My Servant System

Chapter 85 84: Past


Before I start I just wanted to discuss a comment that got deleted. It was about this line here: 'Jahi doesn't need an irresponsible toy to lay with, especially not when she is now taking in a Princess of our Empire and the Begum of the Sultanate.'

I understand where the confusion that line came from, and just wanted to clear the air. It's one of those things that just... makes sense in my head, but might not be something everyone gets. After all, I wrote it, so I understand it. So no diss or anything to the person who was confused by it.

Anyways, the persons main concern with that was that the Countess, in essence, called her a replaceable toy for Jahi to play with. That was part of the meaning, yes. However, the Countess was telling her to control herself. The entire paragraph before and after that line was talking about how hard it is to deal with the other nobles, and how Kat really can't just lash out and do as she pleases in the Academy. After all, that is part of the 'real world', where the people with power all gather.

As for the persons second concern that she is constantly being walked on, well... she is? I understand people don't want to see a character that just... never does anything, but she really can't DO anything. Could you, just you the individual, completely and utterly change an entire Empires political system? No. So, yes, Kat is under the people in power. However, she is NOT under Jahi or Leone or Anput in their relationship (well maybe Jahi). She will get a higher position in the future, but that is way down the road; Jahi would need to graduate, completely marry Leone and Anput, and then they can discuss promoting Kat and her Mother to a Barony.

I hope that cleared anything up about that last chapter; the Countess doesn't truly believe Kat is a 'replaceable toy', after all, Julie would fall under that same umbrella, and yet both the Marquess and Countess adore her, as you will see in this chapter.

Additionally, the characters around Kat treat her well; none think she is 'just a maid'.

Leone loves Kat, and wishes to spend a lot of time discussing magic and theories with her.

Anput desires Kat a lot, and has said that if she had never met Jahi she would have done everything in her power to make Kat her wife.

As for Jahi...

Well, I don't really need to discuss her, do I?

Well, that's the mini discussion over, enjoy~!



I literally already wrote this chapter, yet the site FUCKING REFRESHED and deleted everything because I didn't hit save after that ^ above, so if some things here are a little... rushed or seem more angry than usual, it is because I am livid.


Jahi looked through the various bags, and as she did so I slid the one from Angels Threads to the side, hiding it where she wouldn't see.

I wanted that to be a... housewarming gift of sorts when we moved into the cottage.

As she lifted the various items out of the bags, I told her about the things we had ordered, which would be here before we left tomorrow.

"... as well as a few sets of bedsheets, some heavy and others light."

Jahi nodded, sorting the books, ink, quills, and paper into equal piles, before sighing as she looked around the room.

Following her gaze, I smiled as I took in our room.

The gray walls and furniture, made from exquisite materials yet still simple enough.

The various shelves littered with books and small items, like ornate pens or miniature helmets from times long passed.

Maps, landscapes, and swords hung on the walls, each one of something Jahi found interesting. One section was dedicated to the Empires growth from founding till now.

The soft carpets and rugs scattered around the floor, runes sewn into the surfaces.

Moving to sit on her lap, I snuggled into her.

"Its... weird to think that we'll fall asleep tonight, and awake to this room for the last time for a year..."

I chuckled, nodding as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Well, I am happy we chose gray..."

That made me laugh, and I leaned back into her as I said "Indeed, the Marquess room is just so... bright."

Jahi laughed as well, gently kissing my neck as she whispered "Well, should we make the most of this day?"

I turned to look at her, smiling as I met her lips, wrapping my arms around her neck.


Grinning, I walked around the halls of the estate.

Not even Jahi could keep it up all day, and had decided that a break would be a good idea.

She had elected to stay in bed, wanting to rest before resuming when I came back, and I chuckled at how she still reluctantly let me go.

Looking around at the extravagant halls, I took in the various paintings and decorations, before nodding to a few passing servants.

As I did so, I realized that, over the years I had been here, I hadn't really gotten to know any of them

I mean, sure, I talked to Lesnera, but it was always about cooking or the here and now, never anything personal.

Besides her, I spoke to Lexa and Lexi, the twin maids, only in passing.

They took care of most of the estate as the highest ranked maids, just under my mother, who was technically 'Head Maid'.

Pursing my lips, I vowed to spend a little more time with them when I returned. It felt wrong to have been here for so long and only spend my time with the Marquess' family.

