My Servant System

Chapter 98 97: Breakfast; Magic Class


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After another long, demanding night, I sighed to myself as I exited our bathroom, pulling on my maid dress as I looked over the sleeping figure of Jahi.

Hearing her muttering to herself as she turned over made me smile, and I gently lifted the sheets back over her nude body, chuckling silently as she nuzzled into the bed.

Creeping out of our room, I entered the dimly lit main room, flicking on the lights before perusing the pantry, contemplating what to make.

Feeding two gluttons on top of Leone and I was going to require a lot of work each morning, but...

[Quest: Make Breakfast for Jahi, Anput, and Leone

Reward - 150 XP

Additional Reward - Satisfy their palates (100 XP per person)]

Chuckling, I accepted that challenge with ease.

Jahi was easy enough; she preferred things with slightly sweet tastes, as well as the more simple foods. Just pick it up and take a bite, no need to pair it with something else to get the full flavor or require a lot of work to eat, like crab.

Anput seemed to eat anything, but had a preference for meats. I had only seen her eat greens with reluctance, however she did like tart or sour things, like lemons.

As for Leone, she had preferences like me; more diverse, filling meals. However, I also had an easy way to satisfy her palate now...

So, the plan was simple; pancakes.

You can never go wrong with pancakes.

Easy to make, easy to add things to, and they go well with other things, like eggs or sausage.

Flour, sugar, milk, eggs, a little salt, and the other things I was going to add to each of their individual pancakes.

Cinnamon and some more sugar for Jahi, lemon juice and cranberries for Anput, and some extra butter in Leone's and mine.

As I let them cook on the stove, I started making tea for everyone, setting the table.

Going back to flip the pancakes, I quickly seared some strips of bacon on a separate skillet, before laying everything onto plates.

Looking over the table with a nod, I took Leone's teacup, looking down at my wrist with narrowed eyes.

Bringing my finger to my wrist, I used my wind mana to apply a precise cut, allowing the blood to drip into her cup, before healing the small wound up.contemporary romance

Replacing her teacup, I made my way back to the hall, opening each door.

Jahi grumbled awake, staggering to her feet before shuffling towards me.

Leone walked out with a blush, her eyes flickering to my neck before she moved past.

As for Anput, she opened her door with a yawn, mirroring Jahi as she shuffled to the table.

Shaking my head, I guided each of them towards their seats, before pouring tea.

"Eat up."

They all nodded, Leone elegantly cutting her meal into small portions, while Anput and Jahi simply devoured their meals, almost forgetting to breath.

I received notifications for the completion of the quest, as well as two notifications for Anput and Jahi, but not Leone.

"Leone, take a sip..."

The ashen haired Vampire nodded at me, lifting her teacup.

Bringing it to her plump lips, I grinned at her as her orange eyes went wide, her nose twitching cutely as she sniffed the liquid.

"Kat, is this..?"

I just nodded, watching in amusement as she gulped it down, her cheeks flushed as she drained her cup.

Jahi looked at me in confusion, while Anput was still eating, her eyes closed as she relied on her instincts to move around.

"Was that..?"


Jahi just chuckled, turning her eyes towards the Vampire who was licking her lips, her eyes glued to my neck.

"Well, finish up. We need to get out of here in..."

Looking down at my pocket watch, I pursed my lips when I saw the time.

"We need to leave in five minutes."

They all turned to look at me with wide eyes, before scurrying back to their rooms to clean up and dress.

"At least they finished..."

Sighing, I carried all the plates and cups over to the sink, looking at them with a groan.

Cooking for four is a pain...


Entering the Academy, we made our way though the bustling hallways to reach Vice-Headmaster Bijilo's hall, where we saw the older man smiling at the entering students.

As we passed around the various other students, I could feel that gaze on me again, making me glance around, trying to locate it.

Sadly, in the large throng of students coming and going, I couldn't find anything.

