My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Teach Gu Yuwei a Lesson

That's right, the very eye-catching woman was Lin Chuchu.

Lin Chuchu did not leave and just looked at them at the door. Gu Yuehuan knew that Lin Chuchu definitely liked Huo Qingyue, so she suddenly hugged Huo Qingyue's waist and said to him, “Yue, I miss you so much.”

Lin Chuchu was very angry and turned around to leave. Huo Qingyue was stunned by Gu Yuehuan's intimate actions.

But he did not push Gu Yuehuan away and let her hug him. He reached out to touch her hair and said love words that he was not good at, “I also miss you.”

Gu Yuehuan was amused by him. After hugging him for a while, she let go of him.

When they went back, Gu Yuehuan told him that she wanted to open the store. She had no friends and did not know who to tell about this matter. Therefore, she told Huo Qingyue about this matter and asked for his opinion.

When they got home, Huo Qingyue gave her the salary he just got from his pocket. He said, “If this money is not enough, I will ask my mother for some from me when I get home. I have given her all my money.”

Gu Yuehuan was shocked by his actions. She quickly put the money in his pocket and said, “Yue, that's not what I meant. I am not asking you for money. I just want to ask if this matter is feasible.”

Huo Qingyue put the money in her hand and said in a domineering manner, “Take this money. We are going to get married next month. We are husband and wife. It is my duty to give you my money. You can take this money and do what you want to do. ”

Gu Yuehuan silently received the money. She wanted to return the money to him after she earned the money. contemporary romance

They were not married yet, so if Gu Yuehuan stayed at his house all the time, people would definitely gossip about her. So Gu Yuehuan planned to go back to her own house today.

She said goodbye to Huo Qingyue and returned home. At this time, they had already finished eating. Zhang Shufen obviously did not want to give her food, so she ate all the food in advance. Zhang Shufen stood up and instructed her, “Wash the bowls, clean the floor, and wash the clothes.”

When Gu Yuehuan returned to the room, she found that Gu Yuewei had occupied the entire bed by herself.

Her family was poor, so the house was very small. There were only two rooms in the house. One was Zhang Shufen's and Gu Wei's room, and the other was hers and Gu Yuewei's room. The two of them had slept on the same bed since they were young, but Gu Yuewei would always occupy most of the place. Because Gu Yuehuan felt that she was the older sister, she tolerated it.

But Gu Yuewei now occupied an entire bed. Gu Yuehuan saw Gu Yuewei throw her pillow onto the ground. Then, Gu Yuewei said to her, “I don't want to sleep in the same bed with you, so you sleep on the ground yourself. If you don't want to sleep on the floor, you can go and find Huo Qingyue. Anyway, you are shameless. ”

When Gu Yuehuan heard her words, she directly pulled Gu Yuewei under the bed. She had great strength and Gu Yuewei was unable to resist. Gu Yuewei was pushed to the ground by her and shouted at her, “Gu Yuehuan, what are you doing? You dare to treat me like this! Do you believe that I will complain to my parents and let them kill you?”

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