My Servant System

Chapter 89 88: Anput And Leone Move In

Anput hugged Jahi for a long time, forcing the blue demoness to pry the clinging Jackalkin off her with a grunt.

She pouted up at Jahi, only to look over at me, moving closer with a whine.

"Kat~ Jahi doesn't love me~"

I chuckled, and Leone removed her face from my neck, looking at Anput with slightly narrowed eyes.

Seeing Jahi free, Leone released me from her embrace, approaching Jahi with hesitant steps.

Anput and I chuckled as we watched Jahi drag her into a tight embrace, stroking her long ashen hair.

As the curvy vampiric woman nuzzled into Jahi's arms, I felt Anput wrap her arms around my waist, pulling me into her with a grin.

Her nose twitched cutely as she sniffed me, before whispering "I can't wait to taste you~"

One of her hands dropped lower, only to chuckle as I gave her a sharp pinch on her exposed waist.

However, she decided to leave her hand where it landed, pulling me closer as she bit her cheek, stifling a moan.

I raised a brow at her, and she smirked at me, saying "You were all that was on my mind these last few days~"

Jahi moved behind her, her large arms wrapping around us easily as she leaned down, whispering "Was it just her, hmm? Did you save some space for me, Anput~?"

Jahi and I chuckled as Anput shivered, her breathing picking up as she was sandwiched between the two of us.

Her olive skin was hot to the touch, and Jahi and I exchanged mischievous grins, releasing the Jackalkin and stepping away.

Anput was panting, her normally obsidian eyes now silver as she looked towards us, only to gulp and screw her eyes shut.

Letting her calm herself down, I looked over towards Leone, chuckling as I saw her pouting at the both of us.

"Come inside; I'll place your luggage in your rooms. I already made tea..."

The two girls nodded, Leone walking inside with a huff while Anput stiffly made her way into the cottage, her eyes unmoving as she stared straight ahead.

Seeing them sit on the couch, I looked at Jahi, who was grinning, her shoulders trembling as she chuckled silently.

"Must you tease them already?"

Hearing my exasperated voice, Jahi nodded, her plump lips pulled into a wide grin as she said "It's just so fun! I mean, you had to have felt Anput! She's so in heat that it's hilarious!"

I shook my head, sighing, before saying "Please remember that they aren't like me; they are... new to this. Be gentle, please."

Her grin fell, her body relaxing as she nodded.

"Yeah, I... forgot about that..."

Shaking my head, I gestured for her to go inside, watching as the tall demoness slowly made her way towards the couch, sitting between Anput and Leone.

I turned, looking at the sparse luggage the two girls brought with them.

Anput had only a small bag and her sword, making me tilt my head in confusion.

I mean, I know the clothing of the Sultanate is light and easier to pack than the Empires clothes, but still...

As for Leone, she had a large suitcase and a knapsack, which made me grunt as I lifted it onto my back.

She filled it completely with books...

Lugging everything inside, I placed Leone's suitcase and bag in the first room and Anput's bag in the second, laying them onto the beds.

Rejoining everyone in the main room, I saw Anput leaning into Jahi, her ears flickering as she snored lightly in her arms.

As for Leone, the skin on her neck was flushed, and I chuckled slightly as I saw her hands trembling as she lifted up her cup, taking a sip.

Jahi and Leone glanced at me as I entered, before returning to their quiet conversation, trying to allow Anput to rest.

Grabbing the teapot, I went back into the kitchen, nodding at Jahi when she looked at me.contemporary romance

Boiling some water, I rummaged again through the pantry, looking for anything I could throw together for a meal.

Thankfully there was some basic ingredients that were still good, so I set about to make some simple biscuits, watching the teapot.

Before it could let out the shrieking whistle, I lifted it from the stove, letting the boiling water cool as I watched the biscuits rise in the brick oven.

I enjoyed the heat released from the oven, taking a deep breath of the baking biscuits before shaking myself awake.

Yawning, I nodded when the biscuits turned golden, and used my wind magic to lift them from the oven, guiding them to plates.

Hearing Anput's stomach grumble, I looked over my shoulder to see the Jackalkin stretching, her eyes unfocused as she looked around before collapsing back into Jahi, her face relaxing as she mumbled something.

Placing the biscuits and teapot on a tray, I carried it over to the table, laying them out in front of everyone.

We all chuckled as Anput's nose twitched, before she sat up, her hand moving towards the biscuits even as her eyes remained closed.

Pouring everyone more tea, I sat down with a sigh, my body tired after cleaning all day.

"Tomorrow is the first day of the Academy huh..."

Hearing Jahi, I nodded at her, smiling as I said "I wonder what it's going to be like..."

Leone took another sip, looking between Jahi and I with a small smile as she said "I just hope... we get to spend a lot of time together..."

I smiled at Leone, saying "Likely it will just be you and me together, since Jahi and Anput have little interest in the more... intricate workings of magic."