Shaking it off, I walked behind the other girls, making my way to my seat.

Leone shuffled beside me, sending furtive glances my way.

"Is something the matter, Miss Leone?"

Hearing me, she shook her head, only to whisper "C-Could I... g-get another 'd-drink' later tonight..?"

Keeping my expression neutral, I nodded to her, making the Vampire beam.

"Ah, you might just need to make her a glass in advance, Kat. I found a good place for us tonight..."

Jahi turned in her seat, smirking at me as she continued.

"After all, I believe I promised you a proper date, no?"

Nodding at her, I struggled to keep the wide grin off my face.

Anput and Leone looked at me with slight envy, before their eyes widened as Jahi whispered "Oh don't worry, I have plans for both of you as well..."

That made the two girls tremble slightly, staring at Jahi's golden eyes with anticipation.

However, before they could continue, we heard Vice-Headmaster Bijilo cough, laying his tome on the podium.

"Alright, today is the first actual class. As such, we have a few minor things to go over before delving into our first lesson. Now, if you'll turn your attention to the right..."

Looking beside him, he gestured at the large pile of books, saying "These will be your textbooks for this year. Inside are various theories, formulae, as well as questions and problems for you to complete. It is what we will be using ALL year. So, make sure to always bring it to class, or else you might just fail."

Flicking his hand, we watched as each book glowed green, before gently floating towards everyone.

Each book laid itself in front of a student, before opening to the first page.

"Now, I trust everyone has a quill or pen?"

Everyone nodded, and I looked down at the small, simple pen that was in my bag.

"Please sign your names on the line. After that, turn to page 14. We will begin with a simple overlook on what magic is."

Scribbling down my signature, I admired the large tome laying in front of me.

Bound in elegant black leather, the book was easily three or four inches thick, and about a foot long.

The writing inside was uniform and neat, each line straight and each diagram or picture cleanly inscribed inside.

Flipping through the thick pages, I reached page 14, which had a large title.

'Overview of Magic'

Skimming the chapter, I nodded to myself at the explanation, understanding all of it.

"This chapter is dedicated to the very basics of magic. Where mana comes from, why a core is needed and its function, how we use mana to create sequences, or magic. Ah, Mister Gragori, I see you rolling your eyes. Why is that? Please, stand and explain."

Turning, we all watched as Ulysses stood up with a sigh.

"Respectfully sir, this is all incredibly basic; it's something we all learned as children. Even those of common origin know what mana is."

"Well, then tell me. What is mana?"

Ulysses looked at the older man with a smirk.

"Mana is an energy present everywhere in the world. It is comprised of the elements-"


Ulysses just stared at the Vice-Headmaster, who shook his head with a sigh.

"It is not 'comprised of the elements.' Mana IS the elements. Without mana, we would not have a world to live on. Mana created everything you see before you. See, that is why we study the basics; what seems like a minor difference to you now will shape your outlook on what mana, and consequently magic, is, and how to wield it. That is the difference between a good mage, and an expert mage."

Ulysses sat back down with a frown, opening his textbook and reading through the passage.

"Now, I am sure many of you are under the same assumption as Mister Gragori. However, that is something you need to relearn. Mana is the lifeblood of our world, and you are all lucky to have been able to form a core and tap into that lifeblood; it is what enables you to become stronger."

Opening his own tome, Vice-Headmaster Bijilo started reading the passage aloud, stopping every few sentences to ask questions and cement our understanding of what we were reading.

The class wasn't even halfway over, and I was already enjoying it immensely.


So obviously I won't be writing about literally EVERYTHING in their classes, and sometimes they will just be short summaries about what happened. However, we will be 'here' at the Academy for the foreseeable future, so get comfy, cause only one class is going to have action, while the rest of the action comes from off campus.

Besides that, yes, in a few chapters we get the first Date between Kat and Jahi, after which will be the same night that Jahi x Anput and Kat x Leone happens, so...



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