
Chapter 7

Raven is in her shroud form as she materializes from the ceiling and takes on her human form in a hallway lit only by torches. It took some time but she managed to avoid the demon sentries posted around the capital. Thankfully demon sentries are about as smart as a brick. Marcie had to break off to avoid giving Raven’s location away. She assumes Marcie went to find Sinead and Zven.

She begins to walk the halls of this ancient temple now serving as the heart of the Cult forces within the Shadows Bane, she can’t help but notice a certain absence of presence. Not uncommon, the honor guard could be changing guard. Not that it matters. She came here for one reason, and one reason only. To take the Void Heart and relocate it to the church for safe keeping. In her own personal belief, an artifact like this shouldn’t be anywhere near those that would cause it’s ethereal output to lessen. Not to mention the Void Heart will be a good way to recruit people. The tunnels under the church were intended as a plan B for if the temple were ever destroyed or compromised. Now she’s glad Vesperia talked her into the plan B construction. Since the Void Heart’s beat can only be heard by those with minds open to change it will give them an idea of who to recruit and who to avoid when recruiting for the rebellion.

Raven walks along the catacombs hallways, passing by metal plates with the names of honor guard members who have passed away. The culture within the honor guard is to place the names of those who have passed and how they passed, be it battle, or in their sleep. This is to ensure that no one who has ever earned their place in the honor guard is ever forgotten, as a way for the core values of the Shadows Bane to be maintained as Raven and the other founders intended it to be.

Her mind wonders to the conversation she had that night with Sinead. From the way Sinead spoke of the people as well as the church, both the citizens and church have maintained much of the core values, and even expanded upon them to include turned bloods, something the founders hadn’t considered at the time, as turned bloods weren’t as wide spread then as they are now. Back then only the first of each turned blood species had come to exist.

Before Raven was sealed away she created the turned bloods to ensure that demonic corruption would never claim the entire planet. It brings warmth to her heart to know that even turned bloods are accepted. Not only that they are accepted, but that each turned blood has a language and culture all their own for those who actively know of the first of each of their respective species.

She enters a large chamber with nine looming statues standing in a circle. The center statue is one of Raven. The statues have color, but different from the other eight which wear cloaks, the statue in the middle is of Raven. It’s depicted as having black armor with purple, red, blue, and yellow streaks, each color representing a rank within the honor guard, with her having streaks of each color represented as their respect for the founders and the honor guards creator.

Two patrolling guards in blue armor, signifying the rank of minor take notice of Raven, and raise their plasma rifles. Two crimson shots fly her direction. She shrouds, around the plasma bolts, then flies towards two other guards who had heard the two shots but not had the time to react. She manifests long enough to grab the other two and shroud again, then flies in direction of the two who fired, taking on human form with four of them now noticing her. One of the other two, a man in red armor, signifying the rank of major bows his head.

“Forgive us founder. We had not expected your presence. The presence of demonic sentries has us on constant alert within these tunnels.” The major says, having noticed that the ancient statue, and Raven bare the same face.

With a nod the cambion replies. “I had to shroud fifty feet below ground just to get in here without being seen.”

“Kivety, inform Gabriel that the founder has returned.” The major says to the first of the two minors.

Kivety, a man of Chinese descent nods, before walking off with the other two minors. The major looks to the nine statues, then to Raven. He’d always assumed that the original members of the Shadows Bane made the statues so big because that was how they viewed the founders, not because of the power the founders possess.

Raven walks along a hallway, with the major, asking. “How long has Gabriel been in charge of the honor guard?”

“Since corruption began to spread within the political and military system ma’am. According to the ancient texts and teachings by members passed, Lucifer put Gabriel in charge in your absence to ensure the protection of the Void Heart.” The major explains. “He felt that any demon that ventures into the catacombs looking for it will meet the wrath of the archangel Gabriel.”

Now it makes sense the sentries aren’t there because of the Void Heart, they’re there because of Gabriel. Probably thinking that if they place sentries, Gabriel can’t move the Void Heart without being attacked. Raven won’t have that problem. Not to mention fifty demon sentries is nothing to an archangel.

The hallways they walk are lined with ancient stone pillars worn down by time but still standing despite the time that has passed. The floors are made up of marble tiles with color that has long since faded. Hanging in alcoves are well kept and treated flags which bare the symbol of the diplomatic temple, and what many in the honor guard probably refer to as the ‘mark of Zareen’. They pass several rooms, with most of them being empty.

When Zareen had the diplomatic temple constructed she not only wanted it to serve as the home of the Void Heart, where all were welcome to see and hear it if they could. But in times of war the temples catacombs could be converted to serve the military. So most of these rooms were designed with military use in mind, and are likely left empty as a result since there’s currently no need for military use.

The major heads into a room with double doors ahead of Raven. When she enters she sees several honor guard members wearing minor and major armor, those wearing purple armor which signifies the rank of martial, and yellow signifying the rank of captain. They take notice of her and all of them, but a man wearing white armor take a knee and bow their heads in respect. The man in white armor flashes his angelic eyes, which are a bright blue, the showing of an archangel.

“It is good to see you again Raven. Though I wish our reunion had been under better circumstances.” The man says, as the honor guard members stand up and disembark from the room to resume their normal patrols of the catacombs.

When creating the honor guard, she made sure that the captains within the guard keep the warding in the assigned structures functional. It was to ensure that even if corruption should ever befall the Shadows Bane, that any demon who enters the catacombs is powerless, and entirely at the mercy of the honor guard. It would explain why the sentries were placed around the temple instead of in it. Of course it even with the corrupt state it would be a cold day in Hell before any member of the guard would ever allow a demon inside the temple.

A captain remains behind, looking to Gabriel, saying. “We heard that some people were getting curious. The demeanor of the CSP’s different since they got back.”

“Would I be correct in assuming you have something to do with that?” Gabriel asks, turning to Raven.

She nods, answering. “I arrived with two others from a ‘no-clip point’ back into this reality. We ended up meeting the expedition to the Forest Outpost. I came here from the church after talking with Yinto. We hammered out a base plan on how to restore the peoples control over the Shadows Bane.”

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