really excited to do this couples costume, so I was happy to participate.  She has her hair in the classic loose curl she does with a silver headband.  She is in silver high heels that wrap silver rope up to her midcalf.  She’s wearing a short, tight silver dress, and she has a sticker on it saying, “Stanley Cup”.  But my absolute favorite part is the 27 on her cheek.

“You look amazing, sunshine!”  I wrap her in my arms, giving her a big kiss.

“Thanks.  I was really nervous about the dress, but I am glad you like it,” she says, leaning into my embrace.  I lead her to the kitchen to get a drink.  The guys start pouring shots and I already know it’s going to be a long night.

After a few hours of mingling and dancing with my girl, I finally hear Fiona say, “I am exhausted, can you give me a ride home?”

We start to make our rounds, saying goodbye, and making sure Lucy and Celisa don’t need a ride home.  Once we are sure everyone is safe and good to go, we head out.  The ride is short with her not living far off campus.  I walk her to her door, she unlocks it, stepping inside and waiting on me to follow.  I don’t miss my chance.  I follow her and shut the door, locking it before heading to her room.

When I step into her bedroom, she is standing there, naked.  My heart starts pounding while I take off my shirt and start unbuttoning my pants.  I watch her as she climbs on the bed and spreads her legs.  As I slide my pants down, I can see the glisten of wetness between her legs.  She is ready for me, and I am so hard I don’t think my brain has any blood left in it.  I ditch my boxers right as she slides her hand between her legs and begins to rub small circles around her clit.  I stand there staring and she starts to moan.  My hand makes its way to start stroking myself as I watch her.  She slides two fingers in, still rubbing her clit and I can feel myself getting closer to climax.  All it takes is Fiona orgasming with my name on her lips, and she moans for me to follow directly behind her.  I grab a towel from the bathroom and use it to clean us up.

“What do you want, baby girl?  You tell me what you want me to do,” I whisper in her ear as I climb on the bed.  I hover over her, giving her light kisses on her neck, barely pressing my body to hers, waiting on an answer.  I am slowly growing harder, and I am sure she notices.  She turns her head, kissing me rough.

“I need you to fuck me, babe.  Seeing those girls crowding your table made me feel jealous.  All I wanted was to shove you against the wall and kiss you until they realized the only person you were getting inside was me.”

She reaches down, guiding me into her tight, wet pussy.  Taking her words to heart, I lift us both up and pin her against the wall.  I thrust harder and faster with every scratch she places on my back and each moan that she makes in my ear.  I bang every jealous or insecure thought out of her head.  I make sure to claim her as mine with each orgasm she has.

It feels like hours before we have exhausted ourselves and we both know we need to go to sleep.  With an early morning practice, I tuck Fi into bed and lay a kiss on her forehead before I leave.  I am pretty sure she’s asleep before I am out the door.  Celisa is in the kitchen when I walk out.

“Hey, have a good night.  Can you lock up behind me?” I ask.

“Yes, I will.  Thanks for making her happy, Zane.  I was jealous at first.  I always crushed on you, but you and Fi – it just makes sense,” Celisa admits.

I walk out the door with a smile.  Hearing someone think we are good for each other always brings me joy.  I go home and try to get some sleep before our 7 A.M. practice.

Practice is miserable.  Most of the guys are hungover and Coach is making sure we take the punishment as a team.  Mondays usually suck, but this one sucks the most.  I am glad I didn’t get drunk last night because I would hate to be the guy puking in the trash can by the penalty box.  My freshman and sophomore years – that was me, when I partied the most, but I am glad that phase is gone.

I head up to see Fiona before I go to tape review.  She is on the phone, so I wait on her couch that’s against the wall.  When she gets off the call, she looks annoyed, but she comes and sits with me.

“Celisa wants to go out to frat row tomorrow night for her birthday.  I don’t want to go, especially since it’s no boyfriends allowed.”  She rolls her eyes.

“It’s okay babe, don’t worry about me.  Go have a good time with your sister and cousin.  Call me if you need me,” I tell her.

I kiss her to reassure her that I don’t mind, and I trust her.  We talk a little more before I head to tape and she hurries to a meeting with Marissa.

