Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 3)

Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: Chapter 9

When Gianni told me the address of where her ex lived after she parked at his apartment complex, I left the compound and got to her as fast as possible. I trust no one. Sophie’s safety is very important to me.

Gianni is behind me when I kick the door down. My eyes zero in on him. His hands are on her, she’s pinned against the wall, and when she sees me, I see the relief.

And the tears dripping down her cheeks.

He releases her. “Who the fuck are you? Get the hell out of my apartment.”

With a sneer, I tackle him to the ground, then wrap a hand around his throat. He tries to bat my hand away, but he’s too weak.

I lift him by his neck before slamming him against the floor again. The breath is knocked out of him.

I do it again.

And again.

Loving the sound of his head smashing against the wooden floor.

Grabbing my gun, I slip the barrel under his chin, and lift him to his feet, pinning him against the wall. I pull back on the hammer, sliding a bullet into the chamber.

“Holy fuck.” The words tremble from Michael’s mouth.

“‘Holy fuck’ is right, you piece of shit,” I seethe.

I turn to Sophie to see her arms wrapped around her waist, her shirt torn, and her throat reddened from his hand. “Are you okay?”

She doesn’t say anything, just nods, but her body says otherwise. She’s shivering.

“Gianni. Give her your jacket.” I’d give her mine, but I don’t want to remove this gun from Michael’s face.

Gianni does what I say without a fuss. He would have given her the jacket anyway. He’s a gentleman like that.

She tightens the blazer around her to cover herself up.

I growl, knowing he’s seen her bra, her gorgeous body, without permission.

“I should kill you. I’ve killed for less. You won’t be missed. I should torture you and make your pain last for putting your hands on her.”

He struggles against me, trying to get free of my hold. “You have no idea who I am. You have no idea how fucked you are.”

I laugh, truly amused by his audacity. “How fucked I am? Me?” I shove the gun into his mouth, chipping his front tooth. “You have no idea who the fuck I am. That’s what you need to worry about, Michael,” I sneer.

“Matias, don’t.” Sophie’s small voice has me taking a deep breath. “Don’t kill him.”

I grunt in disagreement. “Why? The world would be better off.”

“I wouldn’t be. I don’t want to be the reason he’s dead.”

“He would be the reason. Not you. His actions are his alone.” I shove the gun further into his mouth and he gags. “So, tell me why I shouldn’t kill you, Michael. What makes you so special?” I slip the gun free so he can speak.

“You are fucking dead.” He spits. Literally spits into my face.

I slam my head forward and hit his nose with my forehead, causing it to bleed as it breaks.

“I would fucking kill you if it weren’t for Sophie. She’s the only thing keeping you alive.”

“Wait until my father hears about this.”

“I don’t give a fuck about your father,” I tell him. “You need to know that with every step you take, you have the Milazzo Mafia watching you.”

His face loses color. “Milazzo?”

I lean forward and grin. “Milazzo.” I point the gun at his heart. “So, when I say I don’t give a fuck about who you are, do you believe me? Because I can promise, who you are doesn’t compare to who I am.”

He nods so fast, the sweat dripping from his temple slides freely down his jaw.

“I’m not going to kill you, but know you’re officially tagged, Michael. If you speak to Sophie, if you contact her, if you’re in the same place as her, if you do anything other than forget about her existence, I’ll kill you. I’ll dismember your body and spread it across the fucking United States, so you’re never found. Do you understand?”

“I understand,” he bites, looking over my shoulder at Sophie.

I adjust my stance and cock my head, moving the gun to his shoulder and pulling the trigger.

“Ah, fuck!” he shouts, sliding down the wall and leaving a blood smear on the wall.

“When I said not to look at her, I meant starting now. That’s a warning. The next one will land between your eyes, Michael.”

He stares at the ground, holding a hand to his shoulder to apply pressure to the wound.

“Get what you need from here, Sophie. And we will leave.”

I keep the gun aimed at Michael, waiting for him to move his eyes to get another look at her. She comes back with a photo album in her arms.

“Gianni, please take her outside.”

She doesn’t argue, but stares at me until she’s out the door.

I punch him again, then dig my finger into his wound to hear him scream. “I will bring you so much fucking pain, every day of your life, if you don’t listen to me. I will enjoy taking away your will, your pain, your freedoms. I will enjoy making your life hell until I kill you. Stay away from her, understand?”

