My Step-Dad Is My Mate

Chapter 26

I proudly admired myself in my glowing white gown and white cap in a mirror they had backstage.

"Jessica Kingsley." The principal called out from the microphone to the one of the graduates to get her certificate.

They are doing in alphabetical order by last name, which means I'm soon.

My nerves were all over the place by I was happy. All my hard work over the years is paying off and nothing could possibly ruin this day for me.


I turned around to face one of my teachers, her name was Mrs.Ward and I hated that bitch like the plague.

"They're about to call your name. Get out there." She said in her dead monotone voice that made me want to kill something.

Giving her a brief nod, I glanced over at myself once last timde then reluctantly left the mirror.

"Oh and Danica.....Good job." Mrs.Ward said softly as I passed her by to head to the stage with a grin on my face.

This is it.

"Danica Monroe."

Holding my head high, I proudly walked up onto the stage near my principal.

He handed me the medium sized document that had a red ribbon around it.

"Congratulations." He said and I nodded then said a brief thank you. I looked out to the crowd and spotted my mom and Aiden sitting in the back.

"Good job." Aiden mouthed to me, and I beamed in happiness. Walking off of the stage, I still couldn't believe I was officially done with high school. No more 5am mornings, annoying classmates or lame teachers- well for now anyways. I have plans to go to college but not right away.

I stripped from my gown and stayed in my regular jeans and Bullet For My Valentine T-shirt.

I made my way through the scattered groups of people that were with those who already got their certificates to my mom and Aiden.

"Dani!" My mom semi yelled and engulfed me in a hug, knocking my gown out of my hand bit luckily Aiden caught it.

"I'm glad you guys could make it." I said and Aiden rolled his eyes. "How could we ever miss it?" He said with a grin and gave me a hug as soon as my mom got off of me.

My eyes wandered down to a see a bunch of roses on the chair my mom was sitting on.

"Who sent you roses mom?"

"Oh!" She exclaimed and picked up the bundle of white roses and handed it to me, "These are for you actually. Some girl who said she was from your class brought them to me. She said someone left them back stage for you but she didn't want them to get lost so she gave them to me to hold. They're quite pretty."

I ran my gently over the white petals. There was a small card hidden between one of the petals and I took it to read it.

You looked beautiful in your gown -K

K? Is this from Kaden? I hope it is.

Glancing over at Aiden, he wiggled his brow and I shook my head while I sniffed the beautiful flowers.

"Mom these are from...-what are you staring at?"

I looked up at my mother to see her staring in the opposite direction, and Aiden was now doing the same. I turned my head and my eyes widened in shock.

"Richard.." I mumbled and he was leaning again a tree with his hands deep in his black coat pockets.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Aiden growled lowly and I patted his shoulder arm.

"Its okay." I said then began to walk towards him but mom held me back.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Danica?"

"No but it's bound to happen one day. I guess it's just sooner than expected.”

I placed my roses and my gown in her arms and gave her a smile.

"I'l be okay."

"Well, I surely didn't expect to see you again." I said to Richard as I approached him.

"I wanted to see you least before I leave.” He said as he looked me over with a sad look on his face.

My brows furrowed,” Leave? Where are you going?”

He shrugged. "I left the pack. Not like I was that welcome anyways I'm just going to leave once your mom gives me the divorce papers. Besides Aiden hasn't told me where I'm going yet." "Wait. Aiden? Why does Aiden have to tell you where to do?"

And from there, Richard began to explain. How when he was in the torture chamber how Aiden came to him and told him he had to reject me if he really cared about me. How Aiden told him that he would send him away after the rejection.

Believe me, I'm glad for the rejection but I thought it was on Richard's own terms, not Aiden's.

I turned around and scowled at Aiden who was staring intently at Richard.

Aiden has some explaining to do.

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