My Wolf and I

Chapter 14 ✔


I groaned as I woke up, I bit my lip as I felt Jay behind me. I turned my head to look at him over my shoulder. “Oh, good you’re awake.” He said as he continued his work behind me. He bit where my neck and shoulder meet causing me to moan loudly.

I was never sensitive there.... What on earth is he doing to me? I thought biting my lip. “I’m ah-awake thanks to you,” I spoke.

He pushed me onto my back and got between my legs. He kissed my nose, my jaw, my neck, and ended at my ear. “I just.... wanted to.... have a little.... fun.” He said between each kiss. He ground himself into me causing my eyes to roll. The pleasure I got from him was unreal.

“Wait. Wait.” I said pushing his chest. He immediately sat up with a frown.

“What’s wrong? Did I do something?” He asked worriedly.

“It’s fine you didn’t know. But we’ve only been together four days and it hasn’t come up.”

“Hey,” He moved to sit next to me but still facing me. “It’s fine, whatever you need to tell me, I’m all ears. Take as long as you need.” He gave me a reassuring smile.

I took a deep shaky breath and pulled my legs into my chest. “I liked the way you woke me up, well I did but I also didn’t.” I ran my hand through my hair. “I’m not comfortable with you doing that. At least until we are way way further into our relationship.” I closed my eyes to gather my courage before turning to face him “When we were in high school, like two almost three years ago, Cato. He, um,” I paused to look at him, his face held nothing but concern.

He held out his hand before saying, “You don’t have to tell me the reason why you are uncomfortable with it. You being uncomfortable is reason enough.”

I smiled at him, “I want to tell you, I trust you, Jayvee.” I took a breath, “Cato drugged and raped me.” I blew out a shaky breath, “That’s the first time I’ve said that.”

I looked at him worried that his choice to be with me would change but he pulled me into his arms. I didn’t get to see his face, but I didn’t feel the need with his arms so strongly holding onto me.

“Let’s go on our first date tonight,” he said pulling back to face me.

“We had dinner the night I came here. Wasn’t that a date?” I asked

“That was a not-date, we weren’t dating. We were just two people eating dinner together.”

“You wouldn’t let me pay.”


“All right class, today you are going to present your businesses!” the teacher said, I honestly felt bad that I didn’t remember his name. “You won’t have to present to the class, you and your partner will come up to my desk with any physical information you have. You will tell me the name of your business, what your business sells or does. Do you have any employees? What is the starting pay? What makes your business special?” some of the students groaned. “I know I told you that no detail was too small. Some of you may have thought of these things, some of you may not have. You may even have way more information than what I’m asking for now.” He paused for a moment to look down at his paper. “Owning a business is planning for things that may never happen. Now! Let’s begin! This is all I have for today, so once you present you may leave.”

We were the second pair to present. We didn’t have any physical information, but Aiden had a doc open on his tablet. We stood side by side in front of the desk.

“Name of business?” The teacher asked when he had the right paper ready.

“Sugar’s Sweet Tooth,” Jay said making me give him a look, that wasn’t the name we agreed on.

“What does Sugar’s Sweet Tooth do or sell?”

“It’s a bakery, we would sell desserts,” I said

“Do you have any employees? What is the starting pay?”

“We would and the starting pay would be $12 an hour as the business starts up but once we start making more, it would raise to $18 an hour,” Jay answered

“What makes Sugar’s Sweet Tooth different from other bakeries? Why would your customers choose this over other bakeries?”

“At Sugar’s Sweet Tooth, we would sell vegan baked goods. We would give our customers the unique experience of trying new things that aren’t too far away from the originals.” I smiled proudly

“Alright, great work guys. See you, next class,” he said

“So, what do you have planned for this ‘Actual date’ date?” I asked as we got into his car. We had been driving together on days that we had the same class hours. It was nice; felt domestic.

I thought I was happy with Cato, but Jayvee made me ten times happier. I didn’t even know what happy was when I was with Cato. We didn’t always share a bed because we had yet to tell his parents about us. But when we did, he would wake me up with kisses. I had no words for the emotions I felt when I looked at Jay, my heart just felt so full every time I looked into those dark blue eyes.

“What makes you think I’m going to tell you?” He asked pulling the car out of the parking lot.

“Because I’m pretty and I asked nicely?” I said batting my eyelashes at him. He laughed but shook his head.

He put his hand on my knee and said, “Sorry Sugar, but it’s a surprise.” I sighed loudly. “But! We aren’t going far.” I nodded and watched the road.

He was right when he said we weren’t going far. About ten minutes later we were parking in front of a place called Howling Sweets. I turned to Jay but before I could say anything he said “You wanna get some food?”

We got out of the car and entered the building. Jay was greeted by name by the person at the cash register. “This is my parents’ place; on Tuesdays and Thursdays, they serve more than just baked goods. Hamburgers, hotdogs, stuff like that.” I nodded as he led us to a booth.

“Hey Jay” A guy around our age came up to our table, we were pretty similar in looks but his eyes were pale blue. He gave me a side-eye that made me clench my fist under the table. “You haven’t called me since we last hung out. What’s the about? Didn’t you have fun?” He gave my Jay a slutty smile.

When did I become such a possessive person? I didn’t think I was but now. Seeing this bitch flirting with Jay has me wanting to rip out his goddamn throat. My eyes widened at my own thoughts.

“Tom. I told you that I didn’t want to do anything else with you. I was honest with you from the start. I would like for you to leave me and my boyfriend alone for our date please.” Tom seemed to deflate at that. He gave me a glare and stomped away.

“Did you have sex with him?” I asked once Tom walked away.

“What? No! Listen Aiden, in my family, we are told that our virginities are special. That they’re something to cherish and hold onto until you meet someone, um, the someone. I’m not going to lie to you and say that I didn’t have a little fun here and there, but I never had sex before you.”

“I shouldn’t have even asked that. I’m sorry, it’s not fair of me to ask if you did. Let’s just get along with this date.”

He nodded and smiled at me. We ordered our food and when our drinks came, I suddenly had a thought.

“Wait, if you were taught that your virginity was special, why did you just give it to me without knowing we would get together?” I asked causing him to choke on his drink.

Once he caught his breath again, he answered, “You could say I had a good feeling about you,” he looked in my eyes and smirked. “Or you could say you corrupted me.” my face went red.

The conversation ended and we fell into a comfortable silence while waiting for our food to come. I think I could get used to life with Jay. Life just the way it is.

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