Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 1963 Confession

Nantian Fengyu feigned deafness, burying herself further in her phone.

Yun Lintian snorted and turned to Lynn. A wave of murderous intent crashed over him, leaving him speechless.

"Impressive, Mister Yun Lintian," Lynn said, a half-smile playing on her lips. "It seems your charm remains potent."

Yun Lintian opened his mouth, then closed it again, fumbling for words.

Lynn's anger flared at his silence. "Let's go, Anna," she said, rising to leave. "We have no business here."

As she turned, Yun Lintian lunged forward, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Lynn," he whispered urgently, "I won't let you slip away again."

A tremor ran through Lynn at his words. The fury in her eyes dimmed, but a stubborn streak remained. "Why now, Yun Lintian? You have a harem by your side already." Her voice was laced with icy disdain, and she pushed against his hold.

Yun Lintian refused to release her, his grip firm yet gentle. "I was a fool," he admitted. "I loved you, but I feared disappointing Yaoyao. Time has taught me much, and I understand my mistakes now."

He did his best to coax her.

Lynn's heart swelled with a flicker of satisfaction. At least, Yun Lintian had indeed held her in high regard back then.

Seeing her resistance wane, Yun Lintian ventured cautiously, "Can you forgive me?"

"No," Lynn raised her head, her gaze fixed on Yun Lintian. "You owe me an explanation. About all of them."

Relief washed over Yun Lintian. He settled Lynn back on the sofa and launched into a detailed account of his experiences in the Azure World.

"Boss... are you serious? That's Sister Yao – Lin Xinyao?" Lei Hao blurted out, utterly shocked after listening to Yun Lintian's narrative.

He couldn't tear his eyes away from Lin Xinyao's image, a sense of recognition battling with disbelief. Though her appearance had changed, a faint echo of Xia Yao lingered.

"Indeed," Yun Lintian confirmed. "But I haven't encountered Ah'Feng and Ah'Kai yet." A flicker of sadness crossed his eyes.

"There's a chance, right? I believe they've reincarnated as well," Lei Hao said optimistically.

"Probably," Yun Lintian admitted. The mysteries of reincarnation were beyond even the God of Death's full comprehension.

"I believe you'll find them soon," Lynn murmured, the last embers of anger extinguished from her heart.

"I hope so," Yun Lintian replied with a faint smile.

Meanwhile, Anna's mind reeled. The information she received today was too much for her brain to process. She needed time to digest it.

"What are you going to do next?" Lynn inquired.

"Everything is under control," Yun Lintian assured her gently. "I can take care of them anytime, but let's enjoy this rare vacation a little longer for now."

Lynn squeezed his hand. "It's been tough on you," she sympathized.

Even though Yun Lintian didn't tell her his experience in full detail, she could roughly understand the situation he had been through. To live in such a cruel world, he must constantly be under pressure.

"Why don't we go to the night market, Boss?" Lei Hao suggested, knowing Yun Lintian loved to visit a night market in his free time.

"Good idea. But we need to do something else first," Yun Lintian said, opening his hand. Two Fruits of Immortality materialized in the air.

He offered them to Lynn and Anna. "Take these. You will stay young forever after taking them."

Both women were speechless with shock. Eternal youth was a universal female dream.

"These are extremely rare, aren't they?" Anna asked cautiously.

"Yes, keep them," Lynn confirmed, hesitant to accept.

"Take them," Nantian Fengyu interjected. "He has plenty."

"They're not as rare as you think," Yun Lintian reassured them with a smile, placing the fruits in their hands.

Lynn and Anna exchanged glances before cautiously taking bites of the fruit. An immediate change coursed through their bodies. Dry skin, wrinkles, and scars vanished without a trace.

Lynn's haggard appearance transformed, years seeming to melt away. The same rejuvenation occurred for Anna.

"Incredible..." Anna breathed, marveling at her flawless skin.

"Am I beautiful now?" Lynn asked, tilting her head toward Yun Lintian.

"Absolutely. You're beautiful," Yun Lintian quickly replied.

"Compared to them?" Lynn pressed further.

A bead of cold sweat prickled on Yun Lintian's forehead. A tricky question indeed.

"Everyone possesses unique beauty," he hedged, opting for a safe answer.

Lynn's lips pursed as she pinched his arm firmly. "You're not being honest! I clearly can't compete with them."

"You'll catch up soon," Yun Lintian reassured her hastily. "I'll change your profound veins so you can begin cultivation."

He raised his hand, channeling the power of the crown to transform both Lynn and Anna's profound veins.contemporary romance

"I don't feel anything," Lynn said doubtfully as Yun Lintian lowered his hand.

"Our Earth lacks spiritual energy," Yun Lintian explained. "It's natural not to sense it in the environment."

He retrieved a few divine stones and crushed them, instantly filling the living room with a wisp of divine energy.

Lynn, Anna, and Lei Hao all felt the foreign energy around them.

"So this is it," Lynn murmured to herself. She finally understood the significance of spiritual energy. It resembled inhaling the purest air, magnified by comfort several times over.

"When can we start, Boss?" Lei Hao vibrated with excitement, eager to become a legendary cultivator.

"No rush," Yun Lintian chuckled. "Let's grab some food first."

"Go!" Nantian Fengyu was the first to rise from the sofa. Though not particularly fond of the local cuisine, she desired to soak in the rare atmosphere of Yun Lintian's hometown.

With that, everyone rose and headed towards the night market near the villa.


Inside the traditional courtyard, Xu Longfeng regarded the middle-aged man standing before him with cool composure. The visitor was Tang Lu, Zhu Wuxing's right-hand man.

"What brings you here?" Xu Longfeng inquired calmly.

"You know exactly why I'm here, General Xu," Tang Lu said, his expression unreadable. "It would be in your best interest, and your family's, to tell me what transpired here."

An hour prior, Tang Lu had received a report from his subordinates stationed here. It stated that everyone had inexplicably fallen unconscious. Coupled with the disappearance of Bu Fan's group and Lei Hao, Tang Lu was convinced Xu Longfeng was responsible.

Xu Longfeng's eyes narrowed. "How unfortunate that my Hidden Dragon Group has fallen under the control of a dishonorable man like you. Are you aware of the consequence of threatening my family?"

"No," Tang Lu shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Perhaps you could enlighten me, General Xu?"

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