Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 37: Using Singularity Rune Once More

Ibro's orders were swiftly executed, as all the skeletons started their designated roles. Noda and the others watched with shocking expressions the movement of the skeletons everywhere, some were protection them directly, some were forming a clear zone from far, while others started summoning more, far stranger units, and lastly there were these dragons, that kept hovering in the sky, shooting at any strong looking monster.

This arrangement was enough, enough to make them feel safe and finally they realized, they were saved, Noda village was saved, Noda was saved.

"Thank you."

Noda softly muttered, as she couldn't hold back her tears anymore, so she fell on the ground, crying silently, sobbing with pain, as she was finally safe.

Ibro didn't stand still, as he knew the task of rescuing Noda village was far from over. He was now facing an endless stream of monsters, and he knew this was just the tip of the iceberg.

This village, with the support of someone old and strong like Noda's brother, wouldn't fall simply because of the monsters' numbers. There must be some freakingly strong monsters here, and he had to be ready for them.

So, he soared the sky at once, overlooking the whole battlefield from high up. He wasn't even stressed, not feeling any worry at all, he had seen much more brutal wars, and had been through much complicated situations, and he won them all.

He had absolute trust in his system, in his skeletons to do the task, though he pitied the humans here. what he experienced so far made him think like someone coming from an older, extremely stronger world, looking down on everyone here.

"I recall there were soldiers tokens here, soldiers that can be upgraded. What a pity, I don't have access to that now," he mumbled to himself before he frowned. The place where he could obtain such tokens was the market, where he came from using the bridge.

The market was still standing, and the bridge was working, did this mean the market was still running? If so, then he had to try this out. He knew his runes once caused quite a sensation, bringing him a lot of money.

He had to improvise, as he felt depending only on his skeletons alone wouldn't be enough. He needed humans, soldiers high enough to rival his unquestionable strong skeletons.

But he wasn't in his village right now, and he didn't want to waste time in offering a rune to sell first and then waste more time in finding buyers for it. he still had some spare runes, which he could sell for astronomical amounts of money.

His aim wasn't gold coins, as he wanted to buy soldier tokens instead, so his trade would be runes in exchange of soldier tokens.

He could wait till he returned to the village, but right now, and after experiencing the exhaustive battle of his village, he felt some regret not having fresh armies of soldiers to train during this battle.

And the battle he was taking part at now wasn't less brutal or massive than the one he just ended. Yes, there wouldn't be a challenge for any sky territory here, but he was sure whoever was scheming behind the curtains, he wouldn't sit still and let this almost in hand victory slip by, not easily like this.

So, Ibro moved his eyes towards the ground, resting over Noda again, before he sighed. He had to act now if he wanted to see a result in this battle.

So he descended again, to stand beside Noda suddenly, startling her and everyone around.

"I want your help," he just briefly said, before he held her soft body, carrying her with him, while returning to fly again.

She screamed from shock at first, then when she felt the warmth of his body, she stopped, as she knew she was resting in the most secure place ever in this world, inside his embrace.

She even started to see the whole village, and the area around her from her high up position. It was shocking how many monsters were there, but she also noticed how strong the skeleton army Ibro had summoned. She felt doubtful, grateful, and decided to postpone her tons of questions for later.

She noticed they were returning to the centre of the village, which made her even more skeptical, but she said nothing. She trusted Ibro, as he wouldn't do any harm to her.

Once they descended the ground, she recognized the place where she was at right now, she was in front of her market, a place so bizarre to stand harmless amidst all this chaos and ruins.

"We need to enter there," he said, leading the way into her market.

She just sighed, helplessly following his suit, as she was truly enchanted by him. she didn't know why he asked her to come here, but when she entered, he said:

"I want you to contact your brother."

"My brother?" she exclaimed, before an idea popped up in her head, "he can't- he can't help up here," she dejectedly added, lowering her head from sadness.

"Don't worry," Ibro said, "I want his help in something else," he added, "something he can help us in," he corrected her.

"He can help us? Really?" she asked in doubt.

"Just contact him, please," he demanded.

"Sure," she shook her head, as she got curious about what he wanted from her brother. She didn't take time to contact her brother again, whose face appeared on the screen, riddled by anxiety and worry. Once his eyes fell upon her, he hurriedly screamed:

"What are you doing at the market? Didn't I tell you to retreat outside the village and escape your life? nothing matters now, just run!"

His fear and worry were genuine, and somehow Ibro felt more respect for him. just as Moran was fervently talking, Ibro interrupted him by saying:

"Hi Mr. Moran, long time no see."

The words he just said attracted Moran, whose face froze from shock. He didn't understand what was going on, but Ibro added:

"I want your help about something urgent."

"Urgent? Just run first then ask later," Moran said, and just as he was about to move his eyesight to his sister, Ibro said:

"Don't worry about Noda, she is safe, and this village will be rescued by me."

"Rescued by you?!" Moran said in mockery, but Noda interfered fast, before her brother would say anything foolish:

"He is right, I can't tell you everything for now, but for the time being I'm safe, and no harm could touch me."

Moran looked deeply, and doubtedly to his sister, but she wasn't lying at all. He had many questions inside him, but Ibro stressed:

"We have no much time here, I want your help, urgently."

Moran finally yielded, as he decided to follow this madness as he said:

"What do you want?"

"I want you to find a buyer to this rune," Ibro then took out one of his singularity runes, "this is a special, very special rune, that goes beyond the ones I once sold."

"How special exactly?" Moran asked with no interest, as he didn't know what was supposed to do with such rune, and what was the importance of selling it right now, at this delicate timing.

Ibro, on the other hand, felt speechlessly silent, as he didn't know how to describe the devastation effect of this rune. He suddenly asked:

"Can you observe the effect of the rune if I used it here?"

"Sure," Moran said, "but wait, I will send a thing to my sister now, after that you can use your rune as you like."

He then went busy for a moment, before a notification appeared to Noda. She received a strange bird, small, carved out of an ore like glass, life like, but it was lifeless. Just before any of the two could say a word, the bird suddenly moved, got bigger, and it started to flap its wings, before disappearing outside the market.

"This is my own pe… Holy Shit! What are these skeletons?!!"

He suddenly exclaimed in shock, and his reaction instigated his sister's laugh, as she replied:

"Ibro summoned them."

"Aha," he said, after a long moment of silence and shock, "I now understand why you two seemed confident."

Ibro pushed away this comment, and returned to the main topic as he asked:

"Can you record what is going to happen here? as you will need it to show it to the buyers?"

"Sure, I'm recording everything now, oh man, you are very strong! Your skeletons are really awesome! Are you a necromancer?"

Ibro ignored his comment, as he said to the system:

'Move the rune away from the village walls, and detonate it.'

He then looked to Moran and said:

"I will use the rune outside the walls of the village, observe carefully and …"contemporary romance

He wasn't able to continue his words, as suddenly the ground shook, followed by a sudden silence, one that was so heavy and majestic, a familiar feeling of his own runes getting detonated.

He just smiled, as he stood there motionless, while Noda moved, out of innate fear, outside the market, to see the shocking scene that welcomed her.

This wasn't a simple rune as she or her shocked brother thought, it was a world destruction weapon, one on a caliber of ruining kingdoms and topping empires.

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