Nectar of War: The Song of Verity and Serenity (The Nectar of War Series Book 1)

Nectar of War: Part 5 – Chapter 77




Side by side, the seamstress has placed our attire for the gala on figures built exactly of mine and Maivena’s shape. The figures sit in the middle of the Throne Room on stands and as the sunsets, the light catches the tiny dark blue jewels in Maivena’s gown projecting blue light over the walls.

Her dress was built for a High Queen as my topcoat was built for a High King. Near the figures sit our crowns that I have had remade. We will wear nothing that once belonged to Lorsius, only our own.

“Your arrival together will cause great commotion among all, not in just the Realm of Wolves.” Stravan says from beside Maivena and I. “You will be seen by all the Leaders of every nation attending this gala. The new history of Vaigon and its beginning has made it impossible for other realms to side with you in any occurrences where you need aid.”

Lorsius was known as the High King who was a treasonist. One moment, he was fighting for placement in House Valendexi while being the brother to the Duke of Gordanta, my father. He signed an oath to them, he promised loyalty, and then, over time, after securing his placement in the House, he turned on them, and used all he knew to receive their land and rule. This is what caused other realms to turn on him and what made it difficult to establish trust. Now that I am ruling, I must show that I am the divergent of Lorsius.

Maivena is my partner for life and our bond will give us the opportunity to raise Vaigon to the prospering nation I intend for it to be. As an Heir turned High King of the land stolen from his High Queen who now reclaims what belonged to her people. After the signing of the treaty, this will be the next significant propulsion for global alliances before a war can transpire. Arriving together and exposing our mating bond will be the utmost pivotal turn for Vaigon and Quamfasi.

Reclamation but civilly.

We are not searching to have one leader again, but to be joint as we were before the domestic war.

“And then you will make the realms quake at your presence as you defy what was known as the inevitable. You are not the only Realm known to have split into multiples and not see reform as a possibility. The end goal is unifying the Realm of Wolves before pushing for unification among all, that is where your influence across Voschantai Universe will begin—the return to the ways of Old Voschantai, within limits. Alliances during those ages were stronger than blood, we must get back to that to survive what is coming. Just as I brought unification back to the Realm of the Fae, you will do the same.” Stravan grabs our crowns from the white velvet cushions they sit upon and walks towards us, Maivena is first to receive her white gold crown formed like twigs surrounding Black Tourmaline.

The moment the crown is placed on her head I witness the shift in her from Lady to High Queen. “And you,” Stravan crowns me next. “You will be the first High King that looks like an Orviante since my crowning. Bloodline matters, but looking the part is just as vital. The white in your hair will get you far, and for the both of you to wear regalia similar to old Kings and Queens will be a moment all its own. You did not need a Coronation because that is what this day is for. After tonight, the people will see you in the shape they saw yours and my ancestors. And along with that, you have your Dragons that make your Houses stronger than what existed before.”

This moment is larger than life not only for me, but more for Maivena who will be crowned as High Queen of the land she was once enslaved to.

On the balcony of the Throne Room sit Vaigon and Vorzantu who overlook the land below them. They are growing more instinctual by the day and has resulted in us being a Dragon House. Some of the strongest Houses to ever live, including Stravan’s family, is example of this. The Realm of the Wolves have never been Dragon riders until us.

“Go prepare now, I will have your clothing taken to your chamber. The sun is setting and time is commencing. You will be introduced into the gala last so you have time to prepare.”


*  *  *


In the same prosperous blue as mine and my brother’s cloaks, the neckline of her dress meets above the collar bone and is trimmed in golds and tans. Long, elegant, and sequined with diamonds and blue crystals that form as a corset around her body; then, the flat of her chest is exposed beneath the lines rowed with gold. The dark, sheer fabric lays over her arms and meets the floor. The dress is that of Old Voschantai, the fabrics used in those times were used to craft what we now wear.

Her hair is intricately braided to hold the crown steady upon her head.

Maivena turns to me with a smile and adjusts the pins on my black top coat and then the chains of the bow and arrow brooch holding my blue cloak together.

