My Two Alphas

Chapter 49

Tyson POV

I didn’t even make it to work before Ace's voice boomed across the mindlink. What I wasn't prepared for was rushing to the school to see such a vile act against Lucy. Ryker Jacob and a few other pack warriors from Ryker's Pack arrived at the same time and we all froze as we looked around the quad of the highschool. Hundreds of pictures of Lucy hung on the walls and I froze in shock. It was one thing to know what that man tried to do but to see it. I suddenly wished I hadn't, wished I could remove this memory from my head, remove the images from my mind. It was one of those horrific scenarios you just couldn't unsee once you saw it. The pure fear on her face couldn't be mistaken as she ran from that classroom. Teachers were racing around trying to pull them down while students lingered and whispered.

Ryker started screaming orders and shut the school down while I scanned the quad looking for Lucy. Her horror in the photos was the exact same mask she was wearing on her face when I spotted her. Like she was reliving that day, like she was no longer here but trapped in her memories. Mitchell was gripping her arms, shaking her but she was frozen in place, her eyes looking around at pictures exposing her. She looked devastated, vulnerable but most of all she looked like she was about to break. Her eyes were glassy as she fought back tears and I couldn't decipher any emotion through the bond, like she shut down.

“Get her out of here” Ryker yelled at no one in particular. Ace turns tossing the pictures in his hand in the bin and I turn back to look at her. Yet as her eyes darted to us, her face was morphing and I couldn't decipher the look on her face when she turned around and ran. Running for the doors, Mitchell moved to chase after her but she was running like her life depended on it, no she was running like she was running from her teacher, running from the man that nearly destroyed her, but this I think just may be what finishes her off. As she approached the glass sliding doors I could see she was too stuck in her head and I screamed out to her.

“Lucy” I choked out but it was too late as she burst through the doors, tripping on the lip of the door and falling through the glass. The doors burst like an explosion and Mitchell jumps back just in time as the glass shatters covering her in its sharp shards cutting her to pieces. She crawls to her hands and feet and everyone holds their breath as the glass crunches under her.

A few lingering students snickering to themselves and Ace growls making them dart off like their asses were on fire. She stands so quickly I almost missed the movement before she took off running from us.

“Lucy wait” Both Mitchell and Ace scream after her but she was gone in a blur, leaving behind a blood trail as she runs through the school's corridors while we chase after her.

The moment we were out of the school gates Ace shifted and so did Mitchell, their clothes shredding as they gave chase. But Lucy was fast, and running on adrenaline, I could almost feel it coursing through her veins through the bond. We stood no chance of catching her. Hybrids were fast but Lucy was more vampire than Hybrid making her quicker as her vampire DNA was strongest of all.

After losing her in the forest that surrounded the highschool and primary school we had to follow the scent of her blood which was easy, blood drops leaving a clear path after her.

“How the fuck did this happen?” I mindlink Ace and Mitchell who were running off the side of me.

“The Quad doesn't get opened till the first bell, as soon as the janitor noticed he went to retrieve the principal but by then Lucy was already at school” Mitchell explains but that still didn't explain how the person responsible got into the Quad.

When the blood trail starts to become more obvious we realize she has started to slow down and so do we. Listening for movement but with the stream running alongside the forest it was hard to pick up any movement when I realized we were getting close to Ryker's packhouse.

Breaking through the treeline we slow as the front of the packhouse comes into view. Lucy was still running toward the packhouse when the most heartbreaking guttural scream left her. You could hear her devastation, feel her breaking as she started to come apart at the seams..

“Mum!” One word but the way it was screamed was gut wrenching and soul crushing and filled with the torment that was swirling within her like a tornado. Lucy doesn't stop, jumping clear over the boundary fence that surrounded this side of the property. I see the front door of the packhouse open, Reika rushing out the door in a panic and my heart falters for a second at her reaction, wondering if she would be mad.

“Lucy?” Rieka says before spotting her daughter running toward her. Reika's face panic stricken before she takes off running toward her daughter. Lucy runs straight into arms with so much force they both tumble toward the ground, Reika catching her and crushing her against her chest while Lucy wails.

“What's wrong, what's wrong baby” Reika says her voice panicked as Lucy clung to her like she was her life support. Reika also clinging to her as we approached. All of us slow down as we give them space. Lucy was crying hysterically, wailing as her mother tried to soothe her, rocking her back and forth in her arms as they sat in the dirt.

Rieka hisses and I realize there is glass still sticking out of Lucy's face and arms and was cutting into her yet she doesn't let her go, realizing her daughter needs her. Reika's eyes darted to us questionably and I realized she was unaware of what happened at the school. I could hear Ryden inside crying and Reika looks back at the house when Mitchell suddenly shifts back covering himself with his hands.

“I can go get him, Luna” He says and Reika nods to him. Mitchell rushes off to the packhouse and Atticus approaches Reika and Lucy on the ground. I also approach them and kneel down beside them pulling the glass from her arms and hands. Atticus Ace's wolf licking her wounds yet I couldn't get to her face as it was buried in Reika's chest.

“Lucy honey let your mates heal you" Reika says softly, pulling Lucy's face from her chest with her hands. She had glass jutting out of her cheek, another large shard piercing through her chin.

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