Nectar of War: The Song of Verity and Serenity (The Nectar of War Series Book 1)

Nectar of War: Part 4 – Chapter 57





Upon arriving home, I go to the Marl Study where Carmen and Lorena wait for me.

There is a letter Carmen is holding. “From Quamfasi,” he says as he hands it over to me.

The wax seal is dark red and imprinted with a Wolf encompassed by the letters V and P, this is specifically from Vallehes and Penelope.



we are requesting you and your Circle’s presence tomorrow afternoon. You will tour the dome where The Games are held and it will be up to you and your leads to train your people as you see fit. In the next sixty days, we plan to see you and your people competing.

Vallehes & Penelope


“It is a letter from Vallehes and Penelope. They are making sure we are following through with our commitment to tour the amphitheater to compete in The Games so our people are prepared to fight next to theirs.”

Lorena laughs as she sits in my chair and props up her feet. “He is calling your bluff.”

“He is,” I point before I put down the letter.

“We all will do fine competing in The Games, it is how your father trained you, both Lorena and I have competed as have the other Dukes and Duchesses.”

“But our people,” I add. “How will they do?”

“They should train just fine,” Lorena says as she reads the letter. “We have sixty days after the touring, within in that time frame we can solidify many to succeed. And if we find out some are weaker than we thought, so be it, they get put to the back.”

“Your mother is looking for you, she is in the dining hall.” Carmen advises. “I did not know she was not only leaving the royal line but the palace as well.”

I put the letter down and nod. “Yes, I am not looking forward to it, I will go find her now, thank you.”

When I arrive in the dining hall Levora is sitting at the dining table with our mother, Roaner, Amias, Morano and Axynth.

“Laven,” she smiles while swarming in my direction.

She embraces me and I hold on to it, unsure of when the next day will come that I have this again.

“How was Provas?”

“Lovely, you would enjoy it there.”

“Well,” she brushes her hands over my shoulders. “You all will take me one day, I look forward to seeing everything Provas has to offer. Let us eat.” She guides me to the table.

“I am not ready for you to leave yet,” Levora says and our mother smiles.

I have gone my entire life with my mother except for few prolonged periods of time. How do you naturally carry on without the person that taught you everything? It feels like losing another parent as we lost our father. Though she is just a short travel away, this palace will not feel the same without her in it.

But she cannot stay here forever. This was never a life she wanted and she only stayed until I reached the point where I am now. She swore to never leave us alone with Lorsius and promised to stay only for us after the passing of our father, now that Lorsius is gone, there is no need for her to stay any longer. And for the sake of her peace, we must let her go.

“You know where to find me and you can come to me whenever you want. All of you,” she touches Morano’s cheek and he latches on to her hand.

“Take care of my mother, Axynth.” Morano speaks warningly.

Axynth laughs. “I think Laven, the first, would come back from the dead and kill me himself I did not.”

My mother laughs. “He would indeed.”

“Do you need help packing any of your belongings or fathers? I am only guessing you are taking pa’s belongings with you as well.”

“We took care of that while you were gone, my love. We did not want to add that to your list of worries. Everything is packed and ready to go, I only wanted to wait and say goodbye in person.”

“Vaigon would not have had a sliver of decency if it were not for you.” Amias stands to embrace her and she grins as his large frame envelopes her.

“Oh, that is not true when you boys are here. You all did much more than I did.”

“You raised us to be the people built to lead and have decency,” Roaner is next to say his goodbyes. “You are owed more than you believe. I may have had my mother still, but you always loved me like a mother and you were there when I did not know I needed you. Thank you, Apolla, I could never repay you for such a life you gave all of us.”

“It was not always perfect,” she begins.

“And neither were we, but you dealt with it with ease.” I remind her.

“A mother like you is what I wish to be.” Levora rests her head on her shoulder and I witness for the first time in a long time how identical Levora is to our mother. Though her skin is lighter than our mothers, she is a replica.

“You will mother how you are meant to mother with only my influence. And I cannot wait to see you be the mother you should be.” She stops speaking and smiles at all of us. “Oh,” she quietly gasps. “I will miss you all.” The tears begin to shed and Levora wipes away each one.

“And do bring these adorable pets when you come,” she smiles at Nyt and Salem who devour raw meat in wooden bowls we keep for them in the corner of the dining room. “They are quite the company.”

“I will be sure of it,” I say as I approach her once more and that same adoring look she has gazed at me with all these years holds. “I love you, ma, never forget that.”

She holds my face as she stares into my eyes. “Always remember what your father said. Strong souled, you are an Arvenaldi, born of great leaders, there is nothing you cannot do. History is in your veins, live as so.”


*  *  *


Greyce sits down with Levora and Phyv in the Marl Study, the study my brothers and I claimed as ours after Lorsius was ridded of.

“We are trying to discover good timing for you all to go to the Mortal Lands again, though with everything currently transpiring there is much you three should not miss out on, most importantly, training. You do not want to leave and then return to war unprepared. Yaro’s army is still quiet, but that could mean anything. We do not want to risk either of your lives.”

“The sooner the better, you think?” Levora asks.

I tilt my head back and forth. “We could, but tomorrow we tour the dome to train for The Games to understand what our people can and cannot handle. And I want you present for that. Have you begun preparation yet?”

“Yes,” Greyce says. “It would be best to start where we all were first dropped on the human territory and search for clues or remnants of anything that could have been left behind by others, from there we lead out.”

I nod. “Have either of you checked to see if the portal is still functioning? I say for you three to even go through it once more just to be sure. Have Roaner go with you if you must.”

“I was able to get it open after our return from Provas, but I did not try to go through it.” Phyv confirms.

He was capable of opening it without Roaner?

“Try to get through it today, see if it still allows you through. For now, I see it best we keep here, continue to plan, and wait until training is over to search. We do not want to move too suddenly and fuck this up.”

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