“We are ready.” She says.

“Are you certain?”

She looks at me confused.

“One detail is missing.” I pull a tiny box from the pocket of my cloak. “The solidification of my proposal to you.”

“Laven, I do not need a ring for solidification.” She places her hand over mine, stopping me from opening the box.

“But I want to give you this.”

After she sees my unending desire to give her this ring, she agrees.

Opening the box, the pear shaped moss agate ring is revealed. The gold band twirls like vines and leaves, some leaves are donned with tiny amber stones that meet the moss agate in the middle.

Every detail of this ring was formed from the colors in her eyes.

“I had it made quite sometime ago when I thought things were going how I imagined, but when it did not, I still chose to keep it out of hope.”

Hope got me far even when I thought it was failing me.

“You should not make me cry before we leave, you will ruin my face before we are seen in front of hundreds of people.” She laughs as her tears build.

Our eyes meet and through the growing bond between our minds, I show her exactly what I see. She sharply breathes and her hand tightens over mine. She is now seeing herself through the eyes of the person who will cherish her more than anyone else will for the rest of her life.

“Even shrouded in tears you are breathtaking.”

“I want to do that too,” she says as her mind clears.

I grin. “It will take some practice.”

Ever so lightly, she touches my cheek and smiles.

Taking her right hand, I place the ring on her fourth finger and her smile widens as I kiss her hand.

“I do believe it is time we leave.”

Turning, she looks at the darkening sky and the stars that begin to glitz. “I believe so too.”

We walk to the balcony of our chamber. She looks up to the night sky and her grin softens. “Take me to the stars again.”


She looks around us, admiring the movement of night shifting by. Wisps of white glow as I move higher into the sky.

That rapturing smile reappears.

“It is the stars,” she mumbles.

“Reach out your hand.” I urge her.

She is hesitant, but she does. White wisps swirl around her finger as we glide through nightfall.


And just as before, I admiringly watch as she twirls her fingers through the stars as we soar through them.

“The stars will always be ours.” She whispers.





Upon landing at the entrance, guards stand on either side of the long flight of stairs that lead up to the open doors of the gala. The exterior of the palace is decorated in bouquets of flowers and small candles that string from window to window. Overhead, the Dragons swarm by and into the sky; their roars grow distant as Vaigon and Vorzantu try to keep up with them. Tuduran slows, and waits until the two children are ahead of him and he follows behind, guiding them through dark skies.

Up the flight of stone stairs, candles line along the sides and guide to the entrance.

“Thank you for your arrival, King Laven,” a guard nods. “Lady Ivella, lovely seeing you,” he greets as well.

“Hello, Jaymes.” Maivena smiles at one of the guards of her Queens Sentinel.

“You will be seen up the stairs and wait by the door for your summoning.”

“Thank you,” I say to Jaymes before I turn to Maivena and guide her up the steps with me. Her hand tightens around mine, and gently, I squeeze hers back.

The announcer of tonight’s gala stands at the top of the stairs, and next to him, the trumpets blow rhythmically into the night.

“Do not let me fall up these stairs.”

I chuckle. “Never.”

As we reach halfway up the steps, the announcer turns toward the gala filled with people. Even at this distance I can hear the clinking of glasses, quiet talking, the laughter, everything transpiring in the room resonates right to my ears.

“High King Laven of Vaigon, the Realm of the Wolves, second of his name, Head of House Arvenaldi and Head of the High Four. Lady Ivella, awaited High Queen of Vaigon, prominent in House Valendexi, House Provanseva, and Head of House Arvenaldi, and Right Hand to Provas.”

At his final words, the announcer steps aside.

I can feel all of the eyes lying upon us before I see them.

Below us, on the next flight of stairs that lead to the floor stand every High King and Queen of all realms.

We are the Sovereigns of Voschantai.

Stravan and Dyena stand at the front, angled behind them are Vallehes and Penelope and everyone after.

The High King and Queen of The Realm of the Sorcerers, Galitan.