“I understand!” he yells, his face red from the pain.

I straighten. “Good.” For good measure, I shoot him in his leg and the pain causes him to fall over.

“What the fuck?”

“Because I felt like it. Neither wound will kill you.” I tuck the gun in the holster and walk away, wishing I could kill him. I’ll do anything Sophie wants, so if she doesn’t want me to kill him, I won’t.

It doesn’t mean it takes away the urge to.

When I’m outside, I hurry out of the apartment to see Gianni and Sophie near the SUV. I let the bravado fall and my concern is evident. I lift her chin with my finger, brush my other hand down the redness on her neck, and tighten my jaw.

“Are you okay? What did he do to you? Are you hurt?” I lightly pat her arms, then bend down, checking her legs.

“No,” she sniffles. “No, you got here just in time.” Her voice wavers with emotion. “Thank you for coming. I just… I needed this album. It’s all I have of my parents. It must have fallen out of the box when I was packing and—”

“—There is no need to explain. Okay? You should be able to get your belongings without issue. And Sophie?” I caress her chin with my fingers and her watery eyes look up at me. “I’ll always come for you. That’s something you never have to worry about. Okay?”

She nods, a few tear drops breaking free of her lash line to trickle down her face.

I bring her in for a hug, needing to feel her safe in my arms, and I kiss the top of her head. “You’re okay. I have you, my sweet. I have you. He’ll never touch you again.”

I feel her nod against my chest.

“Gianni, drive her car back to the compound. I’ll drive her home.”

“No problem. I’m glad we got here in time, Sophie. I’m happy to see you safe.” Gianni gives me a nod before walking to her car.

“He needs the key,” she says, the words muffled against my chest.

“He has one. I made copies of your key and gave it to those who will need it.”

“I would argue about that if I had the energy.”

I kiss her forehead. “I know you would. Let’s get you home, okay? You need to rest.”

“I won’t argue with you there,” she rasps, placing her hand against her throat. “I think he would have choked me to death.” Another wave of tears comes as I open the passenger side door and help her inside.

“Death would not have happened because I’ll always get to you before that’s ever a possibility.” I reach over and buckle her in, wanting to embrace her in close proximity, but we need to get away from this apartment.

I hurry around the front of the car and jump in, slamming the door in hopes Michael hears us leaving. The tires skid across the pavement as I peel out of the parking lot. I’m furious. My hand tightens on the wheel and my heart lurches in my chest with how close I was to losing Sophie. My palms sweat.

It’s then I realize she’s weakened me.

Instead of saying anything stupid like why the hell she’d go to his place alone, I keep my mouth shut because my frustrations are not her fault. She’s been through enough and I don’t need to make her feel worse.

I slip my hand in hers, lacing our fingers together, and she doesn’t fight me. She leans over, placing her head on my shoulder as we drive home.

We get home all too soon, faster than I want because I’m enjoying her touch all too much. When we park, we stay in the car, not rushing out. I think both of us are finding the alone time welcoming.

“I’m sorry,” she finally says. “I shouldn’t have gone alone.”

“It’s okay.” I cup the back of her neck and press our foreheads together. “I’m just happy you’re safe.” Her breath puffs against my lips just as she tilts her head.

So I do the same, inching closer. Her breath catches. I pause, waiting to see if she changes her mind but she doesn’t move. My hand slips from the back of her neck to her jaw, cupping it gently, and I bring my lips to hers at last.

Her lips give easily, and I take it in, groaning softly when I finally experience the one thing I haven’t been able to get out of my mind. Her hand slides up my chest, fisting my tie to pull me closer. My tongue slips between her lips, hers lightly flicking against mine.


The kiss deepens, somehow becoming hotter, and my cock hardens painfully.

Now isn’t the time for lust, so I bring the kiss to an end. “I want to do that again and again, but I think we need to stop.”

She nods, her fist still clutching my tie.

Sophie just gave me the best kiss of my life and in return, I want to give her the best life possible.

“Let me open the door for you and help you to your room. Anything you need, ask, okay?”

“Okay,” she whispers, licking lips that are red from our kiss.

Goddamn it. I want to kiss her again.

I head to the passenger side, open her door, and before I can think better of it, my arm wraps around her waist and I pull her to me. She slides across the leather seat, her legs on either side of me, and I kiss her again. My hand finds that spot under her jaw so I can control the way we move against one another.

