Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 3)

Nanny’s Baby for the Italian Mafia Boss: Chapter 13

It’s been a few days since I caught a bullet in my shoulder and I’m about to go stir crazy. It isn’t my first time being shot and it won’t be my last, so I’m used to the pain and what it takes to heal. I have to get out of this house, though.

Sophie has been busy with Ella, using my daughter to stay away from me.

I can’t stay away from Sophie any longer.

I sip on my coffee, watching Sophie make breakfast. She’s so fucking beautiful when her hair is a mess, and she has no makeup on. First-thing-in-the-morning-Sophie is my favorite version.

“How are you feeling?” she asks, not looking up from the griddle as she flips a pancake.

“I’d be better if you came and sat next to me and gave me a good morning kiss.”

My statement must surprise her because she’s in the middle of flipping a pancake and doesn’t catch it.

It lands on the floor in a pile of half-cooked goop.

I hide my smile behind my mug.

“Matias, you can’t say things like that.”

“Why not?”


“Because why, Sweet Sophie?”

“It’s distracting. You know exactly what you’re doing.” She points the spatula at me, giving it a good shake as if I’m a child being scolded.

“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

“I bet you don’t,” she grumbles, picking up the pancake from the floor to throw it away.

I watch her, making it known I’m not going anywhere. My attention will always be on her when I have the chance.

“Stop staring at me.” She fumbles another pancake.

I clutch my hands in front of my mouth to stop myself from laughing. “I’m not doing anything. I’m sitting here. Enjoying the view of my nanny making breakfast.”

She blows a piece of stubborn hair out of her face. “You’re evil. You know that?”

“Maybe.” I tilt my head, letting my eyes roam down her body. “Does that make you a sinner, Sophie? For allowing evil inside your tight, hot—”

Before I can finish my sentence, she shoves pancake in my mouth, silencing me.

Her eyes widen, then slide to the right.

“Good morning, Daddy,” Ella announces as she skips into the kitchen, holding her barbie doll.

I chew the pancake, wash it down with coffee, and swing my daughter into my arms. “Hi, Ella Bella. How did you sleep?” I kiss her cheek like I do every morning.

“Good. I had a dream that I went swimming with a unicorn and there was a rainbow.”

I lift my brows, acting stunned. “What? No way. That’s cool. I wish I had dreams like that. Is that what you want? To go swimming?”

She nods and bounces on my leg, her head bumping against my wound, and I hold in a curse. She doesn’t know about my injury or Gianni’s. I don’t want her to know, either.

“Can we, can we? Please? Please, please, please, Daddy? I’ll eat my veggies today and everything.”

I press my finger to my chin, thinking long and hard about that offer. “Even broccoli?”

She sticks her tongue out, pretending to gag. “Even that.” She doesn’t sound impressed.

“How about we take the yacht out today?”

She squeals and jumps off my leg, and I know she’s about to run, so I snag her shirt to keep her in place before she darts off to get ready.

“Breakfast first. Then we will go.”

She climbs into her chair just as Sophie places her plate down in front of her. Pancakes and eggs. Ella drenches it all in syrup, eggs included, then starts shoveling it into her mouth.

Sophie sets my plate down next.

“What about everyone else?” she asks. “Do I need to save some for them?”

“No. Today is a family day. I’ve already informed everyone.”

“I’ll make a plate for Gianni and take it to him.”

“You won’t dare until you eat something, too. And you won’t be taking it to him. Ella would love to take her Uncle Gianni some breakfast. Wouldn’t you?”

She nods, her plate nearly gone.

Sophie unties her apron, makes herself a plate, sits down, and finally eats.

Ella hops down from the chair. “I’m ready! Can I go give it to him now?” she asks, with syrup all over her mouth.

“Go on. Make the plate for him, too.” I always love to see her pile on the food. She honestly thinks we eat so much because we are so much bigger than her.

Amused, I cut into my pancake and watch Ella put five large scoops of eggs and ten pancakes on the plate.

