My Vampire Queen

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Eight

Having Tank was like having a broody teenager. As soon as we got back we told him which rooms he could pick from, he went straight to one and slammed the door behind him. Walter and Ester had gotten back just after us, Ester had taken off to clean even with the warning there was a grumpy werewolf in the house. Walter had started preparing things in the kitchen and Tabitha was still here. Apparently, she just took calls and meetings in the living room the whole time we were gone. Now we had Maggie on face time, as she and the contractor walked through the house pointing things out.

At some point Tank comes out of hiding, I didn’t expect him this soon though. He slinks out to the living room Tabitha’s brows are up as she looks him over. I point over to Tabitha. “Tank this is Tabitha, my consort. Tabitha this is Tank.”

“Isn’t consort a sexual thing?” Tank asks and I whip my head over to Tabitha, pointing over at Tank.

“See what I mean?” I say and she frowns.

“It’s a shortened way of saying I’m an assistant slash secondhand when it comes to business both Amina and human.”

Nathan snorts next to me. I’m squished between him and Bjorn on one of the small couches. Where Bjorn, Tabitha, and I were face timing Maggie, Nathan was messing around on Tik Tok. “It’s just a title kings and queens gave to one of the people they trusted the most.”

“Thank you,” Tabitha said pointedly to Nathan.

“Is someone making food? I can smell it.” Tank said tilting his head to sniff the air to make a point. He’s right, whatever Walter is making smells good.

“Walter is making lunch, want to sit with us and wait? Should be done soon.” Tank looks around at the small living room, Tabitha comfortable on a chair we brought in and me smashed between two of my men. Tank gingerly sits on the edge of the second fancy couch in the room.

“Who’s Walter? And what are you doing in here anyway?” He asks both questions looking around at the room like he was just now paying attention to his surroundings.

“Walters our cook...”

“You really have a cook?” Tank asks with a frown interrupting me.

“I have four Blood with another on the way. I can’t cook for all of us all of the time, and I don’t expect the Blood to do it.”

“I only have seen three.” He says.

I give him a nod. “Yes, you’ve only seen three because the fourth one isn’t a vampire, the way he feeds is different. He can’t come out yet because the way he feeds is... being interrupted. So he needs to save his energy where he can.”

Tank just stares at me for a moment, and before he can start speaking, I interrupt him. “We had just got a first walk-through of the house we will be moving to soon. It needs some basics done before we can even consider moving.”

“You should check how far out the new Blood is,” Bjorn suggests. I close my eyes and push myself out, this becomes much easier to do the more I do it. It only took a thought to float out of my body, I look around the room seeing the bright flames of my Blood in the room, Tabitha’s light, and then Tank. Such an odd flame of green, with a little bit of red in the middle. Moving closer I just knew, like a realization hitting me in the face that he could be my Blood if I wanted. My Goddess gave me a little hint that he would be a good fit, but not necessary. We could keep him with us or let him move back to the pack. That made me feel so much better about having him here, knowing my Goddess would approve of him as my Blood.

With that bit of knowledge, I push up, floating into the sky and looking around. That bit of darkness is where it was before, I don’t think it had moved much. But the flame of my new Blood is much closer, still too far out that I don’t think they will be here tonight unless they find a way to move much faster. I snap back to my body, trying to slow myself as I get closer. Maybe I could practice like this for when I sleepwalk, I really hated waking up to just puke my guts out.

Opening my eyes I first see Tanks who has a deep frown on his face. “That’s fuckin creepy.”

Ignoring him I turn to Bjorn. “I doubt they will be here today, probably sometime mid-tomorrow.”

“You can tell the difference between a regular vampire and one that’s.. meant for you?” Tank asks me.

I shrug at that question. “I’ve never met an Amina that wasn’t supposed to be my Blood, so I don’t know what a regular Amina is supposed to feel like.”

“You’ve never met another vampire besides your Blood?” That’s right, Tank had no idea about me. That made me realize how bat shit this must seem to him, his alpha shifter just made him leave to live with a Queen Vampire with the possibility of being one of her Blood. When a shifter or werewolf isn’t ever considered to be Blood. So for the second time that day, I tell the story of what happened, how I went from a human not knowing I am, to dying and then waking up in the arms of a demon. That demon was riding my arm because a protective spell inhibits him from fully feeding off of me.

