My Wolf and I

Chapter 20 ✔


My hands shook as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a white button-up, white pants, and a flower crown with white flowers. Apparently, it was customary for Jayvee’s pack, when a member of the Alpha, Beta, or Gamma family finds their mate, they dress up in one color. It’s different for each family, Alpha; black mate; white, Beta; dark blue mate; light blue, Gamma; dark red mate; red. Jay said that the pair dresses in similar colors to honor the Moon Goddess in her choice, but in different shades to show that they can balance one another.

“You make white look good.” I heard from behind me, I turned to see Jay walking into the room. He was dressed the same as me but all black, flower crown included.

“What if it’s bad luck for you to see me?!” I gasped causing Jay to laugh.

“Sugar, we aren’t getting married. Everything will go great, trust me. This is just you getting introduced to the pack and us proving to them that we are true mates. I’ll be with you the whole time, I promise. I won’t leave your side.” I smiled at him.

“How did I get someone as amazing as you to be my mate.” I sighed dreamily.

“I’m the lucky one babe.” He said holding his hand out to me. I took his hand, and we began walking to the backyard, where the meeting was being held.

I took a deep breath as we came to the back door. There were so many people in the yard.

So many people to disappoint when you fail. Do you really think that you’ll ever be a good leader?

I shook my head lightly at the voice. I won’t fail. And even if I do, I’ll still have Jay.

“You ready, Sugar?”

“As long as I have you by my side. I’m ready for anything.” I said with a smile. Jay gave me a cheesy smile before leading me out of the door and through the crowd.

As we walked, the crowd’s talking slowly came to a stop. By the time we made it to the stage, you could hear a pin drop. Nervously I followed Jay onto the stage where we stood behind his parents.

“Thank you all for coming!” Jennifer’s voice was loud and demanding. “We have some exciting news!” She grabbed Joseph’s hand, “Our son has found his mate!” The crowd erupted into cheers.

Jay squeezed my hand and led us to stand next to his parents. Jay held up his hand and the crowd instantly was quiet. “Thank you for your enthusiasm. This is my mate, Aiden Star Smith.” He held his hand up and gestured to me, I awkwardly waved at the crowd. “He is human, and he will be taking over the bakery when we take over the pack.”

I looked at him shocked, that definitely wasn’t something that we talked about. ′He’d let me take over the family business?′ I thought happily.

“And I am pleased to add on that the two are already mated!! So, it isn’t long now until they take over!!” Joseph grinned at the crowd, “That being said, please! Talk amongst yourselves as these two make their rounds.”

The crowd fell into a low rumble of voices as Jay, and I walked off the stage.

“You know it’s not our way, young man.” a voice said from behind us. We turned to see an older woman who was hunched over with a cane. She was quiet as she walked closer to us. Then she quickly grabbed Jay by the ear. “You introduce your mate to the pack then you mate and mark them. Do tell me what was going on in your head boy.”

“Elder Mary,” Jay whined “We haven’t done things like that since I was a baby.” She let go of his ear and he rubbed it while looking at me with a pout. “Sugar, this is one of our elders, Mary. Elder Mary, this is my mate Aiden.”

“Hi,” I smiled and jokingly put my hands on my ears to shield them. She laughed and she held out her hand.

“I can’t pull on your ears young Luna, you don’t know our ways. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” we shook hands. It turns out I was worried about nothing, the pack loved me, and I couldn’t wait for the next chapter in my life.

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