Nectar of War: The Song of Verity and Serenity (The Nectar of War Series Book 1)

Nectar of War: Part 3 – Chapter 50




MY ACCESSION COUNCIL WAS held first thing in the morning. I had to make my formal proclamation to claim the Throne wholly as my own.

The crown was rightfully handed over to me in the end, and I did not wish to place it upon my head just yet. Morano said he wants to cleanse the crystals in the crown before I am to wear it. Yet, I did not want to wear it out of spite of Lorsius. I am not prepared to wear anything that he once wore as his own.

Quickly after my Accession Council, I was asked when I would be arranging my Coronation Day, who is to be High Queen, and when I will begin my lineage. I wanted to be a prick and schedule the Coronation for tomorrow, only for some reason, I still try to have some form of respect for Lorsius and hold the celebrations off until the people have calmed down. It is customary to wait a prolonged time to have your coronation after the death of a royal. This is why we have the Accession Council, still claiming the Throne, but without celebration. In the past, Coronations were seen as a vile event. It is great to celebrate a new royal taking the Throne, but not without connecting the celebration to why there is a new royal overtaking.

I stand before the people of our land, most of them conservatives demanding back what once was theirs. And by theirs, they mean ownership over the men and women they claimed as their own by illegitimately writing agreements over the Quamfasian people.

There are so many shouting voices that I have stopped trying to keep up with what the people are saying. The mostly quiet people are the guards and Warriors I have disguised as conservatives to take charge of anyone who attempts to begin an uprising.

When I look to my mother who stands off to the side with Axynth, she seems declined to want to acknowledge anyone.

She has not spoken much, if at all.

I cannot tell if she is saddened by the death of Lorsius or stunned by his absence.

“My word is final!” I shout over the people standing below the balcony of the Throne Room—they all fall quiet to listen. “There will be no more use of servants from Quamfasi in any form, and you will not cross the line to find the men and women you criminally claimed. The leaders of New Quamfasi and I have made a treaty this morning stating exactly what I am saying, and if that treaty is broken, it is their decision of what to do with you next.”

“Leaving us to our death by another nation?” Someone shouts angrily, as I look, it is the father of the Yeshti family.

“No one is leaving you to your death. This is your warning that if you dare to cross, that is what waits for you. It would be your own inanity that leads you to your death.”

“Lorsius would not allow this!”

“We never wanted you as our High King!”

They all shout the same displeasure but each person speaking their hatred for me and my ways of running a land in different words.

“And we never wanted you weaklings as our people, yet here we are!” Hua hollers in my defense.

“If you choose to go against the reforms, that is all your own doing. The new laws are being sent out to you currently, when you arrive at your home the letters will be awaiting you. Do not forget that your actions will always have consequences.”

I turn to Hua. “Have them all sent home. I will not allow them to bombard the palace like this all day, anyone who disobeys will serve time in Montgem Penitentiary.”

There is a smile on her face as I leave the balcony and she ascends down to the people with the guards.

Roaner appears at my side as I walk down the hall to the new study we all share as our own. We each individually have our own study, but now we have the opportunity to claim Lorsius’s old study as ours. And it is now identified as Marl Study, the combination of all our initials together, another place solely meant for us and our family.

“I am going to have Ezra send word to Vallehes and Penelope, we need to follow through with the conference between all realms.” He informs us as we sit down in the study with Morano and Amias. “We may not have had sightings of the rogues in some time, but this does not mean to fall back, this means to stand firmer.”

It is eerie how low the rogues have been lying, it is worrisome, but there is much to do in their absence.

“We just finished rescheduling the trials for the people who committed treason under Lorsius’s rule.” Amias says as he and Morano arrange the papers splayed across the large table.

“Thank you,” I say.

They look at me confused.

“For trying to reach me through the bond last night.”

All three of them continue to stare at me blankly.

“We did not try to reach you last night . . . we knew you needed that time alone.” Morano clarifies.

“It may have been your mother,” Amias announces. “She and my father were looking for you when we were walking to the West Wing of the palace.”

I gaze at Roaner—who is already looking at me.

“Does she know?”

“Not that I am aware of.”

Ezra enters the study as I make the attempt to ask another question.

“This is for the King and Queen of New Quamfasi, it is urgent so deliver it as quickly as possible. It contains information on the rogues as well as a conference that must be arranged between us and them.”

Ezra nods before taking the letter and ascending from the study.

