Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 3)

Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: Chapter 4

I scream as the flames lick my arms. Fire surrounds me. I can’t breathe. The smoke is heavy. I can’t see my parents. Glass breaks. The whoosh of flames grows and climbs up the walls like vines. I try to crawl, but my eyes burn from the heat. I flip to my back and give up, knowing I’m going to die. I feel myself being lifted. Cool air bursts over my skin and when I open my eyes, I see the night sky.

“Sophie? Sophie, wake up! Sophie. It’s a dream. You’re okay. Wake up.”

I stare at the man carrying me out of the house.

Right as I open my eyes, the man’s face from my dream transitions to Matias. Unless, it was Matias who pulled me from the fire? That can’t be.

I scurry away from him until my back hits the headboard. I glance around, my breath coming out in rapid gasps. Matias holds up his hands, showing he means no harm. He still looks half asleep. His hair is messy and he’s shirtless. My eyes can’t help but wander down his chest. Dark hair covers his chest, trickling down his abs before disappearing into a faint line down his sweatpants.

He is the definition of sexy—no—hot—no—handsome.

All of the above. He is every single option.

“You were screaming, so I came in here to check on you. Are you okay?”

I hold a hand to my chest, my heart racing so fast, and I remind myself to take deeper breaths to calm down. My entire body is hot all over. Sweat dampens my pajamas and my scars under the long sleeves ache as if the burns just happened.

“I’m so sorry,” I croak. My throat is so dry, my voice rasps. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. Did I wake Ella? God, I feel so bad. I don’t typically have nightmares anymore.”

The bed dips from his weight. His voice drips with worry and I can’t help but feel butterflies flutter in my core. “Anymore? Did you use to? Don’t apologize. It’s okay. I just want to make sure you’re alright.”

I nod. “I’m fine.” I glance at the clock and groan when I see it’s three in the morning. “Oh my god, it’s so early. Mr. Milazzo—”

“—Matias,” he corrects.

“Matias,” I repeat. “Am I fired? I can’t promise it won’t happen again.”

He stands, heading to the corner where the mini-fridge is. He grabs a bottle, twists off the cap, and sets it on the nightstand.


“I’m fine, Mr.—Matias. I’m fine.”

He snags the bottle, yanks my head back by gripping my hair, and my eyes widen at what he is doing.

“Open, Sweet Sophie,” he demands.

My mouth remains closed because I’m too shocked. My body ignites with lust. The valley between my thighs becomes hot and slick. My nipples bead at the rough treatment as he tugs my hair, forcing me to look up at him.

He sighs, tsking, and his thumb pressing against my bottom lip. “I said open, Sophie.” His thumb pushes between my lips. The pad of his finger rubs over my tongue, and I swear I hear him grunt. Matias pours the water into my mouth, and I guzzle it down, sighing when the cool liquid hits my throat.

Dying of thirst, I snatch the bottle from him, and guzzle it down.

His fingers relax on the hold they have in my hair and rub my scalp. “There you go. How about you get out of your pajamas and into new ones, then try to go back to sleep. If you need me, I’ll be in my room.”

There’s a part of me that doesn’t want him to leave. I feel safe. He’s made me feel calm with his radiating power and sincerity.

“That’s a good idea. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go back to sleep, so maybe I’ll just stay up and start working.”

“You will do no such thing. Your day doesn’t start until my daughter wakes up and it ends when she goes to bed. Okay?”

“But I’m a nanny for the entire house. I have more to do than that, Matias.”

“You’ll go back to sleep,” he growls in warning. “Understood?”

“Okay,” I relent, placing the empty bottle on the nightstand. “I’m sorry for waking you.”

“Don’t ever apologize for having a nightmare, Sophie. I’ll be here when you do, though. Goodnight.”

“Night,” I whisper, locked in his stare and waiting for him to move.

Even in the dark, I think I can see his eyes fall to my lips. The moonlight peeks into the windows, the shine casting against his silhouette. His shoulders are broad, shadowed by the darkness, while his chest expands with every breath he takes.