Her palms land on my chest and the slightest moan escapes her, drenching my tongue in need while I gently slide it between her lips. This kiss is slow, controlled, and savored.

“I had to taste you again,” I say.

“I wanted you to.”

I’m finally making headway with Sophie Matthews. “Good. I plan on doing it often.”

She looks down, hiding her smile.

Sliding my arms under her, I lift her, placing her against my chest and she squeals.

“No! Put me down, Matias. Put me down. You can’t—You can’t. I’m too heavy.”

I kick the car door shut, narrowing my eyes at Sophie. “Don’t ever say that. You aren’t heavy. You’re fucking perfect, and if this was another day, I’d throw you over my shoulder to show you just how light you really are.”

“You wouldn’t,” she gasps, horrified. “Put me down, Matias. I’m serious. Men have not carried me.”

Gianni opens the front door so I can carry her across the threshold. I nearly fumble, wishing I would have handed her the contract, so she was my wife. I could be her husband right now if I ruled with a heavier fist.

“Then you have not been with the right men,” I state, walking her to her room. She remains silent as I open her door, then gently place her on the bed. “You should be with a man who is strong enough to toss you around how you wish to be tossed.” I glide my hands down her voluptuous curves, giving a slight shake of my head—a pure disbelief that she can’t see how fucking perfect she is. “You are…” I trail off, trying to find the right words. “You are everything a man could ever want, Sophie.” Lifting her up, I slide off Gianni’s jacket, not liking that she’s wearing another man’s clothes. “I’m not undressing you, even if that’s all I have thought about since you stepped into my life.” I throw his jacket to the bench settled in front of the bed. “I really dislike seeing another man’s clothes on you.”

I take her hand and kiss the top of it, not wanting to leave her just yet, but I understand she needs space after everything she’s been through. I go to leave, my cock hard and aching.

The moment I leave, I’ll be taking care of that.

My entire body is burning with lust.

“Why don’t you?” I hear her whisper behind me.

I stop, turning my head until my chin hits my shoulder. “Because I only want you wearing my clothes.”

“No. That’s not what I mean.” I turn around just as she props herself up on her elbows. “Why don’t you undress me?”

I shut my eyes, growling low in my throat. “Sophie, be careful with what you say. You don’t know how much I hold back with you. You aren’t ready. I won’t have this be something you regret. I refuse for you to regret me.”

“I won’t.” She shrugs off her torn shirt, revealing that beautiful black bra. Her tits are barely contained, nearly too big for it, and all I want to do is press them together, fuck them, and come all over those beautiful mounds, claiming them as my own.

“Sophie,” I rumble her name again in warning.

“I’m a virgin, Matias. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never felt the need to be with a man like I do with you. I can’t promise I’ll be good at it, but if there’s a man who I know will take care of me, and protect me, I know you’re that man. You’ve proved it already.” She unbuttons her jeans and wiggles out of them, kicking them to the ground only to reveal a matching black pair of panties.

They are simple, nothing seductive, but I’ve never seen anything so tantalizing and tempting.

“Undress the rest of me, Matias.”

My breaths come out heavy, my fists clench by my side, and I try to think of a reason to say no again. She doesn’t understand that once this happens, she’ll be mine.


This won’t be a one-night fling. This won’t be Sophie getting it out of her system. No matter what she tells herself. I know she’ll second-guess this happening between us, but I’ll have to deal with that another day.

“Please, Matias,” she begs softly.

I’m in front of her in two steps, grabbing the back of her neck as I peer down at her. “You never have to beg me to fuck you. I’ll always give you what you want and what you need when you ask.” I slam my mouth against her, the heat rising fast between us, now that we know what’s going to happen.

Our mouths melt together. I pry her lips apart, sliding my tongue inside, and flicking it lightly against hers. Her palms glide up my chest and pull down my blazer. It slides off easily, piling on the floor.

“You have no idea how much you consume me,” I admit against her lips before owning them again.

She whimpers, unbuttoning my shirt and tugging it free from my slacks. I apply pressure against her lips, forcing her back until she’s lying flat against the bed. I crawl over her, caging her head in with an arm and aligning our bodies in a way so she can feel how much I want her.

Her hands find my belt, undo it, and toss it on the floor before unzipping my pants. I’m kicking my shoes off with my slacks until we are in our underwear. I spread her legs with my knee, aligning my cock against her, and start thrusting. I need her to feel me.