“My Gods, Morano. Close your mouth.” Amias teases.

“He is just so painfully beautiful.” Morano says within ascension as he and Amias leave.

Roaner sits across from me at the large wooden table intricately crafted with glass throughout. This very table belonged in my father’s old study that I do not visit often, in fact, none of us visit it. That is the one room in this palace that we do not touch given its sacredness.

“When you said to trust you, did that mean what I thought it meant?”

Roaner leans back in his chair, nibbling on his lip. “What did you think it meant?”

“I think it meant you arranged his death.”

“Drastic times call for drastic measures.”

“The bargain I signed stated I could speak of this with no one other than the people involved.”

“And who arranged this bargain?”

“Vallehes Valendexi.”

“We did not only plan this solely for the death of Lorsius,” he leans closer. “But because we need a fit High King, and Lorsius could never have been that. I will let you see the day I signed the papers.” And he projects the vision from that day to me.


‘After the execution of High King Lorsius Ouranos Arvenaldi, the only of his name, High Prince and Heir, Laven Hephaestus Arvenaldi, the second of his name will commence The Throne.’ I read aloud from the bargain before me. I look up at Vallehes who stares down at the paper between us. ‘You want Laven to take The Throne? You do not wish for it back?’

‘Tell me why I would want it back?’ He asks with nothing but pure curiosity.

‘Tell me why you want Laven to have it.’ I reply with the same tone.

‘Because I need a High King who will prosper and one I can work with. My son, Vorian, pays close attention to our land and Vaigon’s. He can feel a difference in the air ever since the intrusion of the rogues. Given his ability of Counterintuition, I take heed of his every word, that being said, I need a fit High King to rule next to in war. Prophecy says Laven is to be the strongest High King Vaigon and many other nations will know and I need him sitting on that damn Throne sooner rather than later.’

I furrow my eyebrows. ‘Prophecy said by whom?’

‘Agivath,’ Vallehes crosses his arms. ‘She tells no lies and only truth and can read every future brought to her.’

‘How did you even make it on to Vaigon to speak with her?’

‘I have my ways.’

‘And you were explicit in the way you asked her these questions? You are aware that a question can easily be asked erroneously and answered erroneously. Without specifics Agivath will answer incorrectly.’

Vallehes takes offense to my questioning. ‘I believe I know how to speak with Agivath given how long she and I have known one another. So will you fulfill prophecy, or will you deny it?’

Before I say another word, I am signing my name.


“You have your doubts about yourself ruling and I understand them.” Roaner calmly speaks as I process. “Now you know. You will reign as King of Kings so by prophecy, and no one can take that from you. You will forever be the best ruler Vaigon has ever had.”

“I would only be the second ruler. There could be many after me.”

Roaner smiles. “And those rulers will be your daughters and sons. But you,” he points. “You and Ivella are the two that will begin a lineage that is indestructible. You have been carved for this, your failure is not in vision because it does not exist. Rule, Laven, and rule how you believe it best.”


*  *  *


When I find my mother, she is sitting in the courtyard staring up at the greenery encasing the statues around us. A beautiful scarf is wrapped around her as she rests.

“I used to come here at night, especially on occasions when Lorsius and I would have arguments. He hated that you were so attached to me,” she forces out a laugh. “He thought that I made you soft—weak, even. When we were young he would tell me and your father he always coveted a son that was just like him. Then that son never came, and there you were.”

I stand next to her, and she looks up to me while rubbing my arm.

“I think there was something much deeper. All my life I have known him as a hateful person.”

My mother nods. “Only deep searching will give us those answers.”

“What made him tolerate you more than others?”

“I nearly killed him when we lost your father, and he realized he had no choice but to have a form of respect for me or I would execute him myself.”

She should have, yet that would have resulted in her hanging.

“Do you need anything?” I kneel beside to her.

She places a hand upon my cheek. “All I need is for you to be the High King Lorsius could never be and always be that King no matter what these people say . . . promise me.” A single tear falls down her skin.

“I promise.” 

Morano calls out my name and there is a letter he is holding in his hands. “Vallehes and Penelope have responded. They would rather not wait to discuss arranging a meeting with all of the Realms, they have requested our two nations meet today.”

Ma stands from her chair, showing no interest in the letter. She moves for the doors of the palace before I focus on Morano.

“Tell Ezra it is final. Have him send word that we meet at sunset.”

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