After that, I continued walking around, eventually finding myself in front of the Marquess' room.

Looking up at the familiar doors, I jumped when I felt someones hand lay on my shoulder.

Turning, I realized when I saw the smiling face of my mother, who was looking at me with mirth in her eyes.

"Katherine, follow me..."

Taking my hand, she led me inside, going towards the door leading to the room where I had first awakened in this world.

Entering her bedroom, I looked around at the nostalgic simplicity of it, before watching her sit on the bed, patting the space beside her.

Sitting, I felt her place her arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

"To think that you're going to the Academy..."

I nodded, and mother just sighed.

"I... don't know how to feel. I mean, I'm happy that you are going, but... well, it just feels weird, knowing that you'll be going as a servant... Though, I guess that's my fault, since I tied us to Chordeva..."

I just shrugged, leaning into her as I said "I don't mind. It's not like others opinions matter anyways..."

She chuckled, before she started stroking my ears.

"Well, I did promise to eventually tell you... about my past, didn't I?"

Looking down at me, mother took a deep breath before speaking.

"Well, as you know, the Zara Tribe... is no more. The only members left are Emma, who you met at the ball up north, an adventurer named Gillian Zara, a Baron named Jackie Zara, and of course... us.

Now, you know that I was the... 'princess' of the tribe, so I got to attend the Academy as a 'noble' of sorts. My time there was... interesting, and it definitely helped me become who I am today.

After the Academy, I became an adventurer, which is someone who roams the Empire's lands and hunts the monsters that grow in the wild, as well as any Labyrinthian entrances that appeared. Don't ask me about them; I have no idea, and its something you learn in the Academy.

Anyways, because of my skill with a sword paired with my offensive and supportive magics, I was highly sought after as an adventurer.

Eventually I found three others to form a party.

A Dogkin named Zack, who was a good shot with a bow.

An Orc named Verde, who just... absorbed hits like they were nothing.

And a Foxkin girl named Pikka, who was a skilled support mage.

Pikka and I were the support of the party, Zack was the ranged fighter, and Verde was our vanguard. We easily dealt with most things, but... well, every job as an adventurer is a battle of life and death, and most races have a... cycle, so stress builds up."

At that mother looked away, her cheeks slightly red.

Smirking up at her, I said "Oh~ so you all were quite 'close' huh~?"

Mother glared at me, before sighing.

"Yes... it wasn't uncommon for one of us to slip into another's bed. It was pure fun on our parts. We would just... enjoy the night before resuming our journey. Of course, races tend to be more attracted to others of the same race, so more often than not..."

I looked at her, asking "Was this 'Zach' my father?"

Mother nodded, saying "Most likely. We adventured for awhile, and I eventually heard that my tribe was being hunted. He begged me to stay; after all, offending a noble could easily lead to being labeled as criminals.

But... I couldn't just leave my people be. So, I pleaded for them to join me, but they refused.

I found myself alone as I went back home... and you know the rest."

I pursed my lips, looking at her before shrugging.

"That was more... tame than I thought."

She looked at me with a furrowed brow.

I chuckled, saying "You made it seem like I was in for a dark, gruesome tale, and I'm sure that what actually happened wasn't so... sunshine and rainbows, but still."

Mother chuckled as well, sighing as she said "I guess you're right. It's just... a sore point, I guess..."

"Why, did you see yourself having a future with this Zach guy?"

Biting her lip, mother shrugged.contemporary romance

"I don't know; it never crossed my mind. I mean, I lived like every day was my last. Of course, I'm sure it crossed my mind, but for me it was just a way to quench my heat, relax."

I nodded, and we fell silent.

"Well, again, just... don't get into trouble. Stick with Jahi, Leone, and Anput. They'll be a... 'shield' for you to use."

Nodding again, I said "Yes, I know. I just want to see what the Academy can teach me, and do my best to learn as much as I can."

Ruffling my ears again, mother and I slowly fell into more discussions, talking about what she experienced in the Academy and some of her adventures.


This is... fucking annoying.

I know I had a MUCH better chapter preciously, but... no idea what I actually had written. Like I had the bullet points, but nothing else. I know it had better flow, better explanations...

I hate that the site just screwed me over...

Anyways, yea, that's Julies past; simple when explained, just... something that seems worse when you lived it.


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