The High Queens of The Realm of the Vampires, Misonva.

The High King of The Realm of the Hybrids, Ramana.

The only not in attendance, the High Queens of The Realm of the Banshees.

In the crowds of the people standing around the tables, I see my mother with my brothers and sisters. Her hands are held in front of her as she smiles through the tears brewing in her eyes.

Everyone in attendance tonight are the highest of people that you can possibly locate across all lands. Most in attendance are Heirs—Princes and Princesses, Dukes and Duchesses, Houses and Circles, and after them the most profound doctors and Healers, alongside Generals, Emissaries, and Assassins. Any extra bodies are guards people may have brought with them for safety measures.

“Welcome to the first Voschantai Gala in ten years, we are delighted you all have arrived. May you enjoy your night, and mingle among one another like we once did, supper will begin now.”

One by one, we recede down the long flight of stairs and to the floor after the announcer completes.

On either side of the room are long tables where supper is served and throughout the floor tall tables are sporadically placed with large floral arrangements centered on every other. And overhead the dome ceilings are made of glass and stone. Every three windows in the ceiling, gold chandeliers hang with candles lit in them.

The stares from many in the room are due to hatred, jealousy, or awe. Either way, Maivena holds tighter on to my arm and we continue as we should.

The moment we get to our table, the people begin to talk, and the low cluster of voices sets an ease to the room brewing with tension.

At our table sits Esme with Stelina and Naius, who I wave to in passing.

Vallehes looks ready to cut my head off.

And Ethel and Kaden are the only missing.

“King Laven, Lady Ivella.”

We turn to the voices and the High King and Queen of Galitan stand before us. Enora and Javan. Enora’s braids are contained from her face, revealing the gold essence across her dark skin and her dress is the darkest of purples and silver. When meeting Javan, his eyes are the lightest color of blue with skin the same as Enora’s, his topcoat was meant to fit her dress as mine and Maivena’s do.

He holds his hand out to Maivena and she greets him by taking it. Wrapped around his first finger, as well as Enora’s, is the Sorcerer’s Clasp. “Pleasure to finally meet you both.”

“The pleasure is ours,” I say to him after we both bow before one another.

“It shall be a lovely night,” Enora smiles. “Let us hope we can all bear being in the same room for a prolonged period of time.”

Looking about the room once more, “I see no reason for us not to.”

“The return of the gala shall be just as enjoyable as the celebration of Summer Solstice.” The voice is smooth as the words are spoken, and by ascension he appears. High King Neryus. One of Maivena’s prior suitors. He bows before us as we do. “Ivella, you look stunning,” he smiles.

“Thank you, Neryus.”

Neryus’s purple eyes brighten and his bronzed cheeks hint red.

“I see Jes has arrived, let us go to him.” Enora says to Javan as more people arrive in the room either through ascension or they are led into the room by guards.

With a final goodbye to us and Neryus, they leave.

“It is good to see you again, Neryus.” I say.

His smile maintains as he looks at me. “You as well Laven, I am sorry for your loss.” He says in reference to Lorsius.

“Not a drastic loss, but I do thank you for your condolences.”

“Neryus!” A man calls from across the room. He waves over the multiple heads lingering around him to be seen.

“Ah,” he rolls his eyes. “I did not remember that coming to this gala meant running into to people you no longer associate with that believe you are still companions. If you will excuse me.”

Maivena laughs. “Not a worry.”

Neryus forces a fake smile and goes to the person still calling his name.

“Tonight will be good,” Maivena looks up at me as her arm wraps around my waist.

“Yes, as long as everyone stays on their best behavior.” I tap her nose and she giggles.

“Who let Wolves mingle with Vampires?”


The High Queens stand hand in hand dressed in deep reds and black. Sasenys and Margeau.

Sasenys and Margeau both grab me for an embrace. “It is great to know Vaigon is now in good hands.” Margeau says.

The two of them, knowing my father well, stood beside us in war only because of their respect for my father and family before Lorsius was ruler.

