My Vampire Queen

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

I let Nathan take over after the lingerie website. Our Queen was content in Vinny’s arms, I had got off the bed to grab my bags and put my things away. Hopefully, we wouldn’t be here long, it made me on edge not being inside a nest. The human security guards don’t hold any weight, the most that they are is an alarm for when something comes in that shouldn’t be here. The iron fence was good, thralls were like fae, they couldn’t touch iron without burning, and then the salt I had Vinny place would also give them pause to come into the house.

But thralls weren’t the only threat to our Queen. I was still processing the fact I was the Alpha to the last Isis Queen, that alone would make her a huge target. Isis’s line has always been strong and held a place of respect. Other Queens that wanted more power would see Luna as a way to gain that. Kill the last Queen of her line, take over her legacy, and gain the fear and respect that would come with it.

I change out of my clothes and put on a pair of sweatpants, just sweatpants and head out. I don’t get far without my Queen seeing me, her whole head turns to ogle me and I’ll admit I puff up like a peacock trying to get a female’s attention. Knowing she was checking me out fueled my ego. Sitting next to Vinny on the bed, she continues to watch me, turning her upper body towards me not looking at my face, just my chest and a bit lower. Her eyes on my crotch makes my cock jump in my sweatpants, there’s no way she doesn’t notice.

“Do we need protection or something? Whenever we decide to have sex?” She asks and that makes my cock rear up at the thought of sex with her, and the fact we don’t need protection like humans.

“We don’t get STDs,” I say leaning back onto the bed, not worried about the tent in my pants, I’ll be inside my Queen soon. “As for pregnancy, you have to be breeding first. That’s when you bleed.” I wave my hands in my general lower area to give her an idea of what I mean. “When you are breeding and want a child we will ask your Goddess for help in conceiving, normally with a sacrifice of some sort.”

“Most Queens only breed once every fifty years now,” Nathan said still scrolling through clothing. “Every generation it’s getting longer and longer for Queens to breed, and it’s not a sure thing they will actually conceive a child when they do breed.”

There’s a frown on her face and I can see she’s thinking as she stares at the side of Nathan’s head. After a few moments of waiting for her to speak her mind, she says. “I think I’m different because I’m the last Isis Queen and considering my father’s Anubis.”

“You are different,” I said because it was completely true. She wasn’t raised in a nest, wasn’t raised like a Queen should be, she has had a normal human life giving her insight into things other Queens wouldn’t even consider.

She shakes her head. “I mean, I get my period every month. Ever since I was 18, like clockwork.”

I think my heart stopped with that statement, my cock went from hard and waiting to extremely painful with the thought. A Queen that breeds every month? And I’m the lucky bastard who’s her Alpha.

“You.... bleed every month?” Vinny’s voice was even rougher than normal, I could feel his dick pressing into my lower back. “When?”

“The end of every month, at least that was before I found out what I was,” I said, it didn’t lower the tension in the room at all. Admitting I had bled every month was like putting a big steak in front of dogs, all three of them, yes even Nathan looked like they were ready to jump on me. “It’s normally the last three or four days of the month.”

“Fuuuck.” Bjorn groans out putting his hands on his face and shakes his head.

“Security threat,” Vinny said and Nathan nods a couple of times, seemingly to clear his head as he does it and he blinks.

Bjorn drops his hands. “We have a short amount of time, if you bleed outside of the nest it’s like sending out a flare to thralls, Blood, and other Queens close enough to sense it.”

Yeah, I could see that being a huge problem.

Right now though, Vinny’s hard-on pressing into my lower back and seeing the tent in Bjorn’s pants had made me feel uncomfortable. Not in a bad way, because there was a pulsing between my legs that ached. I tried wiggling out of Vinny’s arm so I could move to Bjorn or Nathan or even just turn around to Vinny. Vinny grabs my thigh with his free hand, stopping me from moving, and pulls my leg open a little, slipping his hand to my inner thigh. Just that makes me let out a moan.

“Bond Nathan before we start things, then he will go guard with Caine.” Both Nathan and I pout at Bjorn.

“Why can’t he stay?” That gets a chuckle from Nathan who pulls off his shirt.

Nathan moves forward, his shirtless body and those eyes just hold my attention, Bjorn answers my question. “Even if we were in a nest we would have Blood walking the perimeter and checking the house. It’s for our security, he will switch with Vinny after a few hours.”

I frowned at that and Vinny moved his hand from my thigh, I was about to complain but he produced a small pocket knife from somewhere. Nathan crawls between both of our legs, flipping his hair over one shoulder, stretching his neck out and Vinny took the invite to cut a small but deep cut if the quick welling of blood gave any hint. My body almost possessed leaped forward, even though I didn’t have to go far, and Vinny let me. My mouth closed over the cut and I moaned. Nathan’s taste is sweeter than the others, not packing as big of a punch as Bjorn’s blood, but that sweetness.

It was like he was made of a sugary drink and I wanted more of it. Nathan pushed me back into Vinny’s chest, I didn’t let go of him sucking up everything the cut lets me have. I let out another moan as Nathan pushes himself up to me, letting me feel his hard dick in his pants press against my thigh. There wasn’t much doubt in my mind that all three of them would fuck me if I asked, and I was tempted. The haze of lust almost had me asking them, the sweetness filling my mouth stopped me from voicing my wants.

