Mystery Bride's Revenge (Selina)

Mystey Chapter 201

Chapter 201

As the debate raged on, more and more people began to express doubts. Many found it hard to believe that one woman could possess so much valent - it was almost overwhelming. Some, especially certain men, refused to accept that Selina could be this extraordinary. They speculated that her other identities, like "Flying Shadow" and "Angel" were merely due to her looks. Hiding behind the anonymity of the internet, they spread malicious rumors about Selina's appearance and body, becoming self-righteous online erities, Meanwhile, a pair of deep blue eyes watched everything unfold. Trevon sat in his living room, his gaze and on the live broadcast of "Serenity of Rural Life" playing on the large screen. Ever since Selina appeared on the show, Trevon had been following her every move, even delegating much of his workload to his capable assistant, Andrew. With all the wealth and power he had amassed, Trevon had long grown weary of the daily grind Life was long, and until now, he hadn't found anything else worth focusing on. But now he hail Selina, his wife, and he didn't want to miss a single detail about her. The revelation of yet another hidden identity only made him prouider. He thought to himself, Selina truly is incredible

But as he scanned through the barrage of rumors and slander targeting Selina in the comment section, his eyes narrowed dangerously. Standing nearby, Devin noticed the shift in Trevon's demeanor and cautiously said, "Mr. Brady.. Trevon replied calmly. "Devin, you know what to do."

Having served Trevon for years, Devin understood inunediately and nodded. "Regarding the false rumors about Mrs. Brady-"

"No need for now. She can handle it herself. If things get out of hand. I step in. Trevon interrupted. His tone was steady but carried a deep sense of trust in Selina's capabilities. He knew that this minor storm was unthing she couldn't weather, And those who dired to defame her would not get away with it for long

Back on the show, Selina had yet to respond to Joseph's doubts, making it seem like she had something to hide. Even the production team was growing uneasy. Daniel contemplated heading to Selina's room to check if everything was okay. He wondered. Could it be that Selina is pretending to be Meteorite Queen!

If that were true, all the trending attention from fans and bystanders could quickly turn against her. At the very least, her reputation would take a serious hit and she would be mocked endlessly. Daniel did not believe Selina would be foolish enough to fake such a claim. She was already popular, there was no need for such risky moves that could potentially ruin her career.

Just as Daniel's phone vibrated, he glanced at the screen and saw a message from Selina. His expression shifted as he read it, and he immediately sent someone to Selina's room..

Humbleactor wrote: [Selina, it's been ten minutes already, and you still haven't said anything. What's wrong!]

Joseph was starting to think that Selina was bluffing. Otherwise, she would not have stayed silent for so long. He felt like he finally had a solid argument against her, a chance to reclaim the moral high ground. After all the setbacks he had suffered because of Selina lately, he relished the thought of finally striking back Joseph had watched Ashley get bullied by Selina, and every time he tried to stand up for her. Selină had outmatched him. Now, with this opportunity at hand, there was no way he would let Selina off casy.

Ashley, who had initially been envious, now felt a thrill of delight. Could it be that Selina overplayed her hand! Trying to assume the identity of "Meteorite Queen and now unable to prove it? she wondered. If that were true, the attention the livestream had brought Selina could backfire spectacularly. If Selina, who was a major problem for Ashley, could be taken down because of this, it would be like a divine gift to her

But then, Destroyerwhitelotus responded: [Don't worry, Joseph. I will satisfy your curiosity] With that, Selina uploaded a video.

The video was shot by one of the production team's staff members. Selina had borrowed one of their phones, gone online, and personally logged into the same account she had used during her original livestreams as Meteorite Queen. The platform was still popular, and the moment she logged in, the platform's exclusive verification Meteorite Queen - flashed on the screen.

This was the exact account Selina had used back then as "Meteorite Queen, never revealing her face. It was irrefutable proof. If Selina was just pretending to be "Meteorite Queen, she wouldn't have access to that original account.

In the video, as soon as Selina logged into the account, the platform's executive messaged her immediately, eager to collaborate again and shower her with compliments. The return of "Meteorite Queen, combined with Selina, who had already brought significant attention, was a lucrative opportunity. No one in their right mind would pass up the opportunity to capitalize on this

All the rumors were instantly crushed. Those who had sided with Joseph and questioned Selina in the comments suddenly fell silent. Selina's fans. encouraged by the evidence, began strongly countering, dominating the chat.

One user posted: See that? Facts speak louder than words. You can't fake the truth; what's real stands on its own.

Another commented: (Where's that person who said they'd apologize to Selina? Don't go quiet now!)

Someone else added: Do you really think they'll apologize after being proven wrong? They're probably just embarrassed and concerned about their image. I've seen plenty of people like that online]

Another comment read: 11 was so frustrated earlier, but now that Selina has proven herself. I'm so relieved! She's my idol

1:00 PM d

Chapter 201

Someone wrote: [Didn't Mr. Harvey just question Selina's identity? How does that feel now! Feeling embarrassed? Production team, can you zoom in on Mr. Harvey's expression!]

Joseph's face went pale when he saw the video Selina had uploaded. He had been plotting to use this moment to ruin Selina's reputation, to make her pay for standing up to the Harvey family, for defying him, and for making life difficult for Ashley, who he believed was only trying to help. But now, with Selina's undeniable proof, Joseph felt like a complete idiot for even considering it.

Destroyerwhitelotus ryped: [Why aren't you saying anything. Joseph? You were so quick to doubt me earlier. I'm genuinely curious to hear what you have to say now.

Killallbitches chimed in: [Come on, Selina, that's just brutal. He was probably thrilled thinking he had finally caught you slipping, already planning how to drag your name through the mud. But now his dreams are shattered, and on top of that, you're roasting him. How Lydia's words hit the mark, practically reading Joseph's mind. Joseph was seething with frustration. Desperate to salvage his reputation, he quickly

tragic!] replied. (I didn't mean it. I'm glad to see Selina prove her identity, and I apologize for my earlier doubts. But let's be real, anyone would have been skeptical.]

Killallbitches retorted: [Anyone? But it seems you're the only one being skeptical here. I didn't see anyone else doubting her.]

Destroyerwhitelotus responded: (Let's give him a break, Lydia. He tried to seize an opportunity and ended up digging himself a hole. He's already in enough pain, and if you keep going, Mr. Harvey might not have any reputation left to salvage] Killallbitches wrote: [You are way too kind, Selina. If it were up to me, I would make sure this jerk got what was coming to him.]

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