“Matias,” she whines when my cock rolls over her clit.

I haven’t dry-humped since I was a teenager, but I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want Sophie. I can’t contain how much I want to show her how I need her. I groan next, my cock harder with every stroke against her clit. All that’s between us is the thin material of our underwear. I feel the heat of her pussy and it causes my cock to leak.

I continue to rock against her, swallowing her sighs and moans. Slipping my fingers through the straps of her bra, I tug them down. I want to take my time exploring her.

This will not be quick.

This will not be fast.

This will be memorable.

“Matias.” Her nails dig into my back, her mouth falls open while she closes her eyes. “Oh, god. Matias.” She rocks against me quickly. “Don’t stop.”

Is she going to come for me? Just like this? Fuck, that’s sexy.

“You’re going to come for me, Sweet Sophie?”

“Yes,” she groans. “Yes. I’m so close. Please, don’t stop. Please.”

Sliding my arm under her back, I unhook her bra, and toss it over my shoulder. Her breasts spill free and I’m in fucking heaven. I knead one and it’s more than I can hold, spilling over my hand. Kissing down her neck, my lips graze every soft inch of her skin, dragging down her chest until I’m sucking a nipple into my mouth.

Fucking perfect.

I nibble, teasing the bead between my teeth.

Taking me by surprise, my own orgasm threatens. I can feel it building as I gain speed, the head of my cock still rolling against her clit.

“Fuck,” I curse, tugging down my briefs so I can feel her against me.

I grab her panties and rip them from her body, my eyes rolling to the back of my head when I get to feel how wet she is.

“Christ. You feel so fucking good.”

“Yes. Yes! Oh my god, this…this…”

“I know. Fuck, I know.” I curl over her, still thrusting between her soaked lips. “You’re going to make me come. Help me take the edge off.”

“Matias!” she shouts my name, dragging her nails down my back as she comes. Her body tightens, a sense of relief washing over her, and I rear back so I can watch the pleasure play across her face.

She becomes wetter, drenching me so much, with every stroke I hear the sound of her slick against me.

“Good girl,” I moan. “I’m going to come all over this pussy. I’m going to claim it. You’re going to be all mine, aren’t you?” I thrust hard one more time, her legs shaking around me from rutting against her overly sensitive clit, and my orgasm hits me. I look down, needing to see my come slide between her pussy, my cockhead peeking out with every shallow thrust I give. She becomes a mess, her pussy covered in me, and my cock begins to slide even easier from our combinations.

I scoop my come up with my fingers. “Open.”

She licks her bottom lip before obeying, her eyes glazing over with lust. Her swollen lips part and her cheeks turn a scandalous shade of pink.

“Taste me, Sweet Girl. Taste what’s yours.” I slide my come-soaked fingers over her tongue, and she wraps her lips around me, groaning as she sucks me clean, as if I’m her favorite piece of candy. My cock twitches from the erotic sight.

“Mmmm,” she hums in delight.

While she’s working on my fingers, I take my free hand and stroke my cock while I watch. I’m still hard, still aching to feel her heat wrapped around me.

“That’s it. Show me how you’ll suck my cock.”

Her tongue flicks against my fingertips and I slide them out of her decadent mouth. With her spit shining on my fingers, I travel them down the middle of her body, appreciating every curve. I love her body. Wide hips, thick thighs, plump everything, and she has no idea how fucking feral I am for it. I imagine her pregnant with my child, round, breasts bigger and leaking with milk as I fuck her.

She’s a goddess and I’m the devil who is going to ruin her.

I slip my fingers between her pussy lips, rubbing my come into every crevice I can find. She gasps, fondling her heavy tits while I play.

“You have such a pretty cunt, Sweet Girl. So soft. I bet you’re so fucking tight. You saved this pussy just for me, didn’t you?” I dip a finger inside her tight hole, my mouth falling open when I feel just how tight she really is. “Fuck, Sophie.”

She glances down, eyes widening when she sees my cock for the first time. “I don’t think you’ll fit, Matias.” She swallows nervously.

“I’ll fit. I’ll get you ready for my big cock, Sweet Girl.” I ease my index finger in all the way with my come as lube until I feel her barrier. She tenses with pain, and I ease back, wanting to claim that when I’m deep inside her. My thumb grazes her clit to help her relax.

“Oh,” she sighs in surprise.

