MYSTICS (Book one of the Mystic series)

Chapter Banshee(Part 2)

I must have fallen asleep as when I woke up I was strapped to a bed in some facility. I tried moving my fingers and to my delight, I had full control. I love my speed healing.

I looked around trying to get a better idea of where I was but all that I could see was a metal room.No windows, no doors. How was anyone supposed to get I to give me food and water? Wait what if I was never meant to get out. What if all they wanted was for me to die here. alone and afraid. I was so scared that I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping praying someone would answer me.


There was no reply. I thought that at least I could just teleport out of here. I tried to conjure a portal but no matter how hard I tried I could not do it. This was an all-time low until I heard something. A scream.Just like the one in the forest. It was fain but it was unmistakable. The noise got louder and louder until the wall slid away and a boy and girl were pushed in with me. They were just as afraid as I was. They ran over and hid behind my bed until the door was closed. They were both very frail so looked no older than nine.

I was very calm with them and asked " How old are you two."

The girl remained silent but the boy spoke up "Well when we came in here I was 10 and she was 13 but we've been in here so long I don't know how old we are. The days just kind of blur together."

Then I got really nervous but what he said made me even more afraid "I try to count the days as best as I can but from what I can remember it been about 8 years."

My heart sank. Does this mean I will never escape? "When was the last time you saw somebody else.?"

"Dead was last week alive Ummm 'bout a month. People don't last long once they are taken away. They call it cellular antidotal remodelling, CAR for short. It separates all abnormalities within a human and uses them to produce superhumans. So far none live beyond about a week after to the experiment. The superhumans suffer immense pain and strain when trying to use the powers. So are locked in here. So far we are the only ones to survive."

"How many were there"

"To start with about 600"

600! They are willing to kill that many people just to give someone else a mystics powers. How dare they.

"I need to get out of here but I can't use my you know why"

The boy walked over to one of the walls and touched it."The walls are made from a titanium hydrate and manganese nitrate alloy. It irradiates some sort of gas that makes your powers unstable and hard to control. It would take an enormous amount of strength both mental and physical to use them here."

No wonder I couldn't get myself out of here.

"I'm so rude I haven't even asked your names yet"

"I'm josh and this is Sammy. We came in here together. Both of us lost our families a long time ago. We volunteered for the superhuman program. The test had no effect on me but killed the person transferring his powers and she was merged with a banshee about a week ago. Now every time she opens her mouth she screams and she can kill you. That's why we are in here in hopes she will kill us both."

"How do you know all of this"

"Doctors aren't exactly very quiet people they like to blabber and boast ALOT."

After he said this he came over to me then said:" I can't take these restraints off because they aren't easy to get on if someone is coming but I can loosen them." He adjusted them by about an inch and I could finally move my hand a bit better.

I wasn't sure he could answer this but I asked anyway"How long have I been out."

He paused for a moment contemplating something then spoke: "Well the facility doors according to the doctors haven't bee open for about a week so I guess that's when you came in."

A week! its only felt like a few hours. I had to stay calm. That was the only way out of here. I took a deep breath in and my heart rate returned to its normal pace.

I choked on my second breath as the wall slid open and two nurses grabbed my bed and wheeled me out of the room.

I had no choice it was either escape now or die!

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