My Vampire Queen

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One

When Vinny walked in it probably looked like a crime scene. The water was now pink, the bubbles that were left were pink, and there was water all over the floor of the bathroom. At least that wasn’t really pink. At some point, I had fed off of them too much and some of the few extra cuts hadn’t healed right away. Whereas my bites had healed much faster.

“Food is here,” Vinny said grabbing a towel, he holds it out and I slowly get up. My legs are shaky I don’t know if it’s from the blood high or the multiple orgasms. Vinny wraps me up in the large towel and I hear one of the men behind me let out a big sigh. “We’ll let them recover.”

“Will they be okay?” I ask, both Bjorn and Nathan were hanging onto the edges of the tub semi-conscious.

“Your blood will heal them faster, so just give them a little time.” Vinny lifts me from the tub carefully walking over the wet floor and into the bedroom. “What would you like?”

“To wear or to eat?” I ask.


“I can get dressed myself. I think.” I said and he lets out a snort, he sets me at the door of the closet and I have to lean on the door frame. “Can we eat upstairs?”

“We can eat anywhere you want.”

I think for a second about everything I had ordered, I didn’t get to think about what I wanted to eat until now. “I think one of the salads, and a bunch of mozzarella sticks is a good start. Also two cans of soda.”

Vinny opens the closet door all the way and turns on the light, looking at me to make sure I’m okay. When he turns to leave I also ask. “Can you take my laptop bag upstairs?”

I’m given just a nod and he heads over to where I left it. I wasn’t sure how to take the silence, but then when I think about it. He was silent for most of the shopping trip. I was always used to being the silent one in my family, now I had Vinny for that. I didn’t know how to feel about that.

I take a few steps holding onto the door frame while I do it. Between my legs is sore and my legs seem to be sturdier than I had thought. I drop the towel and see the pink hue left on it. Closing my eyes I draw in a breath as I push out with that black and white sight, seeing the ruby-red crystals that are blood. I draw it to me, using the small amount of blood to dry my body. Curious I move myself to the bathroom without moving my body, I tap into the bathtub where Bjorn and Nathan were starting to stir. The blood in the water started to pull out in a thin stream, I pull it with my... what would this be? My spirit? My soul? Just part of my energy?

If it was my soul it would be scary to be doing this, so I wasn’t going to think about this too hard. Pulling the line of floating rubies I lead it back to my body and pull it around myself. My hair dried and styled into large waves, not sure what to do with the rest I have an idea. If it was just blood with magic I pushed it onto the skin of my legs, pushed it until I see the ruby’s disappearing into my skin. And like with curling my hair, I will it to help heal my legs, to make them stronger so I can walk on my own.

Opening my eyes I shake out my legs, before taking another step and feeling my legs are quickly feeling stronger. Well, that was a nice little thing to discover. I move over to the drawers in the middle of the back of the closet, and open and close things until I find what I want. Black panties and an oversized t-shirt. I shuffle out once dressed, grab my phone, and head upstairs where I find my laptop bag and nothing else. Letting out a breath I move over to one of the large chairs, set up my stuff, and grab the TV remote before settling into the chair. I flipped the TV to the first news channel I could find and left it on for background noise as I turned to my laptop.

At some point, Vinny comes up with a large amount of food in bags and containers, called it the first round, and left again to get the second round. Bjorn and Nathan stumbled up sometime after, Nathan taking a seat on the floor in front of my chair and unpacked the food. Bjorn sits in the chair next to me and looks over at me.

“How did you do that?”

“Do what exactly?” I ask him, genuinely confused.

“Most Queens can pull blood near them, in the same room. You pulled blood from the bathroom through the bedroom into the closet.”

I tilt my head to the side and take in his serious face, could Queens not really do that? “I just figured I would try, I didn’t know it would be that much different. It’s just pulling it a little farther.”

“Just a little farther.” Nathan snarks. He hands me my salad and a fork a smirk on his face. “I have only seen a Queen pull blood half the range you did, some more powerful Queens might be able to pull long ranges... but you are still young.”

“Well... I’m not exactly normal so.”

Bjorn snorts. “You aren’t, you also feed from two of us until we couldn’t walk. That’s impressive.”

I pop open the container for the salad, as I pour the dressing on and shove the small tomatoes to the side I try to really take in that fact. The fact I’m just doing things that aren’t normal, I’m not fully out of this protection spell. Well, I don’t know if I am or not, I’m sure one of them would have told me by now if I was. As I take my first bite of food, it’s not exactly what I want. “The thing is, I think if Vinny and Caine offered to let me feed off of them right now as I did you two. I could. I don’t have a burning need to feed, but I could easily.”

“Feels like you had half a meal? Not starving but not quite satisfied?” Nathan asks and I nod. “We should get more Blood, we can’t have half of us drained all of the time.”

“How do I get more Blood?” I question them. “I was told on how to look out to see if there were any nearby, but not how to call.”

“Blood who are compatible without a Queen will feel your call within time,” Bjorn said. “You should check every so often to see if some are coming.”

“And just because they are compatible doesn’t mean you have to take them,” Vinny said coming back into the room with more food.

Nathan points to him. “That, if they aren’t a right fit to be Blood they can be serfs or you can just send them packing.”

That was good to know, that I had a choice in who I could take as Blood. Settling back into the chair I close my eyes and push myself out. I don’t bother looking directly around, I push up and up. I look out once I’m well over the house, starting north, and slowly turning trying to look for anything that stands out. Once I hit south I stop, I don’t see anything different but when I face a certain way I feel like something icky crawls over my skin. Something sick was that way and I didn’t like it.

My body gives a large shiver and I force myself to move, southwest and then west. West I stop again, this time I see a small flicker of orange fire. So far in the distance, it’s only a flicker I can barely see on the horizon. Moving to the edge of my property doesn’t make much difference, the Blood I see has to be states and states away. Two to three times as far as Bjorn and they were.

I snap back to myself, taking a second to orientate. I half turn to Bjorn and tell him. “There’s one Blood on the way, but there’s something south that I’m not exactly sure what it is.”

Bjorn’s and Vinny’s eyes close and I see what looks like a ghost with no features push out of them and into the sky. Well, that’s kind of creepy. I nudge Nathan. “Why does it look like that?”

“We are closely bonded, others won’t be able to see but we can see each other when we do that.” Well, it’s nice that other people wouldn’t be able to see me do that, though it would be a great Halloween trick.

When they snap back Bjorn shakes his head. “I feel something far out but I have no idea what it is. I’ve never felt that before.”

“Could be a threat,” Vinny said grabbing one of the containers of food from Nathan. “Could be something just passing by.”

I would just have to keep an eye on it, but I sure as shit wasn’t going to go out of my way to find out what it was.

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