Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 5: Securing The Second Cave Entrance Successfully

Ibro didn't hesitate to unleash his strongest strike against a single target, which was the dragon descent sword strike. The huge word turned into a mighty dragon that roared and descended like an apocalypse upon that shield.

The shield was sturdy, and it was of higher energy form than Ibro's ultimatum energy, as the fiends modified the energy they absorbed.

One thousand fiends created this shield, so it wasn't a surprise for it to withstand a direct strike head on without being destroyed. Ibro didn't give up as he gritted his teeth while muttering:


He then unleashed his strike one after another. A rain of deadly dragon strikes descended upon that shield repeatedly without pause, so in a matter of seconds, that shield began to show multiple cracks over its surface.

Ibro focused on the most damaged point, as it was his way of breaking this shield. In less than one minute, that shield was destroyed with a muffled sound, which was an indicator of its might, as it managed to cause sound amidst Ibro's rune effect.

'Move them now, one down, fifteen yet await us.'


Ibro didn't stand in his place waiting for his system to move these fiends, as he knew he managed to break their dirty scheme already. He moved with haste towards the next group, where he repeated what he did before. Each minute he managed to destroy one defensive dome and then headed to the next.

The only problem he faced was the incoming monsters, but as he processed with taking down these fiends group after group, he managed to disturb his enemy's plan to some degree.

The incoming monsters reached the battlefield in less than a minute, but they couldn't get advantage of the fiends special powers, as Ibro had already taken down ten groups of them.

The remaining six groups weren't enough to weaken the effect of his runes. Ibro intended to use more runes if he needed to, as this was his plan B which he didn't need to implement.

'Order my armies to continue pushing forward, and dispatch the dragons and Golams legions to deal with these incoming monsters,' Ibro ordered while flying rapidly towards a new group.


His system was so busy co-ordinating many tasks at the same time. Ibro continued to destroy the fiends, while his armies kept pushing the enemy forward. The new monsters couldn't break the impregnable line formed of dragons in the air and Golams on the ground.

By the last group of fiends being mobilized into his pocket space, Ibro became free again, so he moved this time towards the new monsters, as he shifted his strikes to use the sword whirlpool strike again, his most AOE strike in his arsenal.contemporary romance

The addition of Ibro made things far easier, so his armies began to push the enemies on all fronts with unstoppable momentum. Ibro realised that this battle was already concluded for his favor, and his enemy must have reached the same conclusion long before him.

So, it was logical to think that the enemy was now preparing to meet him at the underground territory, and that meant each passing moment here on the surface was a gift to those monsters and demons down below to muster their defensive plans.

Ibro didn't intend to give them such a present, so he splitted from the dragons and Golams armies, and joined the other battlefield where he flew directly above the cave and started launching strike after strike relentlessly.

He directed all his strikes to enter the cave and kill all that were present in it. Ibro kept doing that for a couple of minutes, and then his armies managed to kill the last demons and monsters holding them from the cave opening.

The credit for that was due to Ibro's interference, as he cut the supply line from the enemies, thus their frontline forces became isolated with rapidly decreasing numbers every passing second.

"All soldiers move to the other battlefield and drive those monsters away, all skeletons follow me into this cave."

Ibro's loud shout reverberated throughout the whole battleground, and his orders were executed at once without any pause.

The soldiers moved in scattered groups from everywhere, gathering together as they marched towards the distant frontline to form a huge army that took the fighting flag from the dragons and Golams.

These two legions retreated as they headed straight towards the cave opening following Ibro's orders.

As for Ibro, he waited for a while watching his skeletons entering the cave in an endless stream.

'Use the lich summoning curse now.'


Ibro didn't plan to let his advantage stop there, as he intended to press his enemy at his weakest point. Ibro stood in his place for hours summoning liches, who started to summon different types of skeletons once they appeared.

After half an hour, Ibro got the message from inside regarding the current situation there.

As he expected, his enemy was trying to build countless blockades on the whole area surrounding the cave entrance, but the sudden appearance of the skeletons in a short time came unexpectedly to them. The skeletons faced great resistance at first, but then they began to gain ground as time went on.

"All liches who can use the graveyard curse move into the cave now and use this curse repeatedly at every inch of land we occupy."

Ibro knew the underground world was a barren world, he couldn't use it properly like the surface world. So, he intended to secure his territory with endless graveyards.

These graveyards would act as lines of defense, and permanent wombs producing skeletons to him all the time. Ibro planned for his village so the villagers and soldiers would take the responsibility of defending the surface world, while skeletons would defend the underground world.

This way, Ibro would solve the consistent underground world headache that haunted him since the early days of establishing his village.

Ibro continued to summon liches non-stop, but his eyes were always fixed on the ongoing battle up ahead. The new monsters were the stronghold monsters who came to aid the underground monsters.

The memory of facing these monsters were still vivid in his mind, as they sat a perfect trap for Mamor back then and caused no small losses to him. Ibro didn't underestimate these monsters, and the fiend which led them.

However, he wasn't so depressed or worried, after all he had secured the safety of his village for now, and managed to cut the numbers of his enemies to half.

If Ibro moved to aid his soldiers, that battle would turn to his favor completely, but he couldn't do that. He had to hold the fort here, at least until he managed to summon enough liches to take control of the matters down there.

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