My Step-Dad Is My Mate

Chapter 20

"000 child. Second chance mates? Why are you asking about that?" Mama Odie asked me as she raised a hairy brow and I rubbed my shoulder.

"Well...You know about my mate already..."


"I took this scent Mama. It was so sweet and amazing and I felt so lost in it and I heard you only take a scent like that from-"

"Your mate." She finished for me and I nodded.

Mama Odie rubbed her chin then snapped her fingers.

" be possible but that ain't happen for a long time child.”

"All I need to know is that there's a chance it can happen.” I felt a sudden excitement. Second chance mates are real and they do exist. That means I could very well have one. The scent I took could be my second Chance mate's! But wait...

"Mama Odie....if someone has a second mate..would they be able to sense them if they still have the first one?”

Mama Odie looked a bit taken aback by my question then she looked confused.


"No?" I asked again and she nodded.

"No." Mama repeated and I felt the little excitement I had go down in flames. That means I don't have one after all..

"Thanks for the help Mama Odie but I got to run home and prepare dinner..." I said softly.

"Aright child. Be sure to visit Mama. Now you hear me?"

“I'll visit." I told her with a smile and I intended on keeping my word. "Wait" Mama Odie exclaimed, "You nah going to that meeting? I heard it's a big one.”

I thought for a moment. Normally meetings involved every member of the pack but you can choose to attend or not if you haven't received a general notice from the Alpha himself.

"I don’t think I will. I'll just get my mom to tell me what it's about.” "Alright child. Good night.”

"Good night Mama."

Kaden's POV

"How about joined pack training in the open field between both our packs?" I added.

"Why joined?" Alpha Devon(Danica’s Alpha. Sorry if I gave him a different name before) asked with a raised brow as he looked up from the map he was scanning profusely.

"Because your pack needs to know how to fight other wolves besides each other. They need to see different tactics, different movements besides sparing with their friends whose movements they already know down to the T. And you know better than anyone else in this room that tactics are everything in battle.” I said as I eyed every person in the room with us currently at the meeting.

Devon nodded in understanding then clapped his hands.

"Everyone, take 5 then come back so we can get this done. I know you all probably want to stretch your legs by now.”

Half of the room groaned in appraisal then bolted out of the room as quickly as they could include Devon but one woman lingered. One I knew all too well.

"Roseanna.” I said with a nod. Her head shot up and looked at me. She looked scared or nervous.

Damn it's not like I was going to hurt her.

"Alpha Kaden." She replied with a nod back. "I just wanted to apologize to you. Personally.”

I rose from my seat and slowly strode over to her. My height of 6'5 towering over her maybe 5'4 stature.

"Apologize?" I asked with a smirk and she looked like she was about to roll her eyes but held it back.

"Yes. For intruding on your land that night. I just wanted to protect my daughter.” Roseanna explained and I shrugged.

"No harm done. Just maybe get permission next time.”

She nodded and flashed me a quick smile before leaving the room.

I saw no reason to scold her or anything like that for trying to do her job. She is a mother after all.

Children were something I always wanted with my ma-.....

I sighed and left the room in search of the kitchen for a Coke.

Damn, this place is confusing. How the hell am I -

There it is. That scent from before. It's here! Well, Aid's Cookies certain traveled far from that road.

I breathed in the scent as deeply as I could to try to pinpoint what direction it was coming from.


As I rushed to the front door, avoiding the weird looks I was getting from the people I passed, my hand was just about to open the door when I heard my name being called.

"Alpha Kaden, the meeting is about to resume.”

I growled.

"5 More minutes." I said but as I was about to turn the knob, Devon spoke again.

"We need to get this done Kaden. We have a lot of ground to cover.” Anger filled me as I reluctantly let go of the knob and turned to face Devon. I gave him a nod and he disappeared into the quarters of his office.

I guess my little quest will have to wait...Alpha duties.

I glanced at the knob one last time. Damn.

Shaking my head, I went to Devon's office to continue the meeting.

I passed a window and caught a glance at a red head passing in the distance but she

disappeared faster than I expected.

I felt like I needed to know her but in some way I felt like I already knew her.

Danica's POV

I opened my front door and sighed. For some reason I felt depressed and upset. I don't know if I was feeling that way because of what Mama Odie told me or if these emotions were even mine.

Richard. The thought of him made this god forsaken mark itch. I really want it gone already but I have no choice but to live with it until I eventually move on with my life and get someone to mark over it.

I guess I've got a long way to go...

From the looks of things, my mom isn't home yet so I might as well actually start dinner.

I kicked off my shoes and lazily walked to the kitchen. As I swung open the kitchen door, my body collided with the door- wait, I opened the door though.

I gasped a hand gripped mine and the tingles shot through my entire hand, making me feel weak in the knees and I know only thing and one person can do that.

Aw shit.

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