Need Your Number: Tampa Thunder Series

Need Your Number: Chapter 10

I have been so busy since the game Saturday, I haven’t gotten to see Fiona.  Tonight’s our date.  I’m taking her to Sparkman Wharf, a container park on the water.  They have tons of food and dessert options along with live music.  It seems like the kind of place Fiona would enjoy, much more than a fancy restaurant.

Fiona texted me earlier saying she was running late to work due to a hair straightener malfunction.  I’m not sure what that means.  I swing by Roasters Coffee Shop and grab her favorite coffee.

When I get to her office, I can hear her shuffling around paperwork of some sort.

“Knock, knock.  Coffee delivery,” I say as I walk in and hand her the drink.

“You are a lifesaver!  I was in a rush; I look a mess and I forgot to charge my laptop.”

I scan over her outfit.  Jeans with a cute Penguins shirt and her yellow Converse.  Her hair is up in a bun.

“You look great, babe; I have a few minutes.  Do you want to talk about what is causing you to be so stressed?” I grab her hand, giving it a small kiss.

“Honestly?”  She looks up, blushing.  I give her a reassuring smile and nod for her to continue.

“I’m not sure where we stand; I know we have both been busy the past two days.  But I have just been letting my mind go crazy with ideas that you aren’t that busy and you were out with other people because we never talked about exclusivity.”

I tried to stifle my chuckle.  “Babe, I know you have some issues with trusting but I wasn’t partying before we got together so I’m definitely not partying now.  Plus, after giving you my jersey to wear in front of everyone I thought you knew – you’re the only girl for me.  You are my girlfriend, my girl.  My everything.”

With that, I can see her visibly relax as she gives me her classic jumping hug.  It’s becoming our thing.

I nuzzle my head into her neck and tell her, “Post us online, tell your family, shout it from the rooftops… do whatever you want to do, I’m all yours!  I have to go.  I will see you for our date.”

I set her down and give her a kiss.  As I walk away she slips something in my pocket.  When I’m in the hall I look and see that it’s an Airhead with my number written on it with a heart around it.

As I walk downstairs, I check my phone and decide to help her see it’s just her.  I think they call it a soft launch or something.  Penny told me about it.  It’s where you post something about your significant other on social media/Insta, but you don’t post who they are.  I know the perfect post to make.   I shoot a picture while I’m stepping onto the ice of me holding up an Airhead towards Fiona’s office.

Zane: Check Instagram, sunshine

Fiona: Oh my, did you soft launch us?  I love it!

Zane: See you tonight!

Before I can put my phone away, I get a text from Penny.

Penny: Why is there a photo of you holding an Airhead with your number inside a heart on your Instagram?  It looks like you are holding it up while you are on the ice at practice.  Am I missing something?

Zane: You are the one who taught me about soft launching, asshole.  I’m trying to make my girlfriend comfortable knowing she’s the only one on my mind.  You know how puck bunnies can be.

Penny: Clever, brother, hope I get to see Fiona soon!

Zane: I knew you saw the jersey switch at the game.  I was waiting for your text.

Penny: Well, brother, you did a good job.  Is that Fiona’s office in the picture?  If so, you KILLED the soft launch.

Zane: It is. Talk soon!  I must get on the ice.

In the middle of practice, Luke skates over.  “Let’s shoot some pucks after we’re done here so we can talk before this date you have tonight.”

I give him a nod right as Coach yells my name.  I am still in trouble for the five-minute major penalty I got on Saturday, even though I explained how justified it was.  Coach likes to keep our penalties low though, so he’s still punishing me, just less intensely as he usually would.

Practice seems to drag as I think about Fiona and our date tonight.  I just want her to be comfortable and happy.  I look up at her office periodically, knowing I can’t see in, but I hope in those moments she’s looking down at the ice.  I also spend a little bit of practice thinking about my upcoming exams and what I need to work on to prepare.  Our next two games are pretty cake teams.  As long as we stay focused, they should be easy wins.  Then we move to a stretch of three away games.  Being away from my girl is going to suck.

This season is it for me.  We need to win that championship to put me and Luke in a good place for the draft.  With any luck we will both get drafted to the same place.  I also hope it’s close to Tampa, since this is where my girl is.  I wonder if she would be willing to move with me and work for whatever team I go to?  I won’t ask that of her, though.  I know how badly she wants to work for the Thunder.  We will make the distance work until I can get traded back down here if I don’t get drafted by Tampa.  My thoughts are stuck on what is going to happen with the draft when Coach blows his whistle to tell us practice is over.  I go to the locker room to take my gear off before I go skate with Luke.

My Insta is blowing up with notifications and tags asking who the mystery girl is and how long we have been dating.  Some puck bunnies even comment they don’t mind sharing.  I almost throw up reading that.  I’m about to respond when I see a certain ray of sunshine upload a new post.  I’m so glad I turned on notifications for her.

It’s a picture of her holding up her coffee cup towards her windows, looking over the rink while we are practicing.  The caption says, Thanks, babe with a yellow heart emoji.

