Necromancer Supreme System

Chapter 10: Let The War Begins

Ibro looked at the whole scene of his village territory with his divine sense, every place was bustling with activity, war was coming and every single person here was ready for it.

In less than ten minutes, all the players and NPCs were moved into the village, what remained were the huge armies of skeletons. Ibro knew this would take time, so he said to his system:

'Move part of the free dragons to here, and keep all the liches inside. They will be enough to supply us with reinforcements during war.'


Ibro wanted his liches to get advantage of the time difference inside his pocket space world, and this would be beneficial to him especially if the war lasted longer than he expected.

If he was the enemy, he would first show his muscles and strengths to intimidate Ibro, then he would try to crush Ibro's forces swiftly. If he failed, then he would turn to a long war, where he would reduce his enemies' numbers slowly but steadily, he would turn it into an attrition war.

Ibro's wait didn't last long, as after another ten minutes, the sky changed color abruptly. It was like there was another sun appearing in the sky, as the whole world around Ibro flashed with bright light.

'It's time, finally,' Ibro muttered to himself while he watched all these changes. He noticed the appearance of a visible, solid looking, semi-transparent huge dome marking his village territory. The dome had a huge hole in the centre of it, where it created a tunnel to the sky.

'So, this is the gate to the sky territory, that's interesting.'

Hepatia village had the right to compete for the sky territory, a right granted only for one lord from a major segment. Despite that, there was no way to find that territory or even the gate to it.

The underground territory was marked by a hill and a cave opening inside it, but this sky world had no trace no matter how hard Ibro tried to find it. However, he now understood,

It was an invisible tunnel that led to the sky. Without the appearance of this tunnel now in front of him, Ibro wouldn't even suspect its presence.

Amidst his deep personal thoughts, a calm, yet very loud, majestic sound appeared suddenly as it was coming from everywhere, saying:

"A challenge was approved by the game, a right for the sky territory with the ownership of one village, one alliance, and one town is on stake. The winner takes all, with the ownership right to the loser's universe.

Let the challenger and defender appear at the sky territory now, each has a chance to express his stand. If the defender wants to surrender, this is the time to do so."

'Surrender?!' Ibro snorted coldly as he felt a traction force pulling him from his place towards the tunnel. When he neared it, he found it wasn't small as he expected, it was very wide.

The tunnel was like a thin coat of semi-translucent material, but Ibro knew it was very sturdy, unlike what it appeared to be. The journey to the sky didn't take more than a couple of minutes, and when he reached there, he was astonished by what he saw.

The whole world was plain opened in front of him; there were no mountains, no trees, nothing at all to obstruct his vision. He felt strangely refreshed just when he stood there for a moment. The whole world was clear, with ground made of pure milky clouds.

It was like heaven, but Ibro couldn't appreciate this place, as there was a problem he felt, and his system confirmed his doubts.

'This world is pure, it will help your ultimatum energy to be replenished faster, but it's toxic for skeletons, at least the lowly ranked skeletons would die here.'

Ibro nodded as that what he felt when he first appeared here, so he asked his most important question:

'What about my high end skeletons? The frost bony dragons?'

'I believe they can withstand it here, but their fighting abilities would be decreased by multiple levels. This world is disadvantageous to your skeletons,' the system replied.

'Yes, I feel this world is the nemesis of my necromancer system and class. but I'm not only a necromancer.'

Ibro knew why his enemy chose such a way to crush him. the world here wasn't suitable at all for skeletons, and that would limit his necromancer advantage obviously.

While he was immersed in his analysis and thoughts, a shadow appeared from far away, moving leisurely towards him. He was a middle aged player, whose level exceeded one hundred at least, as he was able to fly on his own.

Ibro wasn't concerned by this player, as his attention was attracted to ten fiends who flew just behind that player. These fiends had different shapes, but all were similar in one thing, their bodies were really massive.

Each one of them was like a flying mountain, and each one gave Ibro a vague feeling of threat.

'Can you analyze them for me,' Ibro asked his system, which replied instantly:

'They can't be assessed perfectly, but each one of them had an immense amount of demon energy that I have never seen before.'

The words of the system piqued Ibro's attention, as he asked at once:

'They are even stronger than the fiends we met before?'

'Not stronger, but their energy's reserves are way higher and purer,' the system replied, then it tried to explain, 'Fiends and demons strength are measured by the rank of the curses they could use, these fiends don't have the same risky curses like those we met before.

They give me the feeling they are like energy reservoirs, with low fighting abilities.'

Ibro glanced at those immensely huge fiends as he muttered:

'That's weird, why would they need to bring demon energy reservoirs? They should bring fighters, not suppliers like these.'

'I don't know,' the system frankly replied. Ibro hated those fiends, as each time he met them, they kept using new tricks and tactics. They weren't strong in themselves, but the element of surprise was always standing on their side, and it wasn't a weapon to be underestimated.

"Both sides are present, the challenger may speak first, and the defender has to consider carefully his choice, as there won't be a way to surrender later."