“Oh my god, that is—”

“—Perfect. Gianni will love that.” I place my hand on Sophie’s knee. “Don’t forget coffee. Get a tray too so it’s easier to carry.”

She sets it all up and very slowly makes her way to Gianni’s room. She moves as if she’s a sloth, afraid to spill anything.

“That’s so much food, Matias.”

“I know, but I think it’s adorable and so does Gianni. We’re giants in her eyes.”

“It was adorable.” Sophie sips on her own coffee, doing her best not to look at me.

“You won’t have to prepare anything for the boat. It’s always stocked, and I have a chef that will cook us lunch and dinner.”

“That’s… too much. I can’t ask you to—”

“—You didn’t ask. This is my life. It’s how I live. We’re going on a yacht today and you’ll have a good time. Okay?”

“Okay, Mr. Milazzo,” she whispers, and it makes my cock swell in my sweatpants.

I growl, taking her hand and placing it on my cock. “Be careful how you speak to me, Sophie. I’m hanging by a thread.”

She gasps, her lips shining with syrup, and all I want more than anything is to steal them in a kiss. I just know the syrup would be even sweeter coming from her. Her fingers wrap around my shaft, giving it a tight squeeze.

“Sophie,” I growl in warning. “Go get ready for the boat or I’m about to bend you over this counter and fuck you.”

She strokes me.


Much to my disappointment, she releases me, flying from her chair and into her room. The door slams behind her, echoing throughout the house.

I press the heel of my palm against my cock, inhaling to calm my lust. I’m too close to losing control and heading to her bedroom. Ella will be back any minute and there’s no time to have Sophie without getting caught.

Having to tuck my erection into the waistband of my sweatpants has me feeling like a teenager walking the halls of high school when I had no control of my body.

And here I am again, tempted with no relief.

I toss the dishes in the sink and grab the edge of the counter, taking a deep breath, and hang my head. The twinge and constant burning in my shoulder help bring my libido to a halt. I roll my head over my shoulder, then crack my neck. The pops relieve some of the tension, but not all.

The only person who can do that is doing her best to stay away from me.

She’ll be the cause of my downfall if I’m not careful.

Ella comes skipping into the kitchen from Gianni’s room. “Uncle Gianni said he wants to go on the boat too.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Gianni is healing from…” my thoughts end when I try to figure out something to say to her.

“From him being a superhero and one of the bad guys got him? I know. He says he feels better. The bad guys can’t keep him down.”

I can’t help but chuckle. I’m jealous of such an innocent mind, even if she is spot on, but it’s sweeter than what actually happened.

“You know, you’re right. We need to come up with a superhero name for him, but let’s keep it a surprise.”

She gasps, nodding in excitement with her big, round eyes. “Oh, that’s a good idea.” She bounces on her feet. “Can I get ready for the yacht now, Daddy?”

“Absolutely. If you need any help, let me know, okay, Ella Bella?”

She twirls her hair around her finger and cocks her hips out. “I’m a big girl now. I don’t need help.”

I press my hand against my chest. “Apologies. You’re right.”

She is getting so big, but she’ll need my help, she does every time. And I love it. I dread the day she truly won’t need me anymore. She’s…my everything. I don’t know what I’ll do.

Gianni’s voice has me turning from staring at Ella skipping down the hallway. “Are you okay?”

I shake my head of worries that aren’t needed just yet. “I will be. I should be asking you the same thing. Are you sure you want to go? Are you up for it?”

He holds a hand to his side. “I’m fine. I need to get out of the house. I’m going stir-crazy watching the camera feed. I’m bored.”

“Me too. Water shouldn’t be rough, you know the yacht is a smooth ride.”

His eyes peer down the hall. “So.”

I turn around and cross my arms. “So?”

There’s a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “How are you and Sophie?”

I scratch my chin, unsure of what to tell him. “We’re a work in progress.”

“It’s better than nothing.”

“If she had it her way, we would be nothing.”

“But you won’t allow that to happen.”

“Fuck no, I won’t.”

