Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 49: Starting Six Months Training Period

Ibro didn't need to hold back his anger anymore, as he swore that he would go into a six month preparation period, and after that he would seek whatever was trying to threaten Sefiera, himself, his close friends and girls, and the whole humanity, and then kill them all.

He knew he only had this window, these six months, after that he would, constantly, be drawing from the power of his own reserves, with no time to make new.

'Can you upgrade the pocket space of mine?' he suddenly asked his system.

'Well,' the system paused, 'your PSR orbs and crystals are enough to upgrade it for ten times the size it's now. do you want to proceed?' the system asked.

'Sure, upgrade them, and try to enforce the rich cultivation environment there,' Ibro had no reason to refuse, as he instantly replied.

The system didn't respond, as it started to execute Ibro's desire. Ibro's first move was to expand his reservoir, his own pocket space, as he didn't want to be limited by anything.

The process took roughly an hour, during which he started to think about an aspect he totally neglected before, the cultivation villages.

He knew the villages would grow now to towns, and there were even some cities appearing rarely here and there, but he thought this progress was weak, and the reason for that was the calm natural life of cultivators.

He needed to put them on stress, all the time, stimulating all their potentials, like what players experience in games.

'System, I want you to move some demon gates at the cultivation villages, and inform the leaders there of this beforehand to be ready.'

'Do you want to make them face demons now? I think they aren't ready,' the system honestly replied, as it was constantly having an eye over them.

'And they would never be ready this way, providing a secured environment in times of distress is a mistake. I want them to be stressed, to stimulate their progress,' Ibro said, explaining his view.

'What if they couldn't contain the demons? Would you risk losing everything there?'

'No, you will keep an eye on them. Whenever there is a breach at any village, you are authorized to move as many skeletons as you like to defend the village, kill the demons, and then retrieve them again,' Ibro said, setting up the plan he had for his cultivation villages.


The system knew it was risky, as much as Ibro did, but it didn't speak up to object loudly, as it knew how important this was to the progress of the villagers, or that what it hoped to happen.

'Let's go inside,' Ibro said, as he wanted to start his preparations.

The moment he got sucked in, he felt a lot more energy inside his world. He was now at his main world, the first one ever to be created. The world was already filled with demons, with many skeletons trying to contain them. The number of skeletons was greatly reduced, as Ibro sucked most of them during his last wars.

And this was the state of other worlds as well.

'Move some gates and scatter them into the empty worlds,' Ibro said.

'Do you want me to move part of the skeletons as well, to keep these demons in check?' the system asked.

'No,' Ibro shook his head, 'I want them to multiply, and summon more gates to these worlds. you will move the newly summoned gates to fill the worlds with skeletons, and when we have extra armies to spare, you can move them to fill the new worlds again, but make sure you leave one world without any skeletons at all,' he added.

Ibro had one major problem now, the amount of demons here wasn't enough to create his mighty army. He wasn't aiming for quantity alone, but quality as well, so he had to improvise, seeking for other ways to summon more gates.

To do so, he had to let many worlds usher under the demons' control, as they tended to always summon more gates, by sacrificing themselves.

If the process was done smoothly, he would have a lot of gates in a short time, and that would solve one of his current problems.

As he waited for the system to finish reallocating the gates, he took the liberty to scan the whole world with his divine sense. His divine sense was now strong, much stronger than he initially had, but to his surprise he couldn't reach the end of the world, or even half of it!

'Did the world get bigger in the upgrade?' he asked.

'Sure, they got wider, thicker, more stable, and richer in treasures and resources,' the system replied.contemporary romance

'Richer in treasures and resources? What does that even mean?' Ibro asked.

'It's simple, as a place growing constantly like this, from a mere single world to the current huge galaxy, it's normal for a small ore to turn into a treasure, an energy pool to be a treasure, for trees, animals, and even the dirt to turn into treasures,' the system replied, as he started to take Ibro on a rapid tour to some of his world's treasures.

The first site to visit was a pond of water that was boiling all the time, and emitted a strong vapor with a thick aroma that made Ibro refreshed the moment he inhaled it.

'This treasure started as a small pond of water, but now it emits energy particles, unique to it, that could calm the state of mind, and helps in elimination of any fatigue.'

The system then moved Ibro towards a volcano, a place full of lava. Inside this place, he spotted a small, thick trunk tree, with small leaves, so green and lively like it was growing in an open garden, not in such a horrible place. there was a single flower, still blossoming from it, as if the whole tree was guarding this flower.

'This is a single seed that grew to a small tree, but then it gained the attribute of fire, and grew to transform this place into such a volcanic nature. This flower had a form of life on its own, I think it will grow to be a phoenix, starting your phoenix clan of monsters here.'

The system then took him to another place, then another, and another. The more Ibro saw, the more shocked he became.

'Did the four clans started in the same way these monsters and spirits and treasures are forming now?' Ibro finally asked the question he had in mind.

'Who knows!' the system vaguely replied, but Ibro was sure it had part of the answer. The answer was already clear in front of him. He saw phoenixes, dragons, even dinosaurs! The monster clan's mighty monsters were being formed inside his worlds as he was growing them stronger.

He even saw spirits that resembled the god he once dealt with, and that made him think about this question, which he stated in matter of fact, not a question.

If this was the case, then humans were the origin of everything, and those clans were just a creation that came accidently in the process. When he reached this far, he started to be angry, and shocked. These clans must know their origins, know how they came to this life, and instead of helping humans, they betrayed them, backstabbed them, tried to make them all die and lose their rightful place in this world, as this world masters.

He suddenly had a thought, should he let these treasures and small creations grow peacefully inside his worlds? should he give them a chance to grow, learn, be strong, like the other clans outside?

Or should he kill them in their wombs, clearing the path in front of the humans to live freely inside his worlds?

'I strongly advise against it,' the system suddenly spoke up, as it took Ibro back to his initial place. Ibro was now sure this system was hiding its info from him, but he couldn't do a thing to it, to force it to spill out the truth.

'You will know everything in time,' the system, again, replied to his own questions.

'Why do you want me to let them live? Didn't they already betrayed us? Why do you want me to risk again, doing the same as my ancestors did?!'

Ibro was angry, as he didn't know why his own system was advising him against this.

'Who told you this what happened? Who said they backstabbed you or betrayed you first? Isn't it possible for you, humans, out of fear, to betray them and backstab them first?'

The system words shocked Ibro, as he never thought about such a situation before.

'Don't repeat the old mistakes, and try to trust your own strength more than your fears,' the system said, in a final decisive tone, 'I think you should focus on stretching yourself, right?'

Ibro knew his system was speaking, giving him a glimpse, about a distant past, and a hidden truth. If the humans succumbed to their fears, lost faith in their strength, and tried to eliminate these clans before they could mature, then it was normal for these clans to grow hatred, and vengeance towards humans.

It was a closed vicious circle, that was, unfortunately, started by his ancestors it seemed, and he was about to fall into the same mistake again, if not for his system's help.

'Thanks,' Ibro finally expressed his gratitude for what the system had saved him from. He was really grateful, and then he started his six months training spree period.

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