“Your dress is stunning, Ivella,” Sasenys touches her shoulder. “I need one in red.”

Sasenys smoothes her hands over her red gown made of different sleek fabrics and around her waist is a corset that completes the dress. On the other hand, Margeau is dressed in her fighting leathers and strapped with weapons. One thing the Vampires will always wear, their Moonstone amulet or either their Moonstone ring that protects their dark pristine skin from the sunlight.

“Are you fighting tonight?” I make fun of Margeau and she laughs deeply.

“I need to be prepared for anything when we are amongst these people.”

Sasenys holds Margeau’s arm and shakes her head. “She is always ready to throw a dagger, it is a trait we are aiming to exile.”

Maivena laughs. “That trait can be useful.” Her knuckle sweeps under Sasenys’s chin causing a shy grin.

“It is,” Sasenys smiles. “You know, Ivella, you may visit Misonva whenever you may like. Anyone Laven holds in high regard we do as well.”

“Thank you, I have always wanted to visit, so I will take you up on that offer.”

Sasenys squeezes Maivena’s hand before glancing at the table they are to sit at. “Our son has just arrived but please send a letter when you plan to visit, Ivella.”

They ascend across the room and Leacayne, their son, holds his glass up to me in greeting.

Maivena hums. “They are sensational.”

Then, from the table, my mother makes way. “My boy,” she coos as she approaches with Axynth, who was just with Amias.

Her embrace is warm as she wraps her arms around me. “Ivella, darling.” Ma hugs her tightly after looking over her face. “It brings me joy to see you look well, and well for the role that Vaigon has long awaited for.”

High Queen.

“The regalia of your grandfather fits you well.” Axynth says with a saddened smile.

And in bewilderment, Maivena and I look down at my topcoat.

“This was the topcoat Vaigon Arvenaldi wore to his last Voschantai Gala when he was a ruler. I asked of Stravan to be sure it was placed upon you. I still have your grandfather’s pins saved. I will have them sent to you to wear with the rest of your pins.” Ma adjusts the Wolf sigil crafted from mine and my brothers initials and smiles.

“You may want to bring the pins yourself.”

“Why is that?” Axynth asks.

“There is someone you will want to meet,” Maivena informs. “After the gala we will tell you,” her voice lowers. “Now may not be the most impromptu time given the amount of ears lingering.”

Lilyana will love my mother, and I know my mother is craving to have a grandchild racing through the large ranch she now lives on.

“Fair enough,” Axynth laughs.

“Ivy!” Maivena is called by her close companion Lourdes who sits at the far end of the table. She stands and races over.

“We will leave you two,” Ma kisses our cheeks. “There are others we have not seen in quite some time that will be disappointed if we do not speak with them.” She grabs Axynth by his topcoat and pulls him with her.

Lourdes takes Maivena from my arm and they tightly embrace one another.

“Hello, Laven,” Lourdes flings her dark hair over her shoulder. “Great seeing you again given the last time we spoke you could barely make eye contact with me.”

“Lourdes,” Maivena warningly speaks as she runs her fingers through her friend’s straight hair.

“I am sorry,” I laugh. “I was rather out of sorts that day.”

“I could tell,” she continues to make fun. “Ivella was stunning on the night of Summer Solstice, I would have been choked up as well.”

Maivena playfully shoves Lourdes before looking about the room and her eyes fall on the terrace where Dyena stands with Daevien, Stravan, and his siblings. They are talking to people she does not seem too happy to be speaking with. Turning her head, Dyena mouths to them both. ‘Help me!’

“I think we must save Dyena,” Maivena laughs.

“I would want to be saved if I were talking to a rat like Sava–”

Maivena covers her mouth. “We cannot speak like we usually do, we are around very high stature people we do not know. Choose your words wisely tonight.”

“I like you more now that I know we have a common hatred, Lourdes.”

The companion smirks. “I will take that Orviante on any given day.”

“All right you two.” Maivena stops us from speaking about Savarina.

