Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 14

Boarding the plane for the away game while Fiona is being so weird is not an ideal situation.  All week she’s been distant with me since we talked about the draft.  I’m not sure if she’s upset about the draft, because we both know there’s a high chance of me being drafted and there’s a chance I’m leaving to whatever city I’m drafted to, or if she feels like it’s a Justin situation where she will have to follow me where my career takes me.  I don’t mention her coming with me when we talk, because I really don’t want to come off like I am putting my career first.  Her dream is to work for the Thunder, and I don’t want to interrupt that.  All I can hope is that we can put this behind us and start to figure things out.

I have played terribly all week because I’ve been unfocused, but as Stuntz reminded me, I can’t let anyone affect my game or I won’t have a career to worry about.  This feels eerily similar to when Holly and I would fight before away games, but I know the draft would be an issue regardless of where this game was happening.  I really like Fiona; I don’t want to lose her over something that’s not even an issue yet.

While on the plane I listen to music, hoping to clear my head.  Every player is different when traveling.  Some like to talk and play cards, others listen to music, while others scroll social media mindlessly if we are on the bus and have service.  The game is midafternoon tomorrow, which is nice because we will be able to get home by like 2 A.M.  I left a key under my mat for Fiona.  I’m going to text her after the flight to tell her; I hope she uses it.

Even Penny doesn’t have a key to my place because I like to keep my space private.  For some reason though, I wanted Fi to have a way to come over if I’m away.  I selfishly want to be able to come home after away games to her in my bed.  I know it’s too early, but I am starting to think I am falling in love with her.  Is it too early?  My parents fell in love fast, so maybe it’s possible I am in love with her.  But Fiona – she’s not the type of girl to just fall in love at the drop of a hat.  I will just keep working on winning her over.  Starting with us going out on another date.  Or maybe meeting each other’s parents, or becoming Instagram official…  just something to help keep us moving forward.

When we land and I have service, my phone is blowing up.  I immediately text the family group chat to let them know I landed, and I am safe.  But before I even have time to check my Instagram notifications, three different people come up and congratulate me. Even Coach looks at me and gives me an approving head nod as I get off the plane and onto the team bus.  As soon as I am seated, I pull up my Instagram, needing to know what everyone is talking about.  When I see the post causing this commotion, my heart almost explodes with happiness.

I’m tagged in a post from Fiona.  She just publicly confirmed our relationship with a few photos of us over the past month.  My favorite one is her being in my number.  It brings a huge ear-to-ear smile to my face, seeing the caption.  I decide to make my own post since I don’t want to call her while we are on the bus.  I post my favorite pictures of us and let her know I need her in my number.

When I get to the hotel, we talk on the phone a little before she falls asleep.  She texts me to hurry home because she wants to apologize in person.  The fact she wants to do it face-to-face shows she really is a good person; she was just struggling with how to handle the situation.  We exchange texts in the morning before the game.

We end up having one of our best games and shut out the home team!  Not a single goal got in and I had two assists.  Luke scored a few times, but the MVP was Stuntz.  He ended the game with a hat trick – three goals in one game!  We shower and head to the airport, finally going home. Before the plane takes off I send a message to Fi, letting her know I hid a key for her under the doormat and that I would love to see her when I get back.  I hope it doesn’t come off as demanding but I really want to come home to my girl.  Especially not seeing her much all week and with the tension we have been having, it would make everything better to be with her.

I spend the entire plane ride and drive back to my place obsessing about whether or not she will be at my place.  I consider calling her, but if she’s at home asleep I don’t want to wake her.  Even if she’s at my place, I don’t need to wake her up.  Just crawling into bed with her there will be enough for me.  I am exhausted but on edge as I walk up to my apartment.

When I get inside, I see the key on the counter by a set of car keys.  She came!  Suddenly I am full of excitement.  I’m going to get in bed and crash, but in the morning, I’m going to worship her body.  At least that was the plan until I walk in the room and see her.

She is lying there in my jersey, the blanket kicked off her.  Her long waves of hair are splayed across the pillow and her perfect lips are in a kissable pout.  I walk over and plant a kiss on her cheek.  Fiona stirs slightly, murmuring, “Hi, babe, I missed you,” and she gives me a sleepy smile with her eyes closed.

“I missed you too, sunshine,” I tell her while I rub my hand lightly on her thigh.  I drag my hand dangerously high and freeze when I realize there is no band from her underwear.  This girl is going to be the death of me.  She is in my jersey with not a single thing on underneath. “You found my surprise I have for you,” she murmurs and subtly lifts her ass into my hand.

“Fi, you have to stop, or we won’t be going to sleep anytime soon,” I say, as I move to keep rubbing her leg, letting my fingertips lightly graze her inner thighs. She moans lightly and spreads her legs.

“Baby, I need you to actually look at me and tell me yes.  I need to be sure you are okay with this.  I don’t want to take advantage of your sleepy state,” I say, taking my shirt off.  She sits up and reaches for my sweats, pulling them and my boxers down in one swift motion.

“Is this enough of a yes for you, babe?” she asks.  Before I can respond, her mouth is on me.  She is wasting no time, sucking me hard and fast, stopping to flick her tongue across the tip and licking up the precum I am releasing.  With my hand wrapped in her hair, her eyes moist from choking on my cock, and the subtle drag of her teeth, I am climaxing with her name on my lips.

