My Vampire Queen

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Three

Three of her Blood leave just left me with Elizabeth, her alpha, and the two other Queens. I keep smirking at her, and she sneers in my face. “A werewolf? Really?”

“Yes, a werewolf, and humans,” I said back to her. “I’ll fuck who I want to.”

Elizabeth makes a gagging noise before matching my smirk. “You aren’t worth this trouble.”

That smirk tells me something is going to happen, but I didn’t think it would be her having a knife. It’s pulled too quickly like she has done it before. There’s white-hot pain across my neck and warmth that spills down the front of my body. I distantly hear her laugh as my knees give out quickly, my hands going up to my throat. I fall forward just barely able to get my hand out to catch myself before my face slams into the wood floor.

Black smoke filters out from my arm and off to the side. My hand still at my throat I feel the cut, the burning pain that brings tears to my eyes. My lungs start to burn from not being able to get air into them. I feel like I’m dying all over again. And for what feels like hours I think I do, I can feel my body give up as I slump forward, the side of my face into the pool of blood.

As I feel myself slipping, black spots playing on my vision I canfeelmy heart give out. I can feel it sputter and stop in my chest. My lips touch the blood on the ground, a last-ditch thought comes to my mind. I push myself out, to see those red rubies and will them to come to me. They filter in drop by drop, absorbing into my skin and I focus on the pain in my throat. As I pull the blood back into myself I feel something deep inside me snap.

Almost all of the blood rushes back and I take a deep breath in only to scream out. My throat, my hands, my body, all of it just felt like that snap had dipped me in lava. There was no more burning but just the idea of it made me scream out. Touching my throat now I feel it’s healed, but not all the way there’s still a large pucker where the knife had slashed through. But it has healed enough. I place both hands on the ground and push myself up, using the pretty white coffee table to help.

“What are you?” Elizabeth asks, her voice soft and.. horrified.

Looking at my hands I take note, my nails had turned into long claws the skin around the base of my nails are black with black veins running up my fingers. I look up at her to see her eyes widen and her mouth open in an ‘O’. “Luna Morningstar Tyet.” I said and I don’t think her eyes could get wider. “Yeah bitch, you fucked up.”

Her Blood jumps for me, Caine appears between us to catch him and tosses him back into the wall. The pink wall shakes and cracks around where the Blood lands. I move towards Elizabeth, she tries to scurry back but I grab her wrist in mine feeling the claws dig into her skin. Her fangs flash as she hiss at me, running my tongue along my teeth I find that I have not just fangs. But a full set of sharp teeth. I bare those at her and she pales.

“Help me!” She screams at her other Queens. A hand comes out to hit me and I grab that too. Another loud thump hits the house, shaking it, it’s not from Caine.

Caine is moving behind Elizabeth to grab her wrists from me. I hold out a finger to the other two Queens who had moved to the farthest corner of the room. “Try to help her and die with her.”

I see the shorter one shaking her head out of the corner of my eye. Smart. Elizabeth is now screaming, trying to offer me anything I want, insulting me. Whatever her little mind can come up with so I don’t kill her.

Taking her jaw in my hand and squeezing her cheeks she stops screaming and starts trying to jerk out of our hands. It just makes my claw dig into her face, the little red rivulets run down my fingers. I bring her face real close to mine, so she hears me clearly when I speak. “Queens like you will not last in this world much longer. You will have to change or die, too bad for you I’ve already decided on your fate.”

A body fly’s into the room through a door, followed by a very big wolf man. I almost forget about Elizabeth as I take in the sharp teeth and bright yellow eyes. But she jerks in Caines hold. Striking her I make sure my teeth go deep into her neck, I make sure I’m not gentle as I bite into her. She lets out a scream as I bury my teeth into her neck, just stopping before I take a chunk out of her. Blood rushes past my mouth, I try to drink down what I can but the bite is too harsh. The blood from Elizabeth is so different from my Blood, better but not at the same time. I much prefer my own Blood but Elizabeth packs a punch of something else that my Blood would never have.

I hear more fighting going on around me, and I turn my head in time to see someone dragging one of Elizabeth’s Blood into the room by their shirt. The Blood is unconscious or maybe even dead. The person dragging them in drops the Blood and takes off their helmet. I knew immediately that she was going to be my Blood.

Elizabeth stops fighting so hard, the new Blood moves over to where Caine and I are just as I feel something shake the house, no noise just a quick shake. I pull my mouth from Elizabeth and Caine lets her drop at his feet. “She’s dead, the nest boundary is gone.”

