
Chapter My 88

Chapter 88

In college, I held a variety of jobs to help pay for the bills, buy food, and so on. However, there is one job I will never forget, more specifically one afternoon of that job. It was the summer between my sophomore and junior year in college and I was working as a delivery boy for a local delivery company. Most of my deliveries were to local businesses, but every so often I had the chance to make deliveries to a private home. It was one of these delivers, to a private home just outside of town that was most memorable.

I arrived at the house in the early afternoon. It was a nice–looking stone house with flowers in bloom in their front garden with a walkway that went right through it to the front door. I briskly walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. After about two minutes nobody answered the door. Although my boss told me that if nobody answered after the first ring 1 could choose to leave the package in the back of the house and leave a note in the mailbox or keep the package and try again the next day. I always rang the doorbell twice just in case.

Shortly Let me tell you that I am more than pleased that I decided to ring it twice this day. after the second ring the door opened.

There in the doorway stood an angel if I ever saw one. An angel in just a towel nonetheless. Just seeing her long deep brown hair all wet and slicked back with just enough of her breast showing to know that she had been blessed with a full chest already got me sweating. Now that I think back about it, I acted amazingly professional when I first saw her, even though I had to great urge to rip the towel right off of her to reveal to me all of her naked beauty. Instead, I tried to do my job, like an idiot.

Steam Engine Carrier, I have a package here for Mr. Walkin.

“I am sorry he’s not here right now, but I am his daughter and I can sign for it,” she said. Her voice sang to me sending me to heaven. I became so lost in my dreams that she had to almost shout to bring me back down.

“Oh, sorry,” I stuttered very embarrassed. “Here, please sign on the bottom and in the middle of the second page. I gave her my clipboard. My clipboard was not simply a board and a clip it also had a mini storage compartment underneath the board part. You know the ones.


She took the clipboard from me to sign her name and almost to answer my prayers she asked exactly where she had to sign on the second page. I say it answered my prayers because to show her where to sign I moved closer, almost standing next to her where I could smell her sweet shampoo or soap and more importantly sneak a closer peek at the cleavage that her towel provided. Little did I know that wasn’t all I was going to see. When she handed my


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“Say, did you see anything when my towel sipped before?

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