My Servant System

Chapter 95 94: End Of The First Day

Walking out of the large Academy, we made our way back out into the town, still as busy as it was in the early morning.

"Jahi, we need to get food..."

She turned to look at me, pursing her lips as she looked over her body, before shrugging.

"I don't have that much coin on me right now..."

Leone raised her hand, showing us an almost bursting pouch.

"We can use this."

Jahi walked over to her, pulling her into a hug as she nuzzled her cheek into Leone's hair.

Blushing, the Vampire leaned into the Demoness, drawing a few eyes as the passerby's looked over with curiosity.

Sighing, I took the pouch from her hand, looking back at the three women as I asked "So am I shopping alone, or..?"

That made Jahi narrow her eyes, looking me over before shaking her head.

"You think I'll let you out of my sight in a city? After what happened just under two years ago? No, you are not going out alone..."

Turning her gaze to the other two women, she growled "And neither are you two. I will NOT have that happen again..."

We all shivered as her golden eyes raked over us, only to nod at her.contemporary romance

Releasing Leone, Jahi stretched before looking around, saying "Leone, any idea where we can buy ingredients?"

She nodded, saying "Yeah, that street we were on this morning is where most of the grocers are."

"Well come on, lead the way!"

Setting off for that street, I set about shopping for our necessary foodstuffs and other items, handing the bags to Jahi and Anput, who started off enthusiastic, only to end the shopping trip with slight glares as I added bag after bag to their arms.

I bought various meats, spices, vegetables, fruits, various tea leaves, baking ingredients, sugar...

It was... honestly a lot, and I didn't envy the Demoness and Jackalkin as they carried the groceries.

Leone and I chuckled at their plight, turning back to the last store as I quickly gathered the remaining fresh vegetables from the kind old woman.

"Alright, that's it."

Jahi and Anput sighed in relief, looking down at the dozens of bags they had hanging from their arms.

Walking ahead of the two other women, Leone and I would occasionally glance back and chuckle at their glares, making them glower at us more.

Reaching the cottage, I opened the door for everyone, shuddering slightly when Jahi stopped beside me, her eyes narrowed as she looked me over.

"Did you enjoy using me as a pack mule?"

Biting my lip, I looked up at her through my lashes, giving her a coy smile as I nodded.

Growling, she leaned down towards my ears, whispering "Well then, expect it to be repaid in full tonight..."

I grinned up at her, nodding.

Entering the house, I watched as Anput groaned, laying the bags on the counter before helping Jahi out as well.

They both then collapsed onto the sofa, Leone pursing her lips as she stood behind them, gently placing her hands on their shoulders as she used a healing spell to soothe their slightly strained muscles.

Approaching the counter, I started unloading all the food, asking "Any preferences for dinner tonight?"

Anput groaned as Leone's warm magic washed over her, her eyes lidded as she said "I ah~ would prefer some grilled meat..."

Jahi just nodded, her eyes closed as she let Leone heal her.

Chuckling, I sorted through the large amount of groceries we had bought, placing them inside the pantry and icebox.

"Alright, well I'll be starting soon, so... you three can just... rest, I guess?"

Jahi turned to look at me, nodding as she stood up.

"Want to get some training done Anput?"

The Jackalkin shot up to her feet, her tail wagging rapidly as she looked at Jahi with wide eyes.

Leone and I just chuckled, watching as they both made their way towards the back of the cottage.

"Do you want some help?"

Leone walked into the kitchen, standing beside me as she looked over the various herbs, spices, vegetables, and finally the meat laid out on the counter.

"Sure. If you could chop that there-"


Jahi PoV

Leading Anput outside, I looked over the dreary yard behind the cottage with pursed lips.

Sighing, I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking down at the now sullen Jackalkin beside me.

"You really show your emotions easily..."

She looked up at me, a small smile on her lips as she said "Well, shouldn't everything be open being partners?"

I nodded, laying a hand between her ears, feeling the difference between Kat's silky fur and Anput's more thick fur.

The other difference between the Dogkin and Jackalkin was...

Anput leaned into my hand with a purr, her bushy tail swishing behind her as she shivered under my touch.

Kat also leaned into my hand, but she was quieter and more... reserved. Her tail swayed, and her eyes usually narrowed when I scratched behind her ears, but she was definitely quieter.

Smirking down at the girl as she leaned deeper into my hand, I was about to snake my other hand to her waist and pull her close, only to stop myself.


She wasn't Kat, didn't have the same experiences as my little puppy...

Not yet, at least.

Pulling my hand away, I sighed as I looked over the yard, saying "Let's get this place cleaned up first, before sparring."

Anput nodded, stretching before moving about the yard, using her earth magic to push the various stones and pebbles away, as well as the few leaves and twigs littering the ground.

Taking in the yard, I nodded to myself.

It was a good size, roughly thirty feet wide and fifty feet long.

Lining the edges were short trees, their bark an ashen gray and the leaves a deep red.

The ground was a coarse black powder, and after scooping some into my hand I watched as it poured to the ground like sand.

Looking back up, I chuckled as I watched Anput dance around the clearing, a brown glow around her olive skin as her earth magic was constantly activated, pushing the debris towards a corner of the yard.

Finishing, she returned to me, a smile on her lips as she presented her head, her tail swishing as she leaned forwards.

I laughed, laying my hand back on her head as I said "Good girl~"

She shuddered under my touch, her tail swishing rapidly through the air as she let out a small moan.

Chuckling, I removed my hand, making her whine as she looked up at me, before pouting at me.

Still chuckling, I gestured towards the small rack on the back of the cottage, where a few wooden blades hung.


Anput shuddered again, her cheeks flushed as she went to grab two swords.

I bit my lip as I watched her walk, my eyes glued to her swaying hips.

I guess she'll enjoy the same pet play as Kat...

Is that a kink all canine related beastkin tend to have?

Not that I'm complaining...

Handing me a wooden blade, Anput pursed her lips as she looked away, her obsidian eyes glancing my way.

Grinning at her, I ruffled her ears again, enjoying the way she melted under my hand.

"Alright girl, lets play~"

Shuddering yet again, I took a few steps back from the pouting girl, spinning the blade in my hand before lowering my stance, watching her mirror me.

Shooting forwards, she brought the blade down in a two handed grip, clanging off my own as I blocked her blow.

I was physically stronger, while she had more agility and dexterity.

Which meant...

Reversing the blade in her hand, she slashed towards my exposed stomach, only to grunt as I kicked out, connecting with her toned midriff.

Staggering back a few steps, she coughed violently, widening her eyes as I laid my wooden blade on her shoulder.

Smirking down at her, I stepped back and waited, watching as she healed herself before taking a deep breath.

Her obsidian eyes grew hard as she stared at me, twirling the blade in her hand.

She went from motionless to full speed in the blink of an eye, her blade flashing in front of me as she unleashed a flurry of blows.

Using both hands, I grinned as I blocked each one, only to grunt as her blade slid past my own, digging into my side.

However, as she smirked up at me, I locked her blade between my side and my blade before lunging forwards, laying my head against hers.

"Come now Anput... You know a blow like that isn't lethal enough..."

She shuddered as my breath brushed against her cheek, gulping before nodding.

Releasing her, I rubbed my side before saying "Again."


I started this chapter almost three hours ago lol...

Man, put football on and I'll watch it all day... even if it is college teams flailing desperately at one another.


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