“Sweet dreams, Sophie.” He stands suddenly, his strides long and fast as he walks to the door, as if he can’t wait to get away from me.

The door eases shut, and I’m left alone.

“God,” I drone, flopping onto my back as I think about him shoving his finger into my mouth. That was so fucking hot. No one has ever been so assertive with me.

I wonder how he is in other ways. I bet women fall into his lap and his bed. My stomach turns at the thought of seeing one of the women he brings home. I’ll have to get used to the idea. He’s single, wealthy, probably the most eligible bachelor in the area. Women will probably come and go every day.

Why do I do this to myself?

I’d never have a chance with him, anyway. He’s my boss, which means he is off-limits. Still, I can be attracted to him and hide it. I have to be professional.

“Him sticking his thumb in my mouth is not professional,” I grumble, rolling off the bed to change and freshen up. I strip out of my shorts and long sleeve shirt, toss them in the laundry hamper and go to the bathroom.

I rinse off the sticky sweat in the shower which only takes a minute before I’m dried off in a warm towel. The burns on my arms have me staring into the reflection of the mirror, wishing like hell they were gone. The burn scars start at my wrist, travel up my forearms, and elbows, and stop just below my bicep. I’ve had plenty of surgeries to try and make my arms look normal, but there is only so much that can be done.

Turning away from the mirror, I get dressed, then climb back into bed.

I stare at the clock glowing three thirty in the morning and I sigh, turning to my other side. Closing my eyes, I try my best to fall asleep, but the reply of Matias telling me to open my mouth plays through my mind.

My body begins to heat again and the temptation to slide my hand down my body and under my panties is a force I can barely fight. If I do this, if I orgasm to the thought of him, I won’t be able to look at him the same. Everything will be different in my mind. It’s a line I can’t cross, no matter how badly I want to cross it.

I yank the blanket to my chin and settle into the mattress, doing my best to get comfortable. I groan in frustration, tossing and turning until I look at the clock again and notice it is already six in the morning.

So much for rest.

I decide to get up, tossing the blankets off with a little bit of attitude, and throw my hair in a messy ponytail.

For the second time, I get dressed, choosing comfortable leggings and off the off-the-shoulder long-sleeve shirt. I might not show my arms, but I show my shoulders when I can. I feel cute and confident.

After rushing my teeth and washing my face, I throw on a little mascara to make my blue eyes pop, then decide to start my day.

The first thing I do is go to the kitchen and make coffee. The house is eerily quiet, which leaves me alone with my thoughts. I think about what Matias said last night. He gushed about his daughter and it’s apparent how much he loves her. The more he talked, the more we slowly leaned into one another. Every time he is near, I can’t help but to get closer to him. Despite the voice in the back of my mind that’s telling me I should be terrified of him and everything he represents, there’s a much stronger, lustful part of me that can’t keep my mind off him. It’s scary how much control he already has over me.

I was so lost in being close to him last night, listening to his love for his daughter, I forgot to speak or say anything about myself. It’s all for the best. I don’t trust the mafia, even if their leader is handsome, kind, and compassionate. The mafia had something to do with my house burning down and killing my parents. I don’t know why or who it was, but seeing as I’m from this area, there are so many people it can be.

I plan to see if Matias had anything to do with it and if he did, I’ll be crushed. Since I’m here, I might as well make the best of it, and get as much information as I can without being confrontational.

As the coffee is brewing, I begin breakfast. Scrambled eggs, fruit, and toast. I sprinkle salt, pepper, and other seasonings on the eggs with cheese, give it a good stir so the cheese melts, and make everyone’s plate.

Matias is first.

I grab a tray, filling it with breakfast, then a cup of orange juice, and his coffee. I set sugar and cream to the side since I’m not sure how he takes it. Probably black like most hardcore murderous mafia men, right?

Clearing my throat, I snag the tray and carefully go downstairs to his office where I hear him shuffling papers. Taking a breath, I knock on the door, hoping he allows me inside.

“Come in.”

“Good morning,” I say, plastering a grin on my face as I set the tray down. “I brought you breakfast.”