Looking down to Elizabeth I see her in a pool of her own blood, I get a little worried that she’d pull something that I did. Closing my eyes I bring myself to that spirit side and see all the red ruby’s in the room. I pull it all to myself, feeling a little overwhelmed with all the blood I just took in and now this. I direct it, I push it to my throat where that cut was, healing it all the way. Then I notice the tether I have with Caine and I trickle energy down it into him. Next, I feel for Bjorn who is quickly approaching and find his link, the energy goes into that one and I feel like a weight is off my shoulders.

I feel a hand on my chin and open my eyes to meet Caines fully blacked out ones. “Someone is waiting.”

Turning I feel Caine step over Elizabeth’s body to pull me up to his. I can feel he’s very happy to be out in the real world or maybe it’s from the power boost I just gave him. I look around the room, the two Queens had moved together to be away from where Tank and the new Blood were hauling Elizabeth’s Blood. It wasn’t those too so I look over to see another door halfway hidden in the living room, it’s open with a familiar face peeking out from behind it.

“Rue?” I breathe out. I feel my claws had retracted, my teeth had followed suit. Rue’s eyes are wide and fear is clear on her face, she looks from Caine to me and runs. I have to brace myself as she hits me in a hug, I wasn’t expecting it but I’ll take it. Rue isn’t much shorter than I am but she is much thinner.

She trembles in my arms and I try to watch where I put my hands so I don’t put pressure on any bruises. I see Bjorn come into the room and head straight towards me. Rue stiffens up but Bjorn either doesn’t notice her or doesn’t care as he wraps his arms around the both of us. I rub my hand on her back and say. “This is my Alpha Bjorn.”

Rue is still stiff in my arms but doesn’t move to let go of me, I’ll take that as a good sign. Bjorn runs his hands down my back and to my side, looking over my body. I wouldn’t tell him about the whole knife to the throat thing, yet. Without looking back to the others that were in the room he gives orders. “Tank, run the perimeter make sure there is no one else to worry about. Nathan, call Tabitha. Vinny, watch the Queens and other Blood with our new Blood.”

“I will secure the house and find food for the pup and wolf,” Caine said, Bjorn gives him a nod. When Caine and Tank leave the room the other Queen’s shoulder seems to go down an inch. Interesting to note that they were very afraid of the two.

“We need to address the Blood first,” Vinny said looking down at the four men. One of them was still out the others were just on their knees, heads down in defeat.

“Oh fucking Christ.” I hear Marcus’s voice. I look over to see both humans had joined us, I didn’t even know they were there. “Is-is she dead?”

Marcus didn’t have any sort of poker face, Jaxon looked like he was still processing the events of the night. I look down at Elizabeth, it looked like all of her skin has started to mummify. It was thin and paper white, pulled tight over her bones. She was very creepy to look at. I couldn’t focus on coddling them right now though. Bjorn puts a hand on Rue’s head and she looks up at him, letting me go so I can walk over to where the Blood is and where the other Queens are trying to scoot past.

“Blood that loses a Queen turns into thralls?” I ask no one in particular.

“Correct,” Bjorn said from behind me. “They will have felt her death, their minds will break at any point within the next day if they are not taken by another Queen.”

“So one of them would have to take them?” I ask gesturing to Sarah and Silvia. There was no way I was taking one of Elizabeth’s Blood, I didn’t feel any connection to them. Vinny gives me a confirming grunt and I look at the two Queens. “Do either of you want to claim one of them?”

They both look at me, the taller one I’m going to guess is Silvia asks. “How do we know you won’t kill us if we say we want a Blood?”

“How do you know that I’m not going to kill you anyway?” I ask back and her mouth snaps shut. I give her a nod. “If you want to take her Blood voice it now, that way they don’t go crazy while I figure shit out.”

Neither of them says anything, Sarah is just looking off to the ground, avoiding any eye contact and Silvia is still hugging herself. “No takers?”

Sarah finally speaks up in a whispered tone. “I don’t want any of them.”

The way she looks down and away from them makes my mind wander to places. Looking at Silvia I see she glances at them then away, a look of disgust on her face. I didn’t need to hear anything from them, I could see on their faces and in their body language that these men had done awful things for these two to hate them. I turn to Vinny and the new Blood. “Then I guess they die.”

This makes two of them jump up into action, the new Blood easily grabs one and throws him to the ground, wrapping her fingers around his neck. With a quick movement ending with a loud snapping noise, his body falls to the ground with a thump. Vinny almost follows suit, instead of getting the Blood to the ground he just wraps a thick arm around his neck and twists. Elizabeth’s Alpha just lays in defeat, and I feel a little sadness that he’d have to die like this. But I can’t feel it for too long. He was a crazy women’s right hand in all the shit she did.

My hand wraps around the hilt of my knife as I take those few steps toward the Alpha. And for the second time in my life, I take a life.

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