My Wolf and I

Chapter 26 ✔


Forest’s arms held me close as he walked us up the stairs. I let my mind be blank until we walked into the apartment. I slowly opened my eyes as Forest sat us down on the couch.

“Forest?” I asked

“Nope, just me Sugar.” Jayvee said, I decided to get comfortable and laid against him. I smiled as I felt his warmth against my back.

“Why can’t we just watch a movie and cuddle?” I asked, I was tired from school and just wanted to relax.

“I wish we could Sugar, but we both know that you’ll regret it if we don’t. We can watch a movie and cuddle after.” I let out a laugh because I knew he was right. I nodded and began our conversation. I sat up and put my legs under me.

“I understand that you don’t know what to say. I’m just worried that I’m where my Dad was when he was in his coma, living his dream with his real family sitting at his bedside begging that he doesn’t die. What if, because I’m so happy here I’m subconsciously keeping myself asleep? I love you; I have no doubt in my mind about you being my soulmate.”

“I know that you have fears have are complicated. If this is all a dream, if I’m just in your head. Why not make this one hell of a dream? Let me make this the best dream you’ve ever had. And if we live our lives and it turns out that it wasn’t a dream, then we would have no regrets. Aiden, I love you. I don’t want you to live your life thinking that you need to be cautious of everything you do.”

Tears came to my eyes as his words met my ears. “B-but-” I tried but he cut me off.

“Sugar! Stop thinking about what could happen focus on what is happening right here, right now.” my hand was taken in his and pressed to his chest. “Do you feel that? I am warm, my heart is beating. Right now, I am right here in front of you loving you. I can’t tell you what will happen tomorrow or the day after that. But I can tell you that today, right now, I love you with everything I have. I will not stop, dream or not, ever. I promise that if all of this is a dream. I will give you the best damn story to tell when you wake up.”

He dragged me into his lap as tears started to run down my face.

“You are my everything, so stop worrying about things that don’t matter. Focus on getting that degree, taking over the bakery, and making new recipes. Focus on us.” He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed.

He was right, even if this was all a dream, I couldn’t let that stop me from living my life. It couldn’t stop me from doing the things I love; baking and creating. It couldn’t stop me from being happy with Jayvee.

“I love you so much,” I said and pulled him into a deep kiss.

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