“Daddy! I’m ready!”

Something flaps, smacking hard against the floor. Gianni laughs, a smile blooming over his entire face. He covers his mouth to hide it, but his shoulders are shaking.

When Ella comes to view, I have to bite my tongue not to laugh. It would hurt her feelings.

She has her bright purple flippers on and is wearing her hot pink one-piece bathing suit that has a fluffy tutu around the waist. Ella has also managed to put on a scuba mask, completely covering her eyes and nose while having her mouth on the breathing apparatus.

“Gummy Bear, we aren’t leaving right this moment,” Gianni informs her in a sweet, caring voice.

She spits the mouthpiece out. “I know. I’m just getting into character.”

“Character?” I echo in question.

“Duh. Ariel, Daddy. I’m a mermaid.”

“Of course. Well, let me go get ready so I can get you in the water, okay?”

“Yay!” she squeals, doing her best to run to the living room but the fins stop her.

God. I have a cute kid.


An hour later, we are at the yacht. I have ten extra men with me, and they are carrying their guns, but under their shirts so Ella does not see.

In typical fashion, Sophie has covered as much of her body as she can. I don’t understand why. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She’s wearing a dark green one-piece. It hugs all her curves and cups her tits in a way that pushes them up. Then, in the middle of the neckline, there are laces that tie in a crisscross pattern. She’s wearing a long sleeve sheer black cover-up. I know it’s so others don’t see her scars.

I didn’t pay attention to them when we had sex. I know she wouldn’t like that, but she won’t be able to hide her scars from me forever.

She has big black sunglasses on that are heart-shaped and her blonde hair is in braided pigtails that I want to fucking pull on while I fuck her from behind.


Maybe having a boat day was a bad idea.

“Wow,” Sophie awes as she takes in the yacht as we step onto it. “It’s beautiful. It’s huge.”

I never care about what women think about me or what I own, but I can’t help that my chest puffs out a little in pride when Sophie admits that. I love that she’s impressed. I want her to be. I want to show her that everything I have is hers, and anything she wants, she doesn’t even need to ask, and I will deliver it while kneeling at her feet. I’ll praise her like the goddess she is, hoping one day she sees her worth.

“Make yourself at home. Anything you want, Dani and Heath will be at your service,” I tell her.

“Mr. Milazzo. It’s good to see you again.” Heath shakes my hand and Dani gives a short, curt bow. She never liked to touch, even the simplest, like a handshake.

“You as well. What’s the plan for the day?”

“We’re just going to cruise until we get to the sandbar. Ella’s favorite.”

“Yay! There are always little fish there.” She runs into the cabin, and a second later, a splash follows.

“Is that a pool? On a boat?”

I nod. “Yes. I’m not always comfortable with Ella getting into the water depending on the day. So, we can get the sun and ocean all while being safe. She can still swim and have fun.”

“That’s sweet you thought of that for her.”

“Everything I do is for her.” And you, I want to add, but I decide not to. It will only scare her away.

“I can’t get over how big this boat is. I’ve never seen a yacht. I mean, I have on TV. That sounds bad, doesn’t it? Like I have no life.” She shakes her head, looking away from the high ceilings and granite countertops.

I slide my fingers under her chin and force her to look at me. “It sounds like you’ve never been given the riches you deserve, and I plan to change that.”

She parts her lips with a sharp exhale, her eyes drifting to my lips.

I’m about to lean in and claim her right here and now when Captain Gerald speaks over the intercom.

“Welcome aboard the Lady Fiorella. I’m your Captain. You can call me Gerald whenever you see me. We are about to start cruising, so if you could find somewhere comfortable to sit while we get out of the bay, that would be fantastic,” Gerald says casually since he is used to us being here. I pay him to be my Captain full-time even when I’m not using him. “If you need anything, please see Dani or Heath and they will help you. Bar is stocked. Food is being prepared. And the sun is shining. It’s going to be a great day, Milazzo Crew.”

