My Two Alphas

Chapter 24

We waited for Rayan to finish school and Tyson told Ryker he would pick him up. I was too chicken to face my mother but I knew with Rayan by my side I could do anything. Rayan was my go to when shit hit the fan, he never judges me despite what my parents think. Rayan was quiet, an observer and my parents didn't realise how much he truly knows, he was smart.

Rayan knew information was key and by always playing in the shadows he saw a lot of which my parents didn't know. But most of all he saw me, saw me for who I am, he didn't see me as a problem child, didn't see me the way they did, he only saw me as his sister.

"Hey sis" Rayan says climbing in the back of Tyson's car, he leans over from the back seat wrapping his little arms around my neck nearly strangling me against my chair or at least that's what it would look like from anyone looking in the windshield

I pat his hand before he kisses my cheek. "You coming home for a while or just dealing with mum?" He asks, sitting back and clipping his seatbelt in.

"Not sure yet, it depends on mum, did you get in much trouble for covering for me?"

"th don't worry about it, mum should be fine. Feels terrible for not listening to you" he laughs humorlessly.

“Like anyone could get a word in even if she was listening” he says with air quotes.

"What about Dad?"

"Mum and dad have been fighting like cats and dogs, mum even asked for divorce. Like that will happen” he says and he was right they are mates. Dad would lock her in the house under guard if she tried to leave him, not that she would, mum has a tendency to speak before thinking.

"How was school?" I ask him as Tyson pulls onto the highway heading toward the packhouse.

"Good I got an A+ on my history paper today" he laughs before rummaging through his backpack and handing me his assignment. I read it and laughed at what it was on.

"Hybrid mutations? Seriously we have made history books now?" I ask handing it back to him.

"Yep, it was easy for me seeing as I am partially one and you and mum" he says and I snort.

“Don't worry, got another one on the hybrid Queen thinking of asking grandma to come in, be like a show and tell. Can't ask mum she will probably go into labour from the stress of being in front of everyone or rock up naked.

Assignment will change to how to deliver mutation babies" he chuckles.

"She would if you ask, she is always looking for an excuse to come visit, mum would love it" Tyson adds in for the first time.

"So what's going on with you two and Ace, sort this mates business out?" Rayan asks.

"th kind of" I tell him and leans forward in his seat sticking his head between us.

"I'm still punching Ace in the face” he says and my lips tug up. Tyson smiles.

"You do that little prince, I will even pay you to watch you smack him one” Tyson says pulling up out the front. He parks the car and I stare at the packhouse.

"Want me to come with you?" Tyson asks when I don't get out.

"Na she is good. She got me" Rayan says, climbing out before coming over to my door and opening it.

"If you want to come home ring me or mindlink me, I will come get you"

“It will be fine" I tell him not even believing my own words. Rayan tugs my hand and I look at him.

"Come on, you can use me as a shield if she starts throwing shit" my brother tells me.

"Yeah right like I would do that" I tell him and he shrugs.

"Come on, I am sure Tyson will sneak in tonight anyway" Rayan says and I raise an eyebrow at my brother.

"What, he used to do it all the time, while you were on holiday here, I thought you knew" he says smiling deviously and I look at Tyson whose face turned a little red.

"Oh you really did?" I ask, shocked.

"Yeah used to watch you sleep, not stalkerish at all, creepy as fuck” Rayan says.

"If you knew why didn't you say anything?" Tyson asks him.

"I knew you wouldn't hurt her, besides she would have freaked out if I said anything" Rayan shrugs.

"How long have you known?" Tyson asks.

"A few years, I thought it odd but figured you had your reasons at first I thought about saying something but she always slept better and wouldn't be screaming in her sleep about the shit they did to her in the facility and I thought you just missed her"

"1 did miss her and just so we are clear. I didn't watch her sleep, that sounds like I am creep”

"Yeah because crawling in her bed sounds better?" Rayan teases back before tugging on my hand. I climbed out of the car, a little shocked that my brother was more observant than me. Not that it was surprising.

We wait for Tyson to leave before Rayan leads me inside and we go to the kitchen. He starts rummaging through the pantry bringing out bread while I grab ingredients from the fridge like we used to do everytime after school when I attended the schools here.

"Pickles?" I ask him and he nods as I hold up the jar.

“Mum still likes chutney?" I ask him.

"Yeah she ate a jar the other day with peanut butter” he says making a disgusted face.

We make sandwiches and Jacob comes in, grabbing one before pecking my cheek. "Lucy," he comments, biting into my sandwich. I start making another before looking up when I hear movement upstairs.

"She was napping," Jacob comments. I felt bad for him, he got her worst sides constantly as he was always assigned to watch my mother. I grab more bread smearing peanut butter on it before Jacob nudges me out of the way and smears more on it before grabbing the chutney and spreading some on it too. He then sends me a wink and I cut it in half putting it on a plate. That is disgusting I thought. I was just about to bite into my salad sandwich when she stepped into the kitchen. I could feel my brother and Jacob watching us while we kind of just awkwardly stood there staring at each other.000O0

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