My Twin Sister’s Extremely Famous and Incredibly Hot Neighbor

: Chapter 17

Dustin hands me my phone and I hold in the power button. Nothing happens. Disappointment crashes into me. I try again, holding it in for longer. The screen comes to life and the logo appears. “It’s working!” I scream.

Dustin grins. “Great.”

“I can’t believe it!” My emotions soar as relief floods over me. I didn’t lose my father’s photo. I can call Jera and get the details of the photo shoot. I’m saved.

I’m so excited I grab Dustin and give him a kiss. It’s a quick peck, and I don’t even think about it before I do it, but as soon as my lips touch his, my body responds with an electric current. I let go, startled at what I’ve done.

Dustin’s blue eyes darken. He pulls me to him, his gaze probing. “Don’t do that unless you mean it,” he says, his voice low and growly.

My face flushes, but I don’t pull away. I do mean it. And my heart pounds as I realize that.

His fingers press into my back, holding me tight. His gaze travels over my face, dipping to my lips. “If you don’t want me to kiss you, tell me now.”

For a split second I consider telling him not to. My rational mind knows I can’t have a relationship with him. He lives in Hollywood and runs around with famous people. I live in Denver, and I hardly ever leave my apartment. His world and my world are too different.

But as he stares at me, my soul yearns for him in a way I can’t explain, and I suddenly want this physical connection more than anything. I need him like I need to breathe. I set my phone on the counter and slowly thread my fingers into his silky hair.

“Go ahead,” I say, my voice raspy.

The second his lips brush mine my whole body comes alive. His lips are warm and tender, and his kiss is slow, like our dance last night. Tingles shoot all over my skin and I have to control myself so I don’t gasp. My heart races.

I know I shouldn’t be kissing Dustin, but I don’t care. I’ve never met anyone like him, and my feelings have been building over the last few days. I can’t help it. He’s too irresistible.

His lips trail to my jawline and a fire ignites under my skin. I can’t take in enough air. The room spins, but I don’t want it to stop. His lips come back to mine, and I melt like chocolate on a warm summer day.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him even closer. I need him right now. He’s quickly becoming a part of me, which frankly does scare me, but right now I don’t want to think about it. I just want to enjoy the sensations that his lips are creating.

My phone chimes, but I ignore it. I don’t want to stop this kiss. I cling to Dustin, craving his lips. He tastes like strawberries, and I wonder if he put on lip balm. My phone chimes again. And again. And about a million more times in close succession.

Dustin pulls back and disappointment descends on me. “Looks like someone wants to chat.”

“I don’t care,” I say, but the mood is already ruined.

Dustin chuckles but steps back from me. “You’d better read your texts.”

I already know who they’re from, and I know what they’re going to say, but I pick up my phone anyway.

“I need to make a phone call,” I say after reading a few of Jera’s texts. She’s freaking out and I need to have a conversation with her.

“If you need privacy, you can go in my den.” Dustin motions with his hand.

“Yes, thank you.” I follow him through his house until he leads me into a room with a desk and a window to his backyard. He closes the door, leaving me alone in the room.

I punch Jera’s contact to call her. She picks up on the first ring. “Mackenzie! What the heck? What happened? You haven’t answered any of my texts or calls.”

“I dropped my phone in the pool.”

“What?!” Jera squeals. “How?”

I start to tell her, but the words stick in my throat, and I can’t. “It’s a long story,” I finally say. I don’t want to admit I got stuck halfway out of her bathroom window or that her neighbor had to rescue me.

“Why did you go to the gala with Dustin Sawyer?”

I gasp. “How did you know about that?”

“Mackenzie, it’s all over the celebrity gossip. Do you know what people say about two celebrities who show up together at a gala? They’re making all kinds of assumptions. They say we’re dating!”

“No,” I insist, panic rising in my chest. “I needed help getting to the gala. He said I could go with him, but it was just as friends.”