“Come on, let’s go to the front for the view.” I place my hand on her lower back, guiding her through the main cabin.

“Is that… is that a fireplace?”

I clear my throat. “Yes, it is. Above are two bedrooms and bathrooms, below is the kitchen, and there are two bars, and a few other goodies you’ll learn about over a period of time.”

“Oh my god. Is that even needed? Truly, do you use it?”

“I’m using it now, aren’t I?” I tease just as we step out onto the bow.

“Holy f—fudge,” she’s careful not to curse with Ella nearby. “That’s a hot tub.”

“It is.”

“And a slide. A big slide. And a lazy river.”

“It wraps around the entire boat. I love it. It’s one of my favorite things about Lady Fiorella.”

“Wow.” She walks ahead, stopping in between the white leather seats, standing next to a fire pit.

She looks like she belongs.

I lean against a railing, crossing my arms, watching as the sun beams into her hair. The blonde strands glitter in the bright rays, and I know if I were to touch her skin right now, it would be warm.

“Daddy, come in the pool!” Ella shouts, splashing Gianni as he sits on the edge.

I shuck my shirt off and toss it on the chair. “I will in a second.”

“Are you flexing?” Gianni leans back to whisper so only I can hear.

“What? No. I don’t need to flex.” I might be flexing, but he doesn’t need to know that.

I rub my hand against my thighs, situating my swim shorts for no good reason other than being nervous. Taking a step, I freeze with fear when Sophie peers over the boat.

“Sophie! Don’t look over the edge too much.”

“But there are dolph—ins!” she screams, falling over the edge of the yacht.

“Sophie!” I sprint and don’t bother stopping to see where she is. I jump in after her. I dive into the water, the cool temperature drifting over my hot skin. I swim to the surface, gasping for air. “Sophie? Sophie!” I yell for her, then see her blonde hair a few yards away.

Kicking and moving my arms as quick as I can, I cut through the water.

And when I get to her, she’s laughing, treading water. “Oops.”

The yacht is turning around and will get to us in a minute.

“Oops? Oops? Are you fucking kidding me?” I curse, wrapping an arm around her waist.

She flinches. “Matias, it was an accident—”

“—Hey! Is everyone okay?” Gianni yells down at us, tossing over the ladder.

“We’re fine!” I reply, fucking furious. “Go on,” I tell her, doing my best to remain calm.

“Matias, I’m sorry.” She climbs the ladder, and I don’t follow until Gianni helps her to the main level and she’s safe.

I grip the ladder, still trying to calm myself but I only get angrier. When I get to the top, I grab Sophie by her arm, dragging her up another flight of steps so we can have privacy.

“Matias!” she tries to yank her arm from my grip.

“We will be back.”

“Ooooh, Nanny Sophie is in trouble,” Ella sings.

“It seems so,” Gianni agrees.

When we get to the next floor, I open the sliding glass doors, lock them behind me, then close the curtains.

“What the hell were you thinking!” I yell at her, something new consuming me, something I haven’t felt in so long, I have forgotten what it feels like. “Do you know what could have happened to you? You could have died.”

“Matias, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“Have you never been on a boat? Don’t you know not to get to close to the edge? You could have hit your head! You could have drowned. You could have died, Sophie. Died! What would I do, then?” I continue to raise my voice. “Do you know how fucking scared I was?”

“What?” she seems so surprised. “I was fine. I know how to swim, Matias.”

“I was fucking terrified.” I prowl forward and she steps back until she is against the wall. I cage her in with my arms, pinning them beside her head. “You could have hit your head. You could have been pulled under the boat. You could have died.” I lean in, my breaths leaving me in harsh bursts. “And what would I have done?” Water continues to drip from our bodies and onto the floor. “Tell me. What would I have told Ella? She adores you.” I mesh myself against her front, toying with the idea of ripping that shawl from her body. “I adore you.”

She licks her lips. “Matias—”

I can’t take it anymore. I grab her head and smash my lips against hers.

“Matias,” she gasps into my mouth, digging her fingers into my back as we finally give in.