There was a small nagging reminder that we weren’t completely safe, that I couldn’t have all four of my Blood in my bed at the same time. Shame that was, because I’ve always been interested in being with multiple partners, men, women, everything, and anything. An orgy or gangbang. Any of it. All of it.

Nathan angles himself a little to the left and oh my.. he hits me just in the right spot to make me throw my head back. Vinny moves his hands, to my thighs to keep my legs open to Nathan, fuck this was too good. Nathan rubs himself up against me, his bulge pressing right into my core, onto my clit. Nathan slips the strap of my shirt down, exposing the top of my breast just stopping before my nipple popped out of my shirt. He presses his tongue just between my breasts and runs his tongue along the top of my right breast.

My next moan is embarrassingly loud when his teeth sink into the top of my breast. I feel like I can’t take a deep breath in, there are too many sensations. Nathan’s mouth pressed over his bite marks, tongue circling the small cuts, Vinny with his large rough hands on my bare inner thighs, fingers digging into my soft flesh. If Nathan hadn’t moved his bulge from grinding on me I might have just cum from all of the sensations I was feeling. It’s over whelming, with everything going on, yet I didn’t want it to ever stop.

When Nathan pulls his mouth away from my breast I grab his chin and pull his face to mine. I kiss him, he lets me take over the kiss and I try to tell him I would fuck him right now if I could, but I would settle for a quick fucking of his mouth with my tongue. He pulls away and gives me a low chuckle, a large smile with hooded eyes. “I’ll be back later my Queen, remember this feeling for then cause I’ll be more than happy to satisfy you in any and every way you can think of.”

I didn’t know what to say as he slipped out of the bed, grabbing his shirt, my bag full of my laptop accessories and then my laptop. Bjorn’s hand cups my chin softly and turns my head over to him, when I face him, he gives me a soft coaxing kiss. Slowly he moves me from Vinny’s lap, giving me soft kisses, a hint of tongue, and a little nip here and there until I’m straddling his hips. When I pull my face from his I see why I moved, Vinny was undressing, his shirt gone and he was removing his pants. I watched with fascination and a need that was all just a woman watching a hot guy undress in front of her.

Bjorn’s hands were light on my thighs, I moved my hands to his chest to adjust myself. Not entirely on purpose it landed with me right on top of his hard cock, it at least gave me some nice pressure as I slowly moved my hips back and forth. Vinny removed his pants, not moving to remove his boxers. “All of it.”

Vinny gives me a crooked brow, while keeping my eyes with his he pulls them off and tosses them aside. I couldn’t keep his eyes, I looked down from curiosity, and holy fuck. I’ve never seen a dick that big with my own eyes. Granted I’ve only seen two but still. It was probably the same length as the more endowed one I’ve seen, but that one isn’t even comparable to how thick Vinny’s is.

“Who do you want first my Queen?” Bjorn asks, I turn my attention over to him.

“I would think an Alpha would fight to be first?” It was more of a question, in any book I’ve ever read that’s how Alphas have ever reacted.

Bjorn shakes his head subtly. “I would like to be the first Blood you do everything with sure, but it is your body, we are your Blood we will do what you want.”

“Plus a Alpha is with their Queen all the time.” Vinny moves closer to us, allowing me to put my hands on his chest. He was just a bit wider than Bjorn in the chest and stomach area, he looked more like a strong man with a gut but a hard large chest.

“He is right.” Bjorn’s hands trail up to my hips, slowly under my shirt to my sides. “As your Alpha, I will be at your back all the time, I don’t mind the idea of one of the others being first or gaining more attention when they are around. Because I will always be there with you, I will have more chances for your attention.”

That made sense, and I was glad I wouldn’t have to deal with Alpha jealousy bullshit.

Looking between them, I had an idea of how I wanted to start this. I lose my shirt quickly and toss it aside, wiggling from Bjorn’s hands I move until I’m straddling his knees, my hands going to the hem of his sweatpants. He lets me pull them down and lifts himself so I can pull them off. Turning back I run my hands up his thighs, his cock twitches when I get close, a cock that might not be quite as thick as Vinny’s, or maybe they are the same, I wouldn’t be able to tell without actually sizing them up, but it was longer by maybe around an inch or two or close to that.

His dick was still bigger than any I’ve seen or been with, so it was still a little intimidating. It didn’t stop me from grabbing his cock, feeling the smooth hardness in my hand.

“You should let us pleasure you.” Bjorn’s voice almost seemed pained as he spoke, I moved my hand slowly, looking up to him.

“It is what we are meant to do,” Vinny adds.

I shake my head before leaning closer to Bjorn’s cock. “I’m going to suck your cock because I want to, but I’ll warn you I’ve only done this once so I might not be the best at it.”

Bjorn’s laugh is dark and strangled as I move down more, my tongue coming out to lick his shaft, all the way to the tip and around. “Goddess, having a Queen suck your cock is a gift, even if you are inexperienced.”

That settled my nerves a little, plus if I practice now I could be better in the future. They wouldn’t judge me for being bad at sucking dick, hopefully, they would tell me what to do if I did something wrong.

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