He looks up from his paperwork and a relaxed smile brushes past his lips, seeming genuinely happy to see me. Matias has changed from the last time I saw him, just a few short hours ago. His hair is perfectly parted, his suit is wrinkle-free, black on black with a red tie.

He seems domineering, readying himself to take on the world.

“I don’t often eat breakfast. You didn’t have to waste your time,” he says, whisking the wind right from under my sails.

Not wanting to back down, I straighten my spine. I severely hope he doesn’t take this the wrong way. “You’ll start your day with breakfast. I won’t take no for an answer.”

His lips tilt to the side. “Yes ma’am. I’m sorry for my manners. This looks delicious. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m going to go check on Ella now.”

“Make sure you two are ready in to go in a few hours. I have a fundraising event to go to. All of us are going to go shopping for the appropriate attire.”

“I’ll make sure Ella is ready to go with you.”

His brows furrow together in confusion, and he tosses his paperwork next to his food tray. “You’ll be going to the fundraiser, as well. Ella will be here with her Uncle Gianni.”

I twine my hands together. “What is my purpose of going?”

He stands, buttoning his suit with a quick flick of his fingers, proving he has done it a thousand times. “You’re going to be my arm candy. I need you to ward off all the women there, so they don’t bother me.”

I scoff and then it turns into a laugh, but when he stands there with a serious look on his face, my laugh slows to an awkward cough. “Um, why? I’m sorry, I don’t understand. There’s no way I’m going to ward off anyone from you. I’m… me. You’re used to another class of women and those women will know that.”

“What kind of woman is that? You’re beautiful. I don’t see what the issue is.” He doesn’t hide how he looks at me up and down, his eyes dragging as if he is taking his time. He leans against the desk and crosses his arms. When his eyes finally meet mine, I swear there is heat swirling in his eyes. “Explain yourself, Sophie.” He tucks his hands in his pockets.

“I need to go check on, Ella.” I try to change the subject so I can leave. Conversations like this make me uncomfortable, and under his inscrutable gaze, I can’t tell if he’s just messing with my head.

“Ella won’t wake up for another thirty minutes,” he informs.

“Well, she might be awake.”

“She isn’t. I’ll have to wake her, or she’ll sleep all day. The girl loves to sleep.”

“I can relate.”

“Don’t change the subject. Why don’t you think you’re good enough to accompany me to the fundraising event?”

I sigh, tugging on my long sleeves again. “Look at me,” I whisper, swallowing awkwardly. “I’m not the models you’re used to seeing and they will notice that.” I look down, unable to meet his stare.

A shadow falls over me and a finger lifts my chin. “I am looking at you, and all I see is a beautiful woman. I want you to go with me.”

I sigh, knowing I can’t say no. He’s my boss. I pretty much have to do anything he says. “Okay.”


I back away which causes his finger to slip from my chin. Any second longer, and I think I’d melt into a puddle on the floor.

“And I never want to hear you talk about yourself like that, Sophie. You’re beautiful. You’re better than any of those fake women that surround my world.”

Shocked into silence, I am only able to give him a small smile and make my way out the door, and rush to the playroom Ella is staying in. I want him even more now. I’m sure he’s only trying to reassure me, but God, the words sounded so good coming from his lips.

“It’s only for work. It’s only for work,” I chant to myself, peeking my head into Ella’s room.

I can’t help but laugh. The poor girl is hanging off the beanbag. I don’t see how that can be comfortable. Her knees are on the floor and her face is planted in the oversized soft chair. The blanket is wrapped around her ankles. She has to be freezing.

Maneuvering her body back on the beanbag chair, I cover her up with the blanket. She doesn’t stir.

Matias wasn’t lying. She really does love to sleep.

It doesn’t help that his attractiveness level is through the roof right now because of how well he knows his daughter.

Why can’t I just despise the man? Liking him is making my life even harder.

Maybe this job isn’t what is best for me after all. Not if I can’t focus on the task at hand.

The task is not, and will not be, Matias Milazzo.

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