I quickly like it, then head out to meet Luke.

I’m smiling like an idiot by the time I hit the ice.  Luke has his phone in his hand when he looks up at me. “The two of you make me sick with your posts.”

I can’t help but laugh.  Luke joins me in laughter and the tension seems to melt away.  He stops in front of me and I can just feel the brother’s lecture coming.  I have given it to guys for Penny before.

“You are my best friend, so I know you deserve someone good.  I want that for you.  But she’s my sister; she has to be my concern.  I hope that you guys can be happy together and help each other dominate the hockey world.  I know that you will protect her, but I hope you also protect yourself.  She’s been through shit with Justin, and I don’t want to see her heartbroken again.  I can’t handle seeing the shell of a person she becomes with heartbreak.  But I also don’t want her issues with trust – and with athletes, especially – break you.  I don’t want her to break your spirit, like your ex did.  You are both grown adults, so I support you both, but please be careful with her heart.”

“I will do my best to keep her happy and spirit intact.  I love you, brother.”  I pull him into a bro hug.  A few taps on the back later, we separate.

“Okay, let’s hit some pucks.  We have a championship to win this year!”  And like nothing ever happened, we are back to joking and skating while performing different stick drills.  We practice for about an hour before I excuse myself to go study and get ready for our date.

I get home, shower, and make myself a snack.  I am really grateful to get an apartment so close to the rink and campus, as a student.  A lot of the players live in the athlete dorms but I decided on the apartment so I could have my own space.

I get my books out and start to study.  My classes are pretty simple this semester, but I still want to be sure I am doing well in them.

About an hour into my study session, my mom calls.  “Hey bug, how are you?  Are you eating well?  How are your grades?”

I roll my eyes, knowing where she’s going with this, but I decide to play along.  “I’m good, nothing new over here.  I’m staying fed and my grades are good.  It’s an easy semester for me.”  I close my book.

“Oh, nothing new?  I was just on Instagram and saw a post. Then when I called your sister, she said I have to ask you.  So, son, tell me about her.”

I chuckle, knowing her call wasn’t a plain check-in call.  I proceed to tell my mom all about Fiona.  The beach cleanup, surfing, parts of the jersey issue, etc.

“Well, I love her TikToks of you, and taking her surfing means she is special to you.  I can’t wait to meet her.  Just be careful.  Holly really hurt you and I don’t want to see that happen again!”

I grimace at the sound of my ex’s name.  “When are you guys coming to Tampa?”  We continue our conversation for another thirty minutes, discussing their travels.  I love that they are retired and travel together.  They deserve it.

After we hang up it’s time for me to start getting ready anyways.  I organize my books and get my kitchen cleaned up.  Just in case Fiona and I come back here, I want to be sure the apartment is clean.

I go to my closet to find something to wear.  I decide on off-white shorts with a light blue button-up with the sleeves rolled.  I style my hair gelled back slightly so it’s still shaggy but out of my face.  I don’t shave, so I have some stubble.  I put on my white Vans and get ready to pick up Fiona.

I drive to her apartment, which is also just off campus, and not far from me.  While I drive, I decide to stop quickly at the flower van that’s set up a few blocks away in a trendy area of Tampa called Hyde Park.  I make her a bouquet of daisies and baby’s breath.  Simple but beautiful, just like my girl.  I went back and forth about whether I should do flowers or not, but just because her jackass ex sent her threatening flowers doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve “just because you are beautiful” flowers.

Getting to Fiona’s, my heart pounds while I knock on her door.

Lucy answers.  “Come in, she will be out in a second.  Nice flowers!  Also, loved your post earlier!”

She winks and walks over to the kitchen bar.  We have a few minutes of small talk but nothing awkward because Lucy and I have always gotten along.  We used to see each other all the time with Luke before her nursing school schedule took over her life.  They say the hockey schedule is hard, but nursing students have it rough.  We both look up when we hear footsteps down the hall.

“You look amazing, sunshine, like everyone is going to be jealous I get to take you out,” I say, pulling her into a kiss.

Her hair is straight and hanging down her back, hitting just below where her bra would be, with minimal, simple makeup.  She’s wearing a white sundress with a cut out in the back to make it look like there’s a bow.  Finishing her outfit is her yellow Converse, and I absolutely love it.  Unlike other girls, she wears what she loves, which gives her this confidence that’s almost empowering.

“So, lovebirds, where are you headed?” Lucy asks, sipping on her wine.

“I’m taking her to Sparkman Wharf.  I figured the food truck style dinner and dessert, and the live music would be a simple and fun, no-pressure kind of night out we both need.”

Fiona smiles.  “I love that idea.  This is going to be super fun; I have been wanting to go there since I moved back!”

Fiona runs to grab her purse when Lucy stares me down.  “I know Luke did this already, but you have both been hurt.  Be careful, but not too careful.  I hope you are each other’s soulmates ‘cause I couldn’t imagine anyone better for either of you.”

I nod at her right as Fi walks out.

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