Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 115: The Death Fog Appears Again

"Sigh, it turned from a brutal impossible fight into this race against time marathon!" she murmured with a soft chuckle, marveling how strong her class was.

She wasn't the only one commenting like this, as all the city governors who were following her now were speechless beyond imagination, asking themselves the same question.

She kept pushing forward in all directions, while at the same time she was followed from far by the city governors who decided to keep following this legendary moment and movement and see its end.

Things kept moving smoothly for her for two days. during which she managed to summon over fifty armies and liberated hundreds of villages.

Despite all that, and despite the huge number of villages she liberated, only one tenth of the villages scattered at the world map were cleared, leaving more than ninety percent of the villages still under the monsters' control.

It wasn't until the end of the second day when a new development appeared. The monsters' tactics so far were simple, as they summoned portals and gathered a huge number of monsters to surround the village in an attempt to protect it.

This turned the fight into a battle of attrition, while Oya didn't hurry and destroy the gates, creating hundreds of leveling spots for her skeletons scattered along the world.

However when she came to this village, she was surprised to see the whole village was covered in a dark fog, covering tens of miles around it, making her unable to see clearly what was inside.

'The fog of death, that's a very interesting challenge,' the system suddenly said, making her pay more attention to this fog. "Isn't it like the fog I once entered?" she asked, recalling that death fog storm she once entered when she was at the beginning of building her army.

'Sure, it's the same, however this time the fog's greatest monster, the ancient fiend, is alive and there is nothing in my hand to crush it,' the system sighed, as it recalled the distant help left over time by Rioneed of the ancient times.

"So what should I do then?" she asked.

'Send all the armies you have inside, despite you will lose most of it, but this will end up exhausting the fiend. If you are strong enough, you could have learnt the runes Ibro left for you, but your strength currently is lacking, so your only option now is to kite this fiend down till the moment you enter there and kill it yourself.'

She thought for the dilemma for a moment before asking:

"Tell me, won't my skeletons get benefits from entering there?"

'They will, and this isn't like the past one; this is far advanced death fog, so they will gain much more than before.'

"Great, let's play by my rules then," she then turned with her phoenix, directing her army to avoid the fog zone, attacking other villages.

'What are you doing?' the system asked.

"I will first create an endless army, for them to enter there and have many losses, but quite the gain as well. Like this I won't feel any pain in losing them, plus this loss won't greatly weaken my strength."

The system didn't say anything back as her logic was indisputable. She then bypassed the fog zone before continuing to attack more villages, creating more leveling grounds, and expanding her army constantly.

As for the system, it kept enhancing the summoned skeletons all the time. this kept going for two more days, before she was faced with another death fogged village.

"Oh! Another one! This fast?!!" she muttered as she then opened the map, compared between the two fogged villages on the map to find the distance there wasn't that much.

"So each five percent clearance I would face such fog!" she sneered, as she was sure that the first fog would be the hardest, then the rest would be easier.

'Time to hunt down the fog?' the system asked.

"No, let's wait for two more days. my leveling grounds just need time to yield enough skeletons," she shook her head, before leading her army bypassing the fog village.

As she expected, after two days, another fogged village popped in front of her, blocking the road forward, and making her smile.

"Time to kill all of you," she muttered, before leading her whole army towards the first fog. "Send the orders, all the extra skeletons must gather at the location of the first fogged village," she said to her system which started to relay her orders.

Despite taking four days to cross the distance that could be crossed in two, she wasn't distressed or worried. Any more hours was a valuable gain she wouldn't let off.

All the way to the first fogged village, she didn't stop summoning skeletons for once, making her army grow more in number and diversity. When she reached the fogged village, she had enough army to block the horizon.

"Arrange the death knights to be with the forefront waves, and let the liches all gather at the end of the army. Keep them summoning skeletons all the time," she saidcontemporary romance


The system didn't reply as it was quite busy handling all these tasks. As for her, she kept summoning skeletons, while the front waves entered the fog zone.




Explosions erupted one after another in the whole zone making her speechless. "I didn't think the fiend inside would be that hard and strong!"

'It's one of the advanced fiends in the universe here, despite not reaching the rank of Jognak the brutal, but it's quite strong.'

"Sigh, then keep the death knights back for now," she softly sighed as she thought her armies would be enough to crush the fiend once and for all.


She then continued to summon skeletons, while the waves entering the fog zone didn't stop. Explosions kept raging wildly, making the hair of those distant city governors stand to no end.

They never thought the battle would be so brutal, and now they realized they never truly fought the monsters in a true battle.

If they did, then all of their armies would be annihilated in mere hours!

They were confused about the sudden appearance of these fog zones here, but the truth was that their previous attempts to liberate the villages were never that strong to truly threaten the monsters here.

So the monsters never cared about them and their attempts. However, Oya was different. She had the ability to truly demolish all their hard work here, so they took her threat seriously, and wouldn't stop at anything to crush her.

However they truly underestimated the power of a necromancer!

The fight took five days, constantly sending endless skeletons inside to die! However, in the last couple of days, the explosions started to grow weaker and less numerous. At the end of the fifth day, explosions became much scarcer than before.

'It's time, the fiend is weak! Send in the death knights and all the strong skeletons to gain benefits of the death energy here.'

The system hurried her to agree on sending in the elites, but she had a different opinion. "Send everything else, keep my strong army away for now."

'But why?' the system couldn't understand her logic this time.

"I need to raise the overall strength of my army! The death energy here is limited after all, so using it to level up a high ranked skeleton would rapidly deplete it, but instead when used to raise up the ranks of weak skeletons, it would be enough to cover a large number of skeletons, right?"


"Just send them, and don't waste my time. we need to deal the final blow to this fiend soon!"


She totally ignored her system while watching the large number of skeletons entering the death fog zone in large batches, while imagining the final picture of the grand advanced skeleton army she would have.

She knew each danger came with an opportunity, and all she needed to do was to make sure to eliminate the threat early, with low losses, then she would make her remaining skeletons much stronger.

"Sigh, in the end, I would be able to send a couple of armies to attack two or three fogged villages at the same time. fighting against me started to bore me, sigh!"

She sarcastically said, as she felt the victory was already in the reach. She waited, for another day before her system spoke up again:

'The fiend inside is now in its dying moments. I advise you to enter, let me absorb its energy.'

She was about to do so, before she asked:

"When it dies, won't the death energy rise dramatically?"

'Well…' the system got surprised by her question, 'sure, but isn't it waste to let only skeletons eat it?' it asked, trying to divert her attention away from proceeding with her crazy plan.

"No, this will be much better. Keep my skeletons coming and level up, and let's wait for them to finish their upgrade."

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