My Wolf and I

Chapter 23 ✔


“I need to tell you something too actually. But please you go first.” I said running my hand through Aiden’s hair.

“After my bio parents’ car crash, I was diagnosed with depression. Rightfully so, I mean I watched my parents die, that’s bound to bring on some kind of mental illness.” He began.

“Right” I nodded.

“As I got older, we thought I was getting better. I was talking to my therapist. But then I entered middle school and things took a turn for the worse. Um, you know when you’re thinking in your head and your thoughts have a voice? Like you’re talking to yourself but in your mind?”

“Yea, Forest and I have conversations all the time, though I’m sure you mean something different.”

“Well, I started hearing this voice. It sounded like me but like if I’m impersonating an evil witch or something.” I nodded and he continued, “The voice told me all these different things. Th-things like ‘your parents don’t want you’ and stuff like that. At first, I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want them to think I was crazy. But the voice got so loud that I just shut down. I barely ate and when I did it wasn’t enough. It really freaked Papa and Dad out. After almost two weeks, they decided to take me to the hospital.”

I gave him a squeeze of a hug to encourage him to continue, he breathed for a moment, and I let him. I knew that this was a hard topic for him to talk about.

“At the hospital, I learned that what I was feeling- er- hearing, didn’t make me crazy. I just had depression. My therapist, Dr. Hamton, said that sometimes people turn their depressive thoughts into a voice. Something that they could blame for what they were feeling.”

“That makes sense.”

“I was put on a stronger anti-depressant and the voice faded. Every once in a while, it would come back but after a tweak in my meds, it left again. I haven’t had it come back for a long time, but I guess after everything that happened with Cato, it threw my meds off balance.”

“Alright, so what do we do, Sugar?”

“I just need to make an appointment with Dr. Hamton. Once I get my meds tweaked, I’ll be good as new.” He smiled up at me. “I just needed you to know because if you want me, you gotta take this me too.”

“Sugar! Of course, I still want you! There is nothing that will change how I feel about you.” He smiled up at me and held my cheek in his hand.

“Now, what did you want to talk to me about?” He asked

“So, this is probably the worst timing I could’ve chosen but Mom hasn’t stopped bothering me about it since you learned about us.”

“That’s fine, just tell me.”

“She wants to know when we will take over the pack. I told her we should at least finish school first, but if you want to take it on sooner, we can.” Aiden’s face paled and I could hear his heartbeat pick up. “What’s wrong?”

“S-so you know how I told you my dad was in a coma when I was younger?” He asked, I nodded, and he continued, “And how in the coma dream, he lived as a luna with Papa as his mate. I know it’s silly but I’m just worried that this is a dream too. What if I’m not really here or you’re not really real?”

I didn’t even know where to begin with answering that.

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