“Friends?! You can’t be friends with Dustin. Mackenzie, we’re in the middle of a lawsuit. You can’t talk to him. Plus, he’s a big, fat jerk.”

“I had to, Jera. I’m sorry. All my information was on my phone, and it was completely dead. Dustin said he was going to that gala for the sea turtles. I was stuck. I needed his help.”

Jera lets out an exasperated sigh. “All right. But now that your phone is working again, you can’t talk to him anymore. Okay?”

I look around his den trying to decide if I’m going to confess that I was just making out with him. The seconds tick by and it’s starting to become awkward because I’m not answering her. “Um…” I say to stall.

“What is it?”

“I’m kind of at his house right now.”

“Oh, no. He’s not trying to charm you, is he? Is he pretending to be all nice and stuff?”

“He is nice,” I say, defending him.

“It’s just an act. You don’t understand. He’s trying to get me to drop the lawsuit. Has he asked you things about the fence?”

My throat goes dry. He did…several times. “I told him I can’t talk about it.”

“Good. You need to get away from him. Don’t fall for his nice guy act. He’s an actor. It’s what he does best. You know what he called me the other day? A megalomaniac.” Jera grunted. “He also told me he was going to counter sue me. He’s threatened all kinds of things, Mackenzie.”

I frown. That didn’t sound so nice, but I’d spent the last two days with him. I’ve gotten to know him. He’s not a jerk. “He apologized,” I say, hoping to convince her.

“Of course he did. He wants something from me, and if you’re being nice to him, he thinks he can get it. Think about it. Would it make sense that he’s being so nice to someone who’s suing him?”

I stare at my fingernails. Could she possibly be right? Was all this between Dustin and me just a ploy to get out of a lawsuit? He has mentioned the fence a few times now. And he’s been extra nice. Was it all an act?

I remember how he was when he first came over. He was talking so much about the fence and wanting to settle it outside of court. Then when I wouldn’t talk, that’s when he started being so nice and saying he’d help me with my phone.

A hole opens up inside of me, enveloping me. Could Jera actually be right? It was a little unbelievable that Dustin Sawyer would suddenly be into me. Jera’s the outgoing one who has all the friends. I’m the one who is awkward around men. Thinking about it now, away from his mesmerizing good looks, it does sound ridiculous.

“Promise me you’ll stay away from him,” Jera says, pleading.

The hole spreads until I have one giant hole inside me. “All right,” I say. “I’ll stay away.”

“That’s good.”

My thoughts turn to her ex. “Luke was at the gala last night.”

“He was? Did he talk to you?”

“He manhandled me and yelled at me in front of everyone.” The memory makes me angry all over again.

“What? Oh, no, Mackenzie. I’m so sorry. What a jerk.”

“Yeah. I told him you guys are over.”

“Good. Because we are.”

I stare at the rug on the floor. “Has he ever…hurt you?”

“What? No. I mean, he’s a passionate person, but he’s not abusive.” She scoffs, like I’m crazy.

“Are you sure? He was scary last night.”

“If he saw you with Dustin, I can only imagine. He probably thinks I lied to him about the lawsuit and everything.” She gasps. “He probably thinks I’ve been cheating on him.”

“You’re not going back to him, are you?”

“No. Not again. I’m done with him.”

“Good.” I’m glad Jera’s done with Luke. I’m so relieved he didn’t come around last night. My shoulders slump as I think about all Jera told me about Dustin. He even stayed the night last night. I thought it was to protect me from Luke. I guess it was just to butter me up so I’d drop the lawsuit.

Jera exhales. “I have to go now but call me later. I need to give you more instructions. The photo shoot is in three days, and you need to get ready.”

“Get ready?”

“Yes. Absolutely no cheese or pasta. There’s more, but I’m late for my spa treatment. I’ll chat later.”

I say goodbye and hang up, feeling lost and suddenly so alone.

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