The majestic voice suddenly appeared stopping the incoming enemies in their tracks. The two sides were separated by two miles from each other, but they could see each other perfectly. The middle aged player took couple of steps forward before he sneered as he said:

"The life savior, the demon reaper, and the universe destroyer, it's really an honor to meet you. Someone Legendary as yourself is really an example to be followed by many, enemies before allies.

I studied all your previous tactics at your last life, Necromancer Rioneed, and so I was chosen to be your enemy here from the supreme council of our mighty demon clan. Of course you don't recognize any of my words, as your current reincarnation is weak and lousy.

It's your mistake to interfere at the war back then, you should have stayed hidden and you won't deteriorate to such a messy condition. You even lost your beloved wives, and all that for what? Saving your pathetic kin?

As much as I admire you, that decision of yours is still a fatal error for you, and I can't really find any excuse for you to do it. anyway, I'm here today to destroy this retarded village of yours, tear everyone dear to you to shreds, and then kill you.

I guarantee you won't be able to escape, and as your fan, I'm obliged to help you enter eternal rest, may your soul find peace."

That middle aged player was weird, but Ibro realized it wasn't him who was speaking, it was a fiend who got control over his body. He sighed, it seemed his previous life was so glorious that attracted enemies like honey to bees.

He didn't care about all of that past, even that fake admiration he didn't need, all he had in mind was this moment, this challenge, this war, and that threat in front of him.

His mind was busy analyzing all possible dirty tricks these filthy demons would pull over him, and how would he react against them.

"The challenger has spoken, the defender has the right to speak. Do you want to surrender? Or do you want to resist?"

The majestic voice came once more directing his words to Ibro, who replied calmly, but with firm tone:

"I choose to win this prank and kill him."

"Hahaha, even after reincarnation, you never lost your spirit," that middle aged player laughed loudly on Ibro's words, but his laughter was cut by the majestic voice:

"The right to surrender had been eliminated, now you have your time to say your words before the challenge begins."

Ibro didn't know why, when he heard these words he recalled a distant scene from his memories, the moment when he managed to slain the mythic monster and was about to enter this game world.

His own words at that time were still vivid in his mind, it was like he just said them now. He looked towards his enemy then he shifted his eyes towards the sky as he said with extreme confidence and arrogance:

"I once was offered a chance to gain what I want, and I only wanted to own the whole sky. I wanted to be the one controlling my fate, not to be controlled by anyone or anything. My beliefs are the same, I'm now even more fixed on owning the whole sky.

I once spoke these words to you, and right now I will repeat them as a proof of my undying resolve. Nothing can stand in my way to achieve my dream, not even an army of fiends and a player's army coming from a higher game world."

Ibro then paused as his mind was filled with his voice when he tried to redeem the sky. After a few moments of silence, he repeated the same exact words he said back then, without any alteration to them"

"I know I can't fly there, but the only way that suited me was that distant sky. I want to be a sky to all, having the pure warm sun that gives life to every living thing. I want to be the sky which grants life by rain, also gives death by thunder and hurricane.

I want to be the sky; if I failed to be a sky then I don't want to be anything else. I will stay in my place pointing to it. Either you grant me my wish or you remove me from here completely.

Everyone is striving for a better future. Their dreams whether they had the right to or owned the ability to achieve it or not, must be respected as their own dreams. Everyone has the right to seek his dreams even if it is impossible.

Life is unfair, that's a fact. Life is full of hardships of different kinds, that is also a fact. But above all, if I, Ibro, was submitted to every destiny obstacle I face and didn't fight every hardship I meet, then I'm not a man deserving to reach the skies.

I will face every hardship welcoming it with respect not fear. I will face whatever fate throws in my face and crush it.

I will defy fate and forge my destiny with my own bare hands by any price I'm willing to pay. This is the life that I would love to live. That's my choice here. I want to reach the skies.

Life is unfair, but my choices are just. I will stick to my choice and do whatever it takes to achieve my dreams."

Ibro then took a deep breath and shifted his gaze towards his enemy as he said with a fiery desire for battle:

"Let me crush you right here and now, let the whole world know about my existence. You mentioned I was wrong in choosing the human side, I frankly don't remember all this.

If that was my decision back then, I would stick to it and see it through, even if I have to kill every last demon and fiend in your claimed supreme demon clan.

Come and show me how do you plan to kill me, nothing will stop me from crushing you back. C'mon, let's have war."

The whole world ushered under a strange silence, Ibro's words were still echoing in each one's ears, in his skeletons and villagers down there, in his enemies, and above all in those who supervise this challenge. After moments of silence, the majestic voice came again:

"According to the rules of the challenge, you both ended your preparations and said your own statements. These words you just said would be recorded in the records of this game world number 78532145. At this date, the challenge is permitted to commence.

The challenger came from a higher world, so he will be subjected to some limitations. All the soldiers he uses would fight with half of their power, all gears they use will be halved in their stats and skills. Now, each side has to select his armies at each battle ground.

There are three battlefields, the sky, the ground, and the underground territories. Beware, after each of you select your armies, you can't interfere and adjust it.

The three battlefields are considered separate battles. To win each battlefield, you must kill all the opponent troops, or they surrender to you. The final winner will be determined as who has won more battles."

