Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 330: Interitus And Cleobis (X): The end of Rot And Decay

Rezar turned to look at the death class users; Cleobis. It was hard to see if she was telling the truth or not, but then again the truth didn't matter in light of what had just come up. Rezar was a puppet, he was not the man of himself like he always thought he was. And then again there was the blanks inn his memories, Darkness had confessed to being responsible for tampering with them when she merged his consciousness with an AI. There was so much he didn't know anymore, and as such he was filled with questions, but he wasn't so confused that he would fall for a sob story. Without confirming.

"this daughter of yours, where is she?" Rezar asked as he pulled back Vita Gratia. The weapon hummed in disagreement, but it wasn't something he had to worry about. There was a gush and splash of blood from where he pulled it out, but for some reason after that the wound was not bleeding. Rezar took a closer look and noticed that her blood was a reddish black and had a rather unpleasant scent to it; it was coagulated, making it extremely thick from not flowing and that's something you could only see in a corpse.

"She's over there" she pointed to a small mound to the left of where they had ambushed Rezar, Screet and Quentin. It was in that moment Rezar was able to feel the aura of life that was hidden behind it. He furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed a small head poke out from behind the mound of what seemed to be crushed diamonds. She was a wee little thing, with long white hair that reached down to her waist. Pale skin and blue eyes so piercingly deep that Rezar felt as if he could get lost in their infinite embrace. She blinked as looked up at him, a hint of curiosity in her eyes tempered by the fear she felt at seeing her mother bloodied.

Rezar turned to Cleobis and shook his head as he unwittingly sheathed Vita Gratia back into her sheathe. The weapon was angry, but there wasn't much she could against the will of her master, he knew best. Rezar walked up to the girl, each step he took seemingly resounding in the darkness and causing a vibration to pass through everyone who was there. Cleobis shook like a leaf as Rezar moved closer and closer to her daughter, it was hard to say what would happen next.

"Hello little one, what's your name?" Rezar asked as he got down his knees and gave her a soft smile. It didn't matter that he was covered head to toe in blood. She turned around to look at her mother for a while, only to see her nod her head with a smile telling her to answer him.

"My name is Bianca…... mama says it means white!" the young girl replied.contemporary romance

"Oh really now? That's impressive Bianca, it is a good name. your parents chose well. Go to your mother." Rezar said to her as he got back up to his feet. The little girl ran over to her mother and jumped into her arms, hiding her hair in her mother's tresses as if to hide from the world. Rezar was a bit annoyed as he asked.

"What kind of parents would bring their daughter to a battlefield or heck even worse a place that's like this? I can't begin to imagine how many lives have been given in order to protect her, so why in god's name were you careless." It was obvious Rezar greatly disapproved of this course of actio0nj, and Cleobis, scared that she would probably or still had a chance of losing her life quickly hurried to answer.

"Her father has already passed, and I would never leave my daughter where the saintess and Malik would have access to her. Those two are the worst kind of people in existence and I'd rather take my chances with the world and the darkness it holds than leave my baby to them." she said as she held the girl closer to herself her eyes still looking up at Rezar like he was the worst possible thing in existence.

"Well I can't fault you for that. I haven't met that bloody saintess but I do know that Malik is a nasty piece of work. But beyond that, this was still a stupid move to make, you should not have brought her down here. Leaving her with your undead would have been better. "Quentin said as he spoke up trying to steer the conversation in a direction where his unpredictable master would not slice of the head of a young mother.

"Quentin will escort you back to the surface, you will hang with our sailors at the beach. And I hope to god that when I come back up I find you there, cause truthfully there isn't a place in the Bahrenburg wildlands that you can hide from me and when I do find you; ill rip her insides out in front of you and use it to adorn you like a fucking funeral garland." Rezar's threat rang through, but his word has already been spoken and the word of a king was not one to be taken lightly, at least not a king like Rezar. For all intents and purposes this dude was a monster.

"You have my word; I will do as you say. Thank young so much for sparing my life, I am and will be eternally grateful to you for this. Thank you so much!" her tears

Rezar didn't say anything and just stood back, watching as the wound he made quickly healed up. Quentin bent down and helped her to get back up to her feet. She held her daughter closer as she bowed to Rezar and turned around led by Quentin as they made their way past the dilapidated houses made of precious stones. This was one chapter closed as Rezar turned around with a fierce gaze, the black structure loomed closer.

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