I’m desperate.

I yank her soaked coverup down her arms and she doesn’t stop me. It drops to the floor with a heavy plop, then I’m on her again, groaning as our lips glide against one another. I rock my hips, lifting one of her legs around my waist, and thrust, grinding myself against her.

She whimpers, clawing at my back, and raking her nails down until she has fistfuls of my ass. I’ve never had a woman grab me like she does. She’s rough with her wants, and I love it.

I untie the laces keeping her breasts hidden, then tug the material down. I knead them instantly, groaning as her nipples roll under my thumbs.

“Fuck. I need you.” I push my swim shorts down until my cock is free, then reach between her legs, and slip my fingers through her lips. “Already so wet.” I gather her slick, rolling two fingers against her sensitive bundle of nerves. She whimpers, tilting her head back to expose her throat.

I need her now.

“This is going to be quick. I need you too much.” Lifting her by the thick of her thighs, I thrust into her in one long, deep stroke. “Fuck yes, do you know how good you feel?” I whisper through a harsh breath. “Do you know how fucking good it feels sliding into this cunt knowing I’m the reason why there’s no barrier?” I wrap my hand around her throat gently, kissing along her jaw, while I slide in and out in deep, unforgiving thrusts. “I took your innocence, Sophie. Me.” I drive in to mark my words. “And it will be me every fucking time, no matter how much you fight it.” I force her to look at me by gripping her chin. “This body is mine. This pussy is mine. And I’m the only man who will ever get to feel how heavenly you feel. Do you understand me?”

Her tits bounce with every thrust, but she nods just as her eyes roll back. “I understand. Oh god, Matias,” she says a little too loud.

I cover her mouth with my hand, muffling her cries of passion as she gets closer to orgasm.

“You have to be quiet, Sophie. We don’t want my daughter to hear how her daddy is making you scream, do we?”

She shakes her head, her whines trapped behind the palm of my hand.

“Good girl,” I praise, curling my hips in a way so her clit is stimulated.

Her nails dig into the back of my neck, giving me the pinch of pain I’m slightly starved for when it comes to her. My lips find her throat, nibbling the soft flesh right where her pulse pumps. I lick a small path with the tip of my tongue to her jawline, groaning again when she becomes wetter.

“Look at you, bouncing on my cock as if you can’t get enough.” I fist her drenched hair, pulling another whimper from her. “You can’t, can you? You hate to admit how much you love it, how much you need it.” I glance down, watching my cock disappear deep in her warmth.

She mumbles behind my palm, eyes widening when I feel her tighten around me.

“You’re going to come for me?” I growl, quickening my pace, thrusting in harder and faster. “I’m still so mad at you for risking your life like that. Don’t ever do that again. Understand?”

She nods, her fingernails scratching down my pec.

Sophie tightens, her muscles spasming around my cock as she screams behind my hand. I rip it away, catching her lips mid-cry so I can taste her pleasure.

“Sophie—” I whisper her name, grazing my thumb across her bottom lip. “Sophie. Oh, fuck, you’re going to make me come. You feel too good. Sophie—” My mouth drops open, and I groan, burying myself as far as I can with every jet that fills her.

I want her to drink me in until she’s drowning in me. Her body will have no choice but to get pregnant.

“You must be tired of holding me up,” she says between gasps. “You can put me down.”

I kiss her breasts, then the middle of her chest, remaining deep inside her and never wanting to leave. “You aren’t too heavy. I can stay like this for days, Sophie.” I kiss up her neck and stop right at her lips, my hand at the base of her neck to keep her pinned. “And any man who can’t handle a fucking goddess like you doesn’t deserve to be inside your body. You aren’t heavy, Sophie.”

To make my point, I grip her by her thighs and walk the longest way around the long sectional couch. I sit, making her straddle me and she sinks a little deeper, taking another inch or two. We both groan.

“You’re just strong,” she says, biting her lip as she begins to rock against me slowly. “You’re still hard.” She sounds so surprised.