The sound faded away slowly as Ibro was surprised by these words, but what made him more surprised was the words that his enemy said:

"I'm content with my army here at the sky, ground, and underground battlefields. I'm ready for the challenge."

Ibro didn't expect this fiend who boasted a lot to be such an idiot, so that only meant these ten fiends behind him were the key to his strategy.

'Best out of the three battles determines the winner, huh!'

Ibro sneered as he began to see a glimpse of his enemy plot and strategy. Ibro had already distributed skeletons, players, and NPCs to the underground battle, while he left the surface world defended only by mere ten million soldiers.

He began to put his hands over his enemy strategy, that deceitful enemy was really a worthy enemy to defeat. Ibro smiled as he said to his system:

'Make the players, NPCs, and skeletons evacuate the underground world now.'

'Do you want me to bring them here?' the system asked.

'No, let them defend the surface world with Hoden and Mamor.'

The system paused for a second before asking with doubt:

'Are you sure? Don't underestimate this enemy; although he had ten fiends only, I smell a stench odor of traps.'

Ibro smiled faintly as he replied:

'Don't worry, I know there is a trap here, and I'm not afraid of it. Once they move to the surface world, tell me at once.'


Ibro wasn't suicidal, but he wanted to secure the win of one battle, so he only needed to win it here. This sky battle would be the one which determined everything, and as his enemy was hiding his cards, Ibro also did.

The system then started to relay his orders to all the units down there using his divine sense. Ibro didn't stay there doing nothing, as he wanted to test something important first.

'Death summon curse.'

'Death summon skill.'contemporary romance

'Mummy summon curse.'

'Mummy summon skill.'

'Giant bony golam summon curse.'

'Giant bony golam summon skill.'

'Frost bony dragon summon curse.'

'Frost bony dragon summon skill.'

'Death kings summon curse.'

'Death kings summon skill.'

'Death knights summon curse.'

'Death knights summon skill.'

'Skeleton assassins summon curse.'

'Skeleton assassins summon skill.'

'Death guards summon curse.'

'Death guards summon skill.'

'Lich summon curse.'

'Lich summon skill.'

'Heavy shield skeleton warriors summon curse.'

'Heavy shield skeleton warriors summon skill.'

'Death arise curse.'

'Death arise skill.'

'Plaque curse.'

'Plaque curse skill.'

'Dark fog curse.'

'Dark fog skill.'

'Skeleton remodeling curse.'

'Skeleton remodeling skill.'

'Graveyard curse.'

'Graveyard skill.'

Ibro started to experiment using all the curses and skills related to necromancy. What he found matched what he expected, and he even got some surprises as well.

The highly ranked skeletons managed to sustain themselves in this environment, but they were, to some degree, weaker than usual. As for the lowly ranked skeletons, once they appeared a loud sizzling sound echoed in the area with them burning in matter of minutes.

No matter what curse Ibro used, away from those high ranked skeletons, everything else burned. His death summon, death arise, black fog, plaque, and even graveyard curses all broke once he used them and yielded him nothing.

The issue was different with his skills, as these lowly ranked skeletons managed to hold themselves a little longer, and his highly ranked skeletons were much stronger.

What surprised him, though, was the effect of his skeleton remodeling skill, which turned the about to burn skeletons into intermediate rank ones, who were able to resist the pure scorching environmental effect in the sky world.

The problem he had now was the limitation of his necromancer skills next to the curses. Although the game supported the skills and made it resistible somehow to the environment here, the disparity in the summoned numbers was something he couldn't ignore easily.

Right now, Ibro had formulated a plan to counter his enemy's scheme, as he would use his dragons, golams, death kings, and death knights here in the battle.

As for liches, although they could resist the environment here as well, their fighting abilities weren't even on par with one tenth of their summoning value, so he planned to keep them inside his pocket space universe.

'Relay my orders to the skeletons inside my pocket world, you will move every dragon, golam, death king, and death knight from there to here on my mark. As for liches, make them continue their summon.'

'What about the weak skeletons?' the system asked.

'Make part of liches use the skeleton remodeling curse over them and turn them rapidly into intermediate rank skeletons. After a suitable number of them are amassed there, I can use them here at the appropriate time.'


Ibro had guessed the plot of his enemy, as he also intended to play it like Ibro did. He would attack and claim the underground world, forsake the surface world, and focus everything here on the sky world.

Without any prior agreement, both sides agreed to turn this sky battle into a war decisive main battle, whoever won here would win the whole challenge.

'I have finished all preparations; all troops have withdrawn into the village now.

The skeletons inside the pocket space world are ready and I can move them at any notice,' the system said after a few minutes of silence that lasted for half an hour. Ibro looked at the sky as the majestic sound came from as he said:

"I'm ready for the challenge."

The majestic voice said:

"It's weird how the two of you plan this challenge, let the challenge begin."

As his voice faded, a bombing sound appeared declaring the start of this challenge. Ibro glanced at his enemy as he said with a sneer:

"Your move, filthy fiend."

"As you wish, idiotic Rioneed reincarnation."

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