“Such a good girl swallowing every drop,” I say, and with that I grab her hand, taking her to the bathroom. I bend her over the vanity and when I reach down, I confirm what I already suspected: she’s soaking wet. “Is that because of me, baby?”

She nods her head.

I line up and bury myself inside her.  Seeing her in my jersey is doing things to me I didn’t know it would.  I feel protective and possessive.  Like I want to own every piece of her and protect her from all the bad in the world.  When she looks into the mirror and makes eye contact with me, I gently pull her hair, tilting her head back.  “Keep looking at me, baby.  I’m about to cum and I want you to follow me.”

I let go, giving her ass a smack.  I can feel her getting more tense, so I start going harder and faster.

“Now, Fiona… FUCK, SUNSHINE!” I almost yell as we make eye contact, climaxing together.

I set her up on the counter and do something I have never done.  I begin to feast on her before she gets cleaned up.  I am licking both of our messes out of her tight, wet pussy.  It should be gross, but something about it turns me on, cleaning my girl up with my mouth.  I suck her clit and alternate flicking my tongue over it and up and down her slit.  She grabs my hair and orgasms all over my tongue.  I grab a washcloth, cleaning her up.  Then I carry her to bed.  I take off the jersey. “I can keep you warm tonight,” I wink.  Climbing into the other side of the bed also naked, we drift off to sleep, exhausted from our strenuous bedroom activities.

Waking up on my side, with Fiona’s ass pressed into my groin, I can feel myself growing harder by the minute.  I start trailing kisses down her neck and up around her ear.  She stirs, grinding herself against me.  The arm that’s currently around her is the one I use to start lightly palming her tits one at a time, giving her nipples a little love as I alternate between the two.  Moaning, she pushes back harder and then leans forward a bit.  Just enough so that my cock was able to move between her thighs.  She is wet when I start thrusting forward slightly.

“Z, I need you,” she moans, and that’s all I need to adjust slightly and guide myself into her. I’m not going to last long.  I can already tell because this angle makes her extra tight.  I reach down and start rubbing her clit.  I want to be sure we both are satisfied.  We climax pretty quickly, but this felt different than last night.  This felt emotional and intimate.

“That was amazing, Z,” she says as cuddles into me. “Let’s go shower, babe, and then we can start our day.”

I take her hand, leading her to the shower.  I take the soap and help wash her body, spending extra time where I know she’s sore.  She doesn’t wash her hair – something about my shampoo sucking – but she does put in a little bit of conditioner.  When we get out, she grabs clothes from the bag she packed and I brush her hair and throw it in a loose braid for her.  I put on some basketball shorts and a shirt and have my Tampa Thunder hat on backward.

As I make coffee, Fiona explains her feelings this past week.  The way she felt torn between wanting me to mention her following me to wherever I get drafted, and not wanting me to.  She makes it clear that no matter what she wants to make this work.  I decide to invite her to my family’s house for Thanksgiving.  Then she invited me to her parents for Christmas.  I feel like we are making progress.

We move to our usual Sunday activities; she’s editing and I’m studying.  I like the routine we have together.

“Hey, Z, can I ask you something?”  She gives me a sheepish smile.

“What’s up, babe?” I turn, intrigued.

“Do you think since we are like, officially together, that you would maybe, possibly want to do a matching Halloween costume?”

She looks down.

“Yeah, babe, that sounds cool.  Why are you so nervous to ask?” I smile at her reassuringly.

“Justin never wanted to and he yelled at me for asking once.  I know you aren’t him, but I just still get nervous sometimes.”

We have two weeks until Halloween, two away games to get through.  I know we will be ok as long as neither of us lets our pasts get to us.  Communication isn’t always our strong suit, especially with our emotions, but here is to hoping we can get through it.

“I am sorry he was such a shithead.  If you want matching costumes, let’s do it.  I want you to be happy, babe. If I ever make you uncomfortable with how I talk to you then you need to tell me so I can fix it, please,” I tell her.

We spend the rest of Sunday together watching some rom-com she found on one of my streaming services.  I learned she loves popcorn but only with lots of butter.  She also talks the entire movie and usually I find that annoying, but with her, I just found it endearing. After the movie she starts to gather her things, leaving the key on the counter.

“The key is for you, Fi.  I like you being able to come over even if I’m not home, especially on away game nights,” I tell her. She adds the key to her keyring.  We have a long goodbye with lots of making out, just the way I like it.  As she walks down the hall I holler out, “You can bring stuff here if you want.  Some clothes, or even just the hair stuff you like for when you sleep over.  No pressure, I just want you comfortable.”

I don’t realize how tired I feel because the day flew by with us just relaxing and spending time together.  I go lay down for bed and start thinking about if I was possibly rushing things.  I don’t want her to feel pressured.  It’s not like I am asking her to move in.  I just want her to be able to wash her hair if she wants.  Or use the brush she likes.  Maybe she wants to sleep here on a weeknight so she could have an extra set of clothes.  I’m not sure what I want, except for us to be together whenever we get the chance.  This weekend she’s going to watch the away game at Slapshots with the girls.  I’m hopeful that she will end up back here so I can see her when our flight lands.

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