Lourdes rolls her eyes and with a glance at me Maivena leaves with Lourdes.

In topcoats similar to mine and wearing our cloaks and brooches, my brothers come smoothly walking in my direction with Carmen who is donned in the darkest of red and a pristine purple cloak. “High King Laven, I bow at your feet.” Carmen teases and they chuckle as he improperly bows before me.

I push him away and he chortles. “Say that again and you will, and not because you want to.”

“Because he will take you out at your knees first.” Hua says from behind me.

She is dressed in her leather armor meant for special occasions and her cloak bearing our Wolf sigil.

“It takes your opponent down rather quickly.” I smirk.

From behind Amias, a finger taps on his shoulder, he turns and Greyce is behind him dressed stunningly in black. Amias, lost for what words are, weakly smiles at her.

He says nothing and quickly looks away from her.

Dissatisfaction is written all over her face and she looks at me.

“Levora and Phyv are on their way here, but I must speak with you about what happened while we were gone. Timing is not too great, but it is important.”

“Important enough to say it around all these people?” Hua remarks.

Greyce’s eyes turn for anger. “I was not speaking to you. Mind where you stand in this conversation.”

Hua tries to respond but I quickly place a hand over her arm. Amias steps in front of Greyce, shielding her from Hua. Not once in my life have I ever seen Amias and Hua stand head to head like this.

I have never seen Amias defend a woman other than his mother since Hua . . .

Though already annoyed with him, Greyce steps to the side, ignoring Amias.

“Laven,” Greyce nods her head to the terrace where the stairs lead to the spans of courtyards.

She walks away, I meet Amias’s eye and he turns away.

As I follow Greyce we stop when we see Stravan, and he trails in our shadow.

“What is wrong?” Stravan asks when we reach privacy.

“When we crossed through the portal we ran into children who were in the area. I suppose they were hiding when we crossed.”

“And?” I urge her to continue.

“Levora and Phyv stayed behind to be sure the children were in good hands.”

Stravan holds up a hand. “Greyce, those children could say something.”

“They will not,” she instantly shakes her head. “One of the children is from Galitan and he has powers already. I can only suppose he attended Neseryk Academy where young Sorcerers are taught by the greatest professors. But the age does not add up, he is a young boy and we all were taken there years ago, he would have needed to be a tiny child at the time he was dumped there. He was also wearing the Sorcerer’s Clasp on his finger when summoning his powers.”

The Sorcerer’s Clasp is similar to a ring but it is a metal material that covers your entire finger and is flexible. Bevinium, a crystal only meant for Sorcerer’s, lies within the metal and enhances their power. At every academy in the Sorcerer’s Realm each clasp is designed different. In the room, all from Galitan wear them.

“If he wears a Sorcerer’s Clasp he is important, not all are fortunate to wear one. He also could be someone that was taken there more recently.” I say. “Given the amount of time it took to bring you all home, we run the chance that whoever has been dropping immortals on the Mortal Lands is still doing so.”

“What is his name? How long has he said he has been there?” Stravan asks.

“His name is Evryn, and I am unsure of how long he has been in the Mortal Lands. I left to come home as soon as I could. Levora will be back soon to report more information. I came to immediately tell you what is happening.”

“When Vora is home I will speak with her.” Regretfully, I carry on. “It may be best that one of you stay in the Mortal Lands until this is solved.”

“Phyv will be, he will come back and forth until we know for sure what all of the children know. While Phyv comes back and forth Levora and I will look into Evryn and be certain he has family to come home to.”

On the terrace above, we can hear laughter from the people above as they converse.

“Our privacy is running short,” I observe. “We must get going.”

Greyce leads us back up and on our way through the room I can hear the muttering of those around me. Some speak of what it feels like to be at the return of the gala while clanking their glasses full of Brovita. Some say how they would have decorated differently. Others talk about the people they are dreading to have to speak with.

Then, I see Levora far out and she smiles as she waves at me.

She is attired in a gown I have seen once before, the longer I look, I realize it is a gown passed down to her from our mother. A stunning cream gown sequined in blues and golds.

