My Step-Dad Is My Mate

Chapter 18

Kaden's POV

I cracked my neck as I stepped out of my light blue BMW and looked around. My eyes narrowed at the quickly retreading car I identified as my brother's.

What trouble has he started now? He was with someone, the particular scent stood out among the others which I already knew. It was ...sweet like. Interesting, I haven't smelled any new scents here since those wolves invaded my land and this smelled nothing like those 3 (Roseanna, Richard, Danica).

It was taunting me. Now I felt like I was surrounded in a bubble and the only air I breathed was that amazing scent.

As Aid's car disappeared down the dirt path, I was ready to follow it but I was stopped by one of my guards.

"Alpha. We have Alpha Iris and his daughter awaiting on your permission to enter the land.” I groaned in annoyance and ran my hand through my hair.

"Tell them I'm dead." I said and walked up to the pack house.

I have been avoiding Alpha Iris and his bratty daughter for months now using my piles and piles of miraculously created lies and excuses.

Why you ask? Because Iris expects me to join our packs together to form one and the only way to do that is by marriage. Marriage to his daughter, llene. But you know what I say? Fuck no. I lost my mate and I don't want any other female in my life. Besides, I don't like Ilene, she's annoying like a fly and as dumb as a rock. Ilene has a mate yet she won't accept him and the poor bastard is too lovesick to just move on. Why doesn't she accept him? Power. Ilene is a greedy brat with a father who is in way to over his head.

As I entered my large office in the pack house, I sat down on my chair and leaned back. I haven't even glanced at my folders yet and I already have a headache.

But no matter the headache, I still couldn't get that scent out of my head and Aiden knows who it belongs too. Obviously since it was leaving in his car.

"Aid." I called out via our link but he blocked me out. Great. I dug under my tons of paperwork and got my phone out to give him a call since he isn't available via link.

I will know who he had in that car.

Danica's POV

"Who's calling you?" I asked Aiden as he frowned deeply as his phone. “It's Kaden.” He said then mouthed to me to stay quiet while he answered the call.

"Hey Kade."

"Who did you bring here?" A rough yet very very very sexy voice said on the other side of the phone and I suddenly felt breathless. I tried not to make any sounds and get myself under control but my body was just not cooperating with me.

"Well, hey to you too." Aiden replied with force humor, making me roll my eyes.

"Who did you bring? That smell was...amazing." Kaden said and I froze. Smell? Did he smell what I did? Wait could that mean....No, that's not possible.

"That must have uh...been my cookies! Yeah my cookies.” Aiden said with a light chuckle as he slowly pulled the car over.

"Cookies....sure... Come back immediately.” Kaden said in an Alpha tone that even made me want to submit and he isn't even my Alpha. "Oh and make you bring your cookies.”

With that, Alpha Kaden disconnected the call.

"Well, that was nice.” I said as my nerves calm down a little since Kaden was no longer on the phone, but I did miss his voice... just a little.

"I can't bring you back. Can you run from here?" Aiden asked me with a pleading look on his face.

"Why can't I just meet him? I mean he obviously knows I'm with you. It won't make any sense to come back without me or any cookies." I said with a smirk.

"Daaaaniiiiccaaaaa” Aiden whined like a child and I sighed.

"Okay okay. But you owe me."

He smiled and me as I got out of the car.

"I'l make up for this I promise. Be safe alright?"

I waved him off then watched as Aiden turned the car in the direction we had came and drove off.

Since I didn't really feel like shifting, just walked along the dirt path towards my pack.

I wished Aiden took me with him, it would have been awesome to meet Kaden. I don't know, just the mention of him makes me all excited and hyped. I have a theory as to why that might be....but I may need to discuss it with one of my pack Elders.

I heard a car approaching from behind me and for a moment I thought it was Aiden until I turned and saw it was a red car this time and Aiden's car is not red. Cautiously, I moved to the side to give it room to pass me by but as it drew closer, it slowed down.

Oh my God what the hell?

"Would you like a ride?!" I heard a female voice call out as it stopped right next to me. The dark glass rolled down and it revealed a very....interesting looking girl. She would pass for pretty...if her face wasn't caked with makeup like a clown.

"Oh no that's okay." I said with a fake smile. I have no idea who this girl is and even though I got no bad vibe from her, I'm still keeping my guard up.

"Come on. I won't bite. Besides, it's pretty far from the next pack village so come on in.” She said as she flashed her pearly whites at me.

I studied her intently. She obviously wasn't going to give up so I accepted her ride and climbed in next to her.

"Thanks." I said and she nodded.

"Of course. My Daddy and I are heading back to our pack. He's in the front."

I nodded.

"My name is Danica by the way.” I held out my hand for her to shake but instead she pulled me into a bone crushing hug that damn near knocked the life out of me.

"My name is Ilene."

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