The rest of the day flies by without event.  I go to class, then go back to the rink so I can get a workout in.  Coach says he is going to implement mandatory ‘dryland’ practices.  Dryland sucks because it’s drills and workouts on the turf.  It’s usually hot and lasts forever.  If the guys on the team would take gym time seriously, this wouldn’t be an issue.  I decide not to let it bother me, though.  I finish my workout, then head home to study and get some sleep.

Waking up on Tuesday, I decide to maybe see if Luke and Stuntz want to go to the bar tonight.  They both text back, agreeing to meet at Slapshots around 7 P.M.  With that plan in place, I go about my usual daily agenda: practice, class, gym, studying.  I do get to squeeze in a quick lunch with Fiona between her meetings, and my class and practice.  Looking forward to guy time, I head home to get ready.

Since it’s just the guys, I wear a shirt, jeans, and my hat backwards, per usual.  After about two hours of drinking and eating random bar food, we are about to head home until Luke’s phone buzzes.

“Hey, guys, I have to go help Lucy.  Stuntz, are you cool with dropping me off on frat row on the way home?” Luke asks, looking stressed.

Stuntz nods.  I think he wants to see Lucy, but that’s just my speculation.

“What is going on?  Is Fiona ok?” I ask him, worried.

“It’s fine.  She is fine.  I will have her call you.”  He doesn’t make eye contact and starts to walk out the door.

“Fuck that, Luke, tell me what is going on!  I am going to head there now anyways, so you might as well tell me!” I almost yell at him.

“Fine.  Lucy thinks that blonde puck bunny put something in Fiona’s cup.  Do not go in there Hulk-raging, dude.  It will only make it worse.  That’s why Lucy called me.  She wanted to get Fi out without a lot of attention.”  He looks really upset and I am shaking at this point.

I take off to my Jeep and I am about to pull out when Luke hops in the passenger side.

“Let’s go together. Z-man, I know you are worried, but you need to keep your head clear.  She is my sister, so I understand the worry, but we need to be calm.”  He slaps my shoulder lightly as a sign of support.

I see Lucy when we arrive .

“Where is Fiona?  Why are you not with her?” I yell at her.

“Do not yell at me, Zane!  This is why I didn’t call you.  You need to calm down.  Celisa is with her, keeping her dancing and moving.  She doesn’t want to leave, but she is slurring and her eyes are dilated.  It’s getting worse so I want to get her out of here without causing a scene.  It can ruin her career,” she adds, as she glares at me.

“Let me go in and get her.  I will stay calm and she should leave with me easily,” I plead.

“Fine, but we are coming too,” Luke says, and with that we all head inside.

Inside, the party is in full swing with drunk people dancing and making out everywhere.  I spot Lucy with Celisa.  There’s a group of guys standing way too close for comfort.  I hear one tell Celisa that he can take Fiona off her hands for the night.  I am about to shove my fist into his face when I feel Lucy touch my chest with her hand, warning me to stay calm.  Luke looks like he is about to commit murder at this point.

Fiona sees me walking up.  “Z, you made it!  Come dance with us!” she tries to say, but it’s all slurred.  She tries to move to me, but she trips and kind of just falls into me.

“Let’s go home, babe.”  I try and guide her out.

“No, I want to dance!”  She backs away from me.

“Sunshine, we can dance at home and we can even get a McDonald’s Coke on the way,” I plead.

“One dance, Zane, please.”

Funny, coming from a girl who can’t even hold her own weight up.

“Ok,” I tell her, taking her into my arms.

Slowly, I sway with her while I hold her entire body weight up.  With each sway I take a step back, getting us closer to the doors.  She is also getting more and more messed up.  She can’t keep her eyes open and is limp in my arms.  I use that moment to pick her up, wrapping her around me so it looks like a sexy moment instead of me taking my drugged girlfriend home.

I put Fiona in my Jeep and turn to talk to Lucy.  “Should we go to the hospital?”

She thinks for a second.  “Honestly, I think it’s too late to pump her stomach.  She just needs to get hydrated and ride this out.”

I tell her I am going to take her to my place and that I will make sure she is hydrated.  I ask Luke to tell Coach I had an emergency, so I will be missing practice tomorrow.  On the way home, I stop for Gatorade, Pedialyte, Powerade… any hydration drink I can find.  I settle down for what I know is going to be a very long night.

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