My Two Alphas

Chapter 5

I did not want to go home, my mother would still spank me even though I am nearly 18. That woman was crazy, and damn does she have a good hand. I could still remember the last ass kicking she gave me, never thinking I would walk the same again, she branded my ass real good that day.

Only this time I really messed up, I burnt the entire science lab down. I still believe it isn't completely my fault, yes I burnt the classroom down but I was only intending to destroy the table not the blow the entire place up, not my fault someone left the gas on, the teacher was supposed to turn it off before locking it up”

Ace opens the back door of the car, pushing me toward it. "How about you both go, and I wait here” I suggest. Tyson looks over at me from the other side of the car.

"Get in the car Lucy" he says and purse my lips, nope I am not going. Turning around only to find Ace smiling down at me, was he really finding my potential murder amusing?

"Get in the car Lucy" he says as well, folding his arms across his broad chest but this big buffoon didn't intimidate me, how could they when I grew up with them.

I raised an eyebrow at his words, and was about to tell him to go suck on a big one when he leaned down proving how short I really am.

"I can always make you" he says and I scoff at his words.

"Make me then" I taunt and he goes to grab me, but I saw his hands twitch a second before and did the most logical thing any girl would do. I kicked him, the reaction was instantaneous. I almost felt my own imaginary nuts ache at the contact as he grunted, clutching his balls like his hands were the only thing leaving them attached to him, like it could somehow stop his pain.

"Ha that will teach you for being balls deep in Melana" I tell him as I dart off heading for the forest at the back of the pack house, heading toward the river.

"Fuck sake, seriously you couldn't just toss her in" I hear Tyson tell him before chasing after me.

My legs moved at lightning speed as I tried to remember which way went where. I had not been to this side of the woods in years but I knew there was a river somewhere, I just had to find it, I could follow it knowing it led to Mitchell's place, he would help me hide from my mother and these two. He was probably the only person who I actually liked in our pack. And didn't look at me funny for my weird eyes.

Hearing water, I diverted heading for it when I heard a growl sound from behind me making adrenaline course through me as I picked up my pace. I could smell the water. I was so close, I could hear the river running down stream. I was nearly in the clear. I just had to jump over to the other side and I knew I was free, though that put me on our neighbouring pack, I would only be quick and doubted they would detect me.

1 giggle when my foot leaves the bank before Tyson yells through the mindlink at me, his voice booming through my head startling me and I lose my footing tumbling forward and knocking the air from my lungs..

“Lucy no!" He screams just as I hit the ground on the other side. I turn to look at him when I hear growls coming from the trees near me. At first I didn't understand when the five wolves stepped out of the trees like they were waiting for someone to cross, confused more because they were members of a pack in alliance with ours, but the feral growls emitting from them said otherwise.

They dropped their heads teeth bared and I scrambled backwards not understanding when I hear a vicious growl resonate of the trees before feeling fur brush against my arm, Tyson's scent wafting to me and I was shocked he cleared the river without falling in its depths, I was more vampire than werewolf so to me jumping was easy but he was in wolf form. He growls forcing his body over mine and the five wolves growl pack at him but back up. His aura radiating out of him made even me tremble though it wasn't directed at me when I see Ace's wolf come up on my other side before stepping toward them, stalking them and daring them to step closer. Both their wolves were identical though Atticus, Ace's wolf was slightly wider while Tyrant Tyson's wolf is taller, both equalling menacing and their paws were bigger than my hands as they towered over me shielding me from Alpha Jamie's pack pack warriors.

“Get back to the otherside Lucy now” Ace snaps at me through the mindlink, his eyes not leaving the five wolves. They looked too scared to move and I would be too if I had both their deadly gazes on me at this moment.

Tyrant Tyson's wolf nips my hand when I don't move frozen in place as I watched on, his teeth puncturing my hand making me hiss and jolt me out of my own head.

“Now” Tyrant deep gravelly voice orders making me whimper before I force myself to my feet. I turn before running toward the edge and jumping across. Tyson followed in his wolf form leaving Ace on the other side with the five wolves when he turned his back on them, yet not one of them dared move as he ran toward the river and jumped it, clearing rather easily. Atticus stalks toward me and he grabs my ankle, jerking me to the ground and ripping legs out from under me. I cry out as his teeth puncture through my flesh on my ankle. They never hurt me, no matter what I did, they never carried on like this especially their wolves but I could feel their auras smashing against me.

“You don't ever cross the border” Atticus snaps at me making me flinch away from him, I didn't understand what was going on. They were an alliance pack. Ace suddenly shifts back taking control from his wolf leaving him in a crouched position in front of me, his glare made my blood run cold. He stands and I avert my gaze from his nudity.

“Get up” He says before stepping around me and walking into the trees heading toward the pack house.Tyson's wolf Tyrant comes over nudging me before pulling on my shirt.

“Now Lucy” Tyson's voice flits through my head, I turn, getting to my feet when I feel his tongue run across my ankle, the wounds were already nearly healed, his saliva forcing them to heal instantly and the tingling sensation returned.

“Now start walking” Tyson says falling in line with me, Ace walking ahead and I could feel his aura even 20 metres away from him,

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