“Weak men don’t deserve to breathe the same air as you.” I lean back, grabbing her succulent thighs, my fingers digging into her flesh, watching her skin change color from the pressure. “And of course, I’m still hard, fucking look at you.” I rub my hands up her body, cupping her tits again.

“Matias, I want you again.” Her hands grip my shoulders, her hips slowly rolling. “Do we have time?”

“I can make all the time in the world available for you. Fuck.” I swallow, my eyes glued to her hips, how there is enough for me to grab and hold onto. She’s going to make me come again. Easily. “God, yes. Don’t stop, Sophie. You feel so good. You belong riding my cock. You look so beautiful.”

“I’ve never—”

“—I know,” I growl, loving that she has no fucking clue what’s she doing. “And I love that. You’re doing so well, though. There’s nothing I would change. You’re perfect.” I stare at where we are connected, watching her cunt pull me in and release me, my shaft covered in our orgasms.

All I can think about is how much is wasted and not locked inside her.

I’m a monster for wanting to nearly force that upon her. I haven’t said anything about condoms, and I don’t plan on it. All I can hope is she isn’t on birth control.

A knock on the door makes her stop moving.

“Don’t you dare stop.” I grab her hips and her ass, and drag her against me. “Keep going.”

“Matias!” Gianni shouts from the other side of the door.

I grumble in annoyance at being interrupted. Sophie finds her confidence in this moment, too. She rides me faster, sliding up and down on my cock like she’s done it a thousand times.

“What!” I bark, then to silence a moan, I lean forward and suck her nipples into my mouth, shoving a hand over her lips just in time as another cry escapes her.

“Ella is asking for you.”

I let go of her nipple with a soft pop. “So perfect. I’m going to fuck these one day,” I whisper, just as I kiss the hardened peak. “Tell her we will be done in a few minutes,” I reply, never taking my eyes off Sophie as her body rolls against mine. “We are drying off and catching our breaths.”

“Yeah, okay,” he says in disbelief, knowing we aren’t catching our breaths at all.

Sophie’s beautiful cunt is stretched wide, taking every inch she can. “Matias,” she gasps, shaking her head. “I can’t. I can’t. Oh god, I’m already so close.”

I wish we had more privacy. I’d have her come again and again until she passes out from the pleasure.

“Come for me. Use my cock, Sophie. Fuck me.” I grip her hips and move her faster. “Come on,” I grit through my teeth. She listens, riding me harder, those beautiful lips parting as her eyes close. “That’s it. Ride that cock, Sophie. Oh fuck,” I gasp, tilting my head back to rest on the couch as I enjoy the best sex I’ve had in my life.

“I don’t want to come without you,” she admits, leaning down to kiss my throat.

That admission has my orgasm threatening me. Knowing she wants to share that with me, together, it turns me on more than any romantic or sexy gesture could.

I wrap my arms around her, tugging her close, pushing her down on me. We’re close. It’s intimate. I bury my face into her chest, digging my fingers into her back while she takes me. The sounds she pulls from me are sounds I’ve never heard. No woman has made me feel this good.

“God, Sophie. I’m going to come.” I look up, meeting her gaze. “Come with me, baby. Come with me.” I squeeze my eyes shut, pressing my forehead against her chest, holding out until I feel her tighten around me, a loud cry piercing the air.

And then I release, groaning with her.

She collapses against me, her breaths puffing against my neck. And then she tenses.

“What is it?”

“We haven’t been using a condom. I’m not on birth control.” She doesn’t sound angry, just talking between trying to catch her breath.

“I don’t ever plan on using a condom with you and I’m glad you’re not on birth control.”

She doesn’t say anything after that, but I take it as a good sign she isn’t going to fight me on this. It means she wants this, too, no matter how she tries to convince herself.

“We should go down there before Ella gets ideas about coming up here.”

I nod, kissing the middle of her chest.

But I don’t want to leave.

I want to stay right here, nine inches deep, and hope I can tie her to me forever.

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