Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 7: A Challenge on Hepatia Village Right for Sky Region

The system didn't reply for a few moments before it came back to say:

'I found nothing wrong there, except for the advancement of your soldiers.'

'What do you mean?' Ibro asked as he ordered strictly for his soldiers not to advance a step.

'The soldiers when they attack, the monsters retreat deeper, so the frontline is pushed somehow to a further distance than before. It's unnoticeable, but it's a fact.'

Ibro's eyes widened, as this was the second clue he had about his enemy plans. The first was the nature of the attack, and now he got a clue regarding the range of it.

'Relay my orders immediately to any skeleton beside Mamor, tell him to make a full retreat. He must organize the troops and make this retreat swift without alarming the enemy. Make them never stop until they reach my place,' Ibro said with some worry over his men over there.

He was now sure of the nature and the range of that plot, now what remained was the timing. He was pretty sure when his soldiers retreated, the one behind these monsters would be pushed to act rashly and reveal everything.

Ibro continued his regular routine, summoning liches who summoned skeletons by turn. Amidst all this, he didn't lift his divine sense away from Mamor. Hoden was taking charge of the village, but Mamor was the one leading the armies.

'I hope you make it right and don't screw up,' Ibro muttered as he knew his greatest weapon here was the element of surprise, losing it meant alarming the enemy and all this would be for nothing.

A few minutes later, Mamor had finished his arrangements. Ibro got used to the presence of skeletons that he began to never put them into his consideration, as he could always summon more of them, but not Mamor who wasn't sure about how his lord got them.

So, Mamor waited till he informed all the skeleton commanders about the retreat order, and that took some time. When everything was ready, Mamor gave the order for the army to retreat. The soldiers coupled with skeletons retreated in unison.

It was a swift and sudden move that took the enemy blindfolded. Before the enemy could react, the army had already retreated one mile away from their initial position.

If they were given more time, they would reach Ibro's location in a short time. As Ibro speculated, this sudden turn of tables move had enraged his hidden enemy and forced his hand to act.

"I, Yonrak, owner of Yonrak town, owner of the right to pass between worlds, apply a challenge for the sky region right of Hepatia village."

Suddenly, this voice came so loud that everyone here in this place heard him. Ibro looked towards the place where the sound came from, as he spotted a young man, didn't exceed twenty five years old, was standing on the back of a flying monster that resembled a Rorak monster from before, but with wings.

That monster was like a flying fortress with its huge body and intimidating appearance. Ibro felt threat coming from that youth, but he didn't have time to think as a thick and majestic voice echoed in the area:

"The request is authentic and the right is given, but your world level is higher than this world, so you will be subjected to some restrictions for fairness. Your troops will be demoted in power by half.

Hepatia village has six hours to be prepared for this challenge. The territory of the village will be subjected to special law of the challenge, no living thing is permitted to enter or exit the village territory from this moment until the challenge is over.

The challenge is about the ownership of Yonrak town and Hepatia village and the right to access sky territory. The winner takes all, the loser will die and his world will be enslaved to be a property belonging to the winner. Good luck to you all."

An earthquake suddenly appeared all over the territory of the village which extended for thirty kilometers around the village centre, the lord's mansion. contemporary romance

Ibro finally understood what was going on, but it was impossible for him to unveil this mystery which he never heard about. Ibro sighed, at least he was lucky enough to make his army withdraw inside the boundaries of his territory.

'You think you got me, good, I have six hours to prepare. System, move all my liches, death knight, and death kings into a world full of demons.'

'What do you intend to do?' the system asked.

'It's obvious, I will exploit every possible second to prepare better. I will use the time difference inside my pocket space world, and turn these six hours into six hundred hours. Move them now; I have no time to waste here.'


Ibro didn't stop at his place, as he flew directly back to the village. The state of the village wasn't good, as most of its buildings were either damaged or ruined. Very few buildings stood intact after this invasion, and Ibro hoped they remained so after this challenge.

Ibro headed straight towards Hoden. He knew his place long ago, but he didn't have a chance to come and meet him. Once Ibro appeared in front of Hoden, the latter left everything in his hand and bowed deeply while saying:

"Welcome back my lord, we were lost without you."

"Be at easy, Hoden, I know you had it rough this time."

Hoden didn't straighten himself as he said:

"I deserve to be punished, my lord. I have failed your trust and ruined your village."

Ibro sighed, as he knew this old saint didn't have anything to do with this disaster. Ibro was the root of all this, or his struggle with the fiends and demons.

"I order you to stand up, I have no time to waste here. Where is Froki?"

Hoden stood straight hesitantly, as his mind was set to be punished by his lord, but he couldn't refuse a direct order as well.

"Froki is outside with an army trying to help Noda."

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