I work my finger in and out, loving how she relaxes when it feels better, as time goes on. I insert another finger and curl over her body, claiming her lips once more while I finger-fuck her pussy to get it ready for my cock.

“You’re going to feel so fucking good,” I praise. “You’re so perfect. Your body is everything I’ve dreamed about. I can’t wait to see you on top of me, owning this cock like you should.” The more I talk, the more she moves her body against me. The most sinful sounds spill from her lips, so I continue while I insert a third finger. “I’ve dreamed about being buried inside you.” I take her hand, wrapping her fingers around my cock until she makes a fist. “Feel what you do to me, feel how hard you make me. You do that. This is all because of you. I’ve never come like I did earlier with another woman. You do that to me. That’s how you make me feel. I can’t hold back with you. You trigger every fucking need I have.”

She plucks her nipples, biting her bottom lip. “Matias, oh my god,” she nearly squeals, reaching up to wrap her arms around my neck. She kisses me with so much intensity, I have to readjust my position, so I don’t fall over.

“Please, I can’t wait anymore. Please,” she murmurs against my lips, her arm disappearing between us. She wraps her hand around my cock, and I grunt from how good her touch is. “Fuck me, Matias. I need you inside me.”

“Mmm,” I growl, settling between her legs. I lift one leg over her hip to give me better access and she releases my cock. “It will hurt at first, Sweet Girl.” I kiss the side of her neck. “But I promise, I’m going to make you feel so fucking good.”

“I trust you,” she whispers against my ear.

My entire body shivers from the admission, wanting nothing more than to show her I’m the one person who she can trust with her life.

I guide my cock to her entrance and lean on one elbow so I can get a good look at her when I’m sinking inside. Her fingers grip my ass, her nails digging into the flesh as she waits for the pain I warned her about.

Inching in, I hold my breath, unable to remember how to fucking inhale when she wraps around me.

“Jesus Christ, you’re tight.” I want to thrust in. I want to take. I want to know how perfect she’ll feel taking every inch of me.

But she isn’t ready.

A groan of pain sounds from her. She tenses, clenching around my cock which causes me to grunt. I hit her barrier, lowering my body against hers, and pushing her hair away from her face while I kiss her cheeks.

Words of encouragement flow freely from me to help her relax. “You’re doing so good, Sophie.” I drift my fingers up and down her arms. “You feel so fucking good. You’re the best I’ve ever felt. I was made to be inside you.” I kiss across her chest, sucking her nipple into my mouth. “God, I fucking love your tits. I’m going to fuck them one day, Sweet Girl. I’m going to come all over them until you’re nothing but a mess. You’ll be drenched in me.”

I feel the moment she relaxes. She releases the tight grip on my cock.

“That’s a good girl,” I praise her again and before I say another word, I slowly ease in, claiming her virginity, taking what’s rightfully mine.

Not his.

“Oh fuck, Matias!” she squeezes her eyes shut and her nails sink into my shoulders until I feel the skin break.

I don’t move, wanting her to get used to the size of me. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable she must feel right now, but it will get better.

I tremble, my control slipping.

“You’re cold?” she turns my chin, so I have to look at her and her breath hitches in her throat. “What’s wrong?”

I suck her bottom lip into my mouth, then wipe away a tear dripping down her cheek from the pain. “You feel so good, I’m about to lose control. I’m not cold, I’m burning up for you.” I suck my thumb into my mouth, tasting the salty liquid burst across my tongue. “Controlling myself is almost impossible when I have you under me at last.”

She bites my bottom lip, then licks it. “I’m ready.”

A victorious groan fills the room as I slide out, only to slowly thrust in to test my boundaries. “Oh, my fucking god, Sophie.” I throw my head back when I’m as far as I can go. She’s taking every inch of me. “Baby,” I murmur breathlessly, my hand wrapping around the back of her neck to lift her to me so I can kiss her once more.

I don’t go faster. I don’t go harder. I keep the pace slow and steady until I know she’s okay. First times can be horrible for a woman, and I won’t be that for her. I refuse.

“You feel so good. I knew you would.” Our tongues duel, the kiss turning messy, and as the desire burns brighter, my movements become faster, naturally.

“More, Matias. More. Give me more.”

“I’ll give you anything you want, Sweet Girl.” I grab the headboard with one hand and squeeze her hip with the other, leveraging myself.

Lifting up, I can see her body, and my control snaps. Her tits bounce with every hard thrust.

I drive in.