In the distance, Daevien desperately overlooks her through the crowds with his hands tightly behind his back. He is contemplating an approach, but his pained expression does not leave and he stays where he is.

“How interesting it is when the chambermaid enters on the new King’s arm.” A man says nearby amongst all the people. “More specifically to an event where all eyes see everyone who enters and leaves.”

I stop and Greyce looks over her shoulder when I am no longer following her.

“What was that you said?” I ask.

The man does not answer me, he continues to walk to his chair and sits down knowing I heard the words meant to be an insult towards Maivena.

“I do not answer to you,” he throws the words over his shoulder.

“Laven,” Axynth says from across the room. “Laven,” his voice is growing closer and louder as I grab the arm of the chair the man sits in and I fling him across the floor. The people rush out of the way as his chair comes to an abrupt stop in the middle of the room.

“Laven!” Maivena shouts as she fights through the small crowds.

Lourdes and Greyce grab her, keeping her still.

I walk in front of the man and I immediately recognize his face.

That doctor.

The doctor who was known for conning many of Old Quamfasi’s women into saving the men from castration and being bedded in return for his graciousness. This is a man of Lorsius’s nation, not mine.

“Laven,” Maivena says once more and Dyena stands before her, guarding her with an arm as the doctor’s guards approach, and the sounds of weapons bounce through the room.

Jaymes stands largely before Maivena and Dyena with sprawled wings in a Knight’s armor. “Touch the Right Hand and it will be your head I have in return.”

Around me, I see my brothers’ swords drawn at the guards who dare to crowd around me.

Another guard tries to approach. Right away Stravan steps in front of him and he stops.

The darkest of magic dares to pour from Roaner as his hands are held outward at his sides. His fingers have faded to black as he smiles, hoping to use the Dark Magic taught to him by his mother. Esme comes closer to him, guarding his back, within her hands orbs full of fog form.

“Do not come near him.” Sasenys warns as she and Margeau point their weapons directly at the others who attempt to close in.

“Laven, think wisely.” My mother says.

I ignore her.

Leaning in front of the doctor, he realizes he is out numbered as everyone stands ready. “Say it once more.” I grip the arms of his chair tighter.

I can feel his quick hot breaths as I close in on his face.

He is quiet as his fear grows.

“Tonight was supposed to be a grand evening, now look at what you have done, you have caused a scene because you cannot keep your mouth shut and your hands to yourself.”

His lips tremble, fighting the words that dare to fall from his mouth.

He looks at Maivena and in a brisk motion, I grip his face. “Do not look at her, look at me!”

He tries to spit in my face and I tighten my grip.

“I have lived through three High Kings and I will be damned before I bend for an amateur King who dares to have an awaiting Queen that is a whore!”

He says it.

I look to Maivena. “By your call, my love. Does he live, or die?”

Her chin lifts higher, her eyes darken, and curtly, she nods.

I smile down at him. “And I will be your last King.”

Without a thought, I force my hand into his mouth grabbing his tongue, he struggles and I quite enjoy it knowing all of the harm he has placed upon not only Maivena, but others. Using all strength, the length of his tongue rends from his throat and he falls to the floor scrambling. His body jerks about on the ground, and an arrow is shot directly through his head stopping all movement.

Naius gives Hua her bow and kneels next to the lifeless body. “That is for the depredation of my daughter.” Seven years too long to wait for the death of this doctor and the others who still live. “And you will not be the last to die for it.” Naius stands.

I throw his tongue to the floor next to him and look across the room at Maivena who only sees me. I step over his body and walk towards her. I outstretch my blood coated hand, without hesitance, she takes it and leaves the barrier of her companions and Queens Sentinel.

My family does not put down their weapons until the guards do, and all at once the guards recede backward, some advert their eyes to the ground, frightened of the sight before them.

“Someone clean this mess up,” Stravan says over the quiet room. “The night must go on,” he turns. “Orchestra,” he waves a finger and they continue playing while the body is removed.

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