Vinny joins us to tell us that lunch was ready, I’d tell the rest to Tank after. The house had a great smell to it, with fresh ingredients of cilantro, basil, and something citrusy that meld together. When I enter the kitchen it’s like a buffet of a dozen different dishes on the counter. Walter is behind finishing up plating something that looks like a bunch of mini sliders. He looks up at me with a proud grin. “I had decided to make a tasting for you, that way I have a better idea of flavors you like.”

“All of these dishes I can make quickly and easily, so please let me know what you like and if there’s anything you would like to change about them.” Walter said then begins taking me through each dish, how he made it, and everything that was in it. He clearly had some culinary school background and I loved that he walked me through all of everything he made. Even if it made Tank antsy to get to the food. There are mini sliders, mini sandwiches, finger foods, salads, and a few different dips with different chips and crackers. Before Tank could grab half of the sliders, Walter hands him a plate with two full-sized burgers. He had made each Blood two full-sized burgers so they wouldn’t eat everything before I got to try it.

We all eat the food, trying everything. I end up telling the rest of everything to Tank while he scarfs down a burger in four bites. He sucks his thumb into his mouth, I didn’t think I would find it so attractive but damn. Tattooed assholes were really my type before Bjorn and the Blood came into my life. Though if Bjorn wanted tattoo’s I wouldn’t complain one bit. Caine has tattoo’s but his look more like they have a purpose, they looked like runes. Tanks tattoo’s are just art, if any have meaning I don’t know and I find myself wanting to know if they do mean something.

His thumb pops out of his mouth with a loud audible sound, his eyes staring into mine. I don’t look away from him and don’t hide that I find him very attractive. I don’t care if he knows, but I wasn’t going to make the first move. He’s the one in a odd situation surrounded by people he doesn’t know, I don’t want to push him into something he might not want.

“What I don’t get is you got a fuck ton of men but you still look like you want to fuck.” Tank said and I give him a shrug.

“It’s been a couple of hours.” The thought of being with one of my Blood makes my mouth water. The best dessert would be to have one of them right after this great food.

I feel hands, one wrapping around my throat to tilt my head to the side and the other to my shoulder pushing down the strap of my tank top and bra. I knew it was Bjorn doing it by the feel of his hands, the smell that was uniquely him that I couldn’t quite tell what was. I just knew it was him. Bjorn slowly moved his mouth to my shoulder, placing a slow kiss on it. I knew this show was for Tank, a way to try to seduce him without actually touching him or coming on to him.

Tank just stared, watching every slow move Bjorn made. From the kisses that moved to the crook of my neck, to the tightening and releasing of his hand on my throat. I feel Bjorn’s teeth scrap against my skin and I let out a long sigh. Tank jerks in his seat, a heated look on his face and his eyes never leaving my throat when Bjorn’s fangs slowly sink into my neck. My hands grip the edge of the table at the slow sweet pain, I hold back a moan only because we weren’t alone in the room.

I feel a line of blood trail down my neck to my chest, Tanks eyes follow his tongue going out to run along his bottom lip. Bjorn’s hand moves down my arm then to cup my breast, pushing it up so the hem of my white tank top catches the end of the blood trail. It’s all intentional, slow movements to not scare off the wolf sitting across the small table from us. It’s all about getting him interested, to think about what we could offer at least in the bedroom.

Tank’s thumb rubs slowly along his bottom lip, leaning back he watches intently as Bjorn drinks from me and gropes my breast. He watches my face as I lean back into Bjorn’s touch and the constant pressure of his large hand around my throat. When I feel his fangs pull from my neck I miss the feeling of having him inside of me in at least one way. But his tongue gliding along the cut brings back a small jolt of pain before I feel it healing.

Bjorn’s hand moves as I hear Tabitha speak coming into the room. “I have Maggie on the phone again... oh do you need some time?”

“I was just going to give Luna a drink, you can come in,” Bjorn said. Tank looks like he wants to disagree with how large his frown is. He just grunts and gets up from his chair, his skinny jeans not doing much to hide the bulge in his pants.

And I smirk. The wolf likes a show or maybe he likes the blood. I’m fine with it either way.

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