Wanting to see where we’re connected, I release the headboard and let it smack against the wall. I spread her legs, keeping a tight grip on her thighs, in hopes that bruises will be there tomorrow, where I grabbed and fucked her.

“Look at that. Look at you taking me. You’re all breathless and moaning for this cock, aren’t you? I wish you could see what I see. Your pussy is stretched to the max. You have no idea what it does to me to see hints of your virginity coating my cock. It’s making me fucking feral, Sophie.”

“You feel so good. I never thought it would feel like this.”

I slide out and flip her onto her stomach easily, snagging her by her hair to keep her head lifted.

“Matias,” she gasps.

“It doesn’t feel like this. It’s only because it’s us. Do you understand that? Don’t even think about giving my pussy away to some other man that will never fuck you like I will.” I lie over her, thrusting inside her cunt without issue.

No barrier to stop me.

“Yes! Aaah, fuck, Matias. Yes!” she keens.

“Tell me,” I demand while I pound into her.

“No one else. No one. Yours only.”

“That’s right, Sweet Girl.” I force her onto her hands and knees, grabbing her hips while I ram into her, hard and fast.

“Fuck… Oh god, Matias. You…You… I feel like…” she buries her face into the mattress and grips the edge for dear life, while I relentlessly fuck her the way I’ve been wanting to.

Our skin slaps together and her round ass shakes with every thrust. Lifting my hand, I slap it, and she turns her cheek into the bed, trying to look at me.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” I spank her again and she becomes wetter. I chuckle. “Naughty girl. I knew you were made for me.” I wrap her hair around my fist and pull her against my chest. I squeeze one of her breasts, holding onto her, pulling her as close as possible. Her skin slides against mine. Her hair tickles my chest. The sweet scent of her shampoo infiltrates my nose while I bury my face against the back of her head.

“Ah, Sophie. Damn it.” Moans of every sound spill from us, echoing from the walls.

“I feel like… Matias. You have to stop.”

“Why? Tell me why I’d ever stop fucking you.”

“I’m about to… I think I need to use the bathroom. You’re making me feel like I have to go. But I don’t want you to stop.” Her head falls onto my shoulder.

Gripping her upper throat, near her chin so I don’t hurt her like he did, I turn her head and we kiss. I can’t get enough.

“Good. It means you’re about to come.” I drift my other hand between her legs, pinching and rolling her clit. “Your orgasm is building. I hope you squirt all over me. That’s what you feel. You must love this position.”

She nods frantically, her brows drawn together. I shove my thumb into her mouth, watching bliss take over her features. She sucks and groans. I fuck her harder, slamming against her with so much force, we fall forward.

Her head hangs from the bed and I push up, pressing my hand against her back so she stays down. Her screams get lost in the bed while I watch my cock plummet into her pussy, disappearing between her thick ass cheeks. I’ll never understand men who don’t like curvy women.

If you can’t get past the cheeks, just fucking say that, don’t blame her.

“Come on, Sweet Girl. I feel you want to come. Let go. Come for me.” I press her legs together, forcing her to lie flat, the position causing my own orgasm to build.

“Harder,” she pleads.

A violent growl leaves me, and I clutch her ass with each hand, gripping the meat to use to help slam her against me.

But it’s me who can’t hold back.

A continuous moan is forced from my throat as my orgasm bursts from me, filling her cunt. I glance down, watching my come coat my cock and drip from her.

“Oh, fuck, Sophie. Look what you made me do. Oh, damn it. Fuck!” I ram into her as hard as I can, driving my come as deep as possible while the longest orgasm of my life continues.

Her knuckles turn white, and she shoves her face into the mattress as she screams, her body locking and unmoving while her thighs shake. Her orgasm hits her hard, and just as I thought, she squirts. Liquid runs down my cock and splashes against me, dripping down my sack.

I lean back, keeping the head of my cock in to watch her pussy tense with every spasm.

“That’s it, baby. Show me how good I made you feel. Give me every drop.”

There’s no way things can return to how they were. I’ll need her every fucking night. I’ll need her again and again. I’ll never get enough.

When she’s done, I inch my semi-hard cock inside her, wrap my arms around her body, and place us on our sides. I grab the blanket, which has wet spots on it from her orgasm, but I don’t care, and cover us.

“You’re still inside me,” she says sleepily.

I kiss her shoulder.

“And I never want to leave.”

Not until she’s pregnant with my child.

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