Jahi nodded, looking down at Leone with a smirk.

"Don't worry to much though; you'll be seeing a LOT of me..."

Leaning down, I grinned as Leone shivered, her face flushed as Jahi whispered "... for the rest of your life..."

Gulping, Leone turned away, biting her lip as she looked at the ground.

Grinning at me, Jahi looked over at Anput, shaking her head as she laughed.

"Is she awake?"

I tilted my head, watching as the normally energetic Jackalkin was now silent, nibbling cutely on the biscuit as she leaned against Jahi.

"Hmm... no, I think she's asleep..."

Leone chuckled, mirroring Anput as she leaned into Jahi, flushing as she said "I... am happy, that you sent this..."

Holding up her left hand, I widened my eyes as I saw the ring on finger, before chuckling as I said "Yeah, I was... moved, when she gave me mine..."

Leone looked over at me, a silly grin on her face as she looked at my own ring, saying "This... makes us 'sisters', doesn't it?"

I nodded, ignoring the wide grin on Jahi's face as she looked at us with blatant lust.

"Yes, it does... after all, this-"

Jahi gently lifted Leone's hand, her thumb running over the ring as she lightly growled "This shows that you belong to me..."

Her desire and possessiveness washed over us, making us shiver.

Biting my lip, I rubbed my thighs together, while Leone brought her knees to her face, hiding herself.

Jahi just chuckled, before looking down at the Jackalkin who was yawning again.

Rubbing her eyes, Anput looked over at Leone with a frown, asking "What... what happened to her..."

Turning her obsidian eyes up, she shuddered as she met Jahi's golden gaze, her ears flickering as her tail swished against the couch.

"Oh, nothing... just talking about how much I love my wives~"

Leaning down, Jahi placed a kiss on Anput's forehead, making the olive skinned girl turn darker as she shivered.

She stood up quickly, looking at me in a slight panic as she asked "Which room is mine?!"

Chuckling, I pointed down the hall, saying "Last door on the left."

Nodding, Anput scurried away, making Jahi and I laugh as we watched her desperately try to hide herself.

Leone mumbled "So I have the first door on the left?"

"Yeah. Though, you could always-"

Leone stood up quickly as well, her face completely crimson as she rushed away as well, not letting Jahi finish.

"Well... I guess it's just us, huh?"

I sighed, the room falling silent as Jahi scooped up a biscuit and ate, before saying "Ah, whatever... Come here."

Patting the spot beside her, I nodded, getting up before stifling a yelp as she pulled me onto her lap.

"Hah~ I don't know how long I'll be able to restrain myself from them..."

I looked at her golden eyes, sighing as I said "You don't need to 'restrain' yourself, you just need to ease them into it. Both seem pretty..."


I nodded, chuckling as I remembered the things they tried to hide.

"Yes... so, take them out, have dinner or something, then... set the mood..."

Jahi looked at me with narrowed eyes, saying "Why are you so... helpful with this? Shouldn't you be trying to prevent me from taking them or something?"

Sighing again, I said "Jahi, you're damn near insatiable. Before we ever did anything, yes, I would have done everything in my power to make sure you looked at me, and only me. However, I know you better now, and... well, I would like the 'help' they could provide..."

That made Jahi pout, before she sighed and said "Well, guess I should look around the city for some good places then..."

She gasped slightly when I twisted in her arms, facing her as I held her cheeks in my hands, growling "For MY date first, yes?"

Jahi shuddered slightly, looking at me in confusion as she said "Didn't you just say you wanted help..?"

Leaning closer, I clenched her cheeks tighter, grinning as I said "I've been doing fine for awhile now; I can last another few days or weeks. However... I WILL be the first to get a date!"

Gulping, Jahi nodded her head, her golden eyes wide as she gently hugged me.

"Yes, yes... you'll be first, my love..."

Stroking my back, Jahi only moaned as I kissed her neck, before sighing as she lifted me up.

"Hah... this is going to be tiring, managing you three..."

Even as she grumbled, I could feel her hold me tighter, and I saw her grinning at me when I pulled away.

"You were the one to decide you wanted three wives; deal with it, my love~"

Shuddering again, she growled at me, rushing towards our room.

Even though we knew they were in the house now, Jahi didn't hold back, nor did I try to quiet my voice as I surrendered myself to her.

After all, they were now Asmodia women as well; they'd need to get used to the fact that our wife was an insatiable demon of lust.


Academy starts TOMORROW~!

Anyways, yea, lemons will go in this order, and will be alternating PoV's...

1: Jahi x Kat (Date Night 1)

2: Jahi x Anput (Date Night 2)

3: Kat x Leone (Date Night 2)

So, we have those slated for the future, and... well, JxA and KxL will happen on the same day; just one chapter will be dedicated to each.

Besides that, we have the entire Academy to explore, with new character, both good and bad, and all the shenanigans that brings along.


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