My Servant System

Chapter 78 77: Another Ball (3)


A bit late but thanks for 300K Views!


Jahi PoV

As I danced with Fredrika I felt her yet again press herself into me, looking up at me with lidded eyes as she whispered "Are you sure you don't want to take this dance somewhere a little more... secluded? I think we would hit it off, Lady Asmodia~"

Her hand glided further down, and I took a deep breath before smiling down at the woman in my arms.

Seeing that, Fredrika smiled up at me, only to frown when I said "Sorry, but I'm not interested in easy women."

As she took a breath to respond, we heard screams coming from the stage.

Glancing at the commotion, I grinned as I saw the large cloud of smoke, with some... thing lurking inside of it.

Fredrika shivered in my arms, her eyes wide with fear as she looked up at me.

"L-Lady Asmodia... wh-what is that!?"

Shaking my head, I grinned down at her, pushing her away as I said "Dunno, but I am certainly more excited to have attended this event now than ever before!"

Stumbling away, Fredrika scurried towards an exit, sending glances over her shoulder as she ran from the creature.

Shrugging, I started moving towards it, watching as it grabbed a musician on the stage and bit into their neck, blood spraying from the wound.

The musician screamed in its grasp, falling silent as the creature ripped out another chunk of their throat.

Quickly tracing the runes for my light blade, I nodded in appreciation at the familiar feeling of a blade in hand.

The smoke slowly cleared, revealing the large figure of what looked like a Spartoi, a skeleton monster.contemporary romance

Normal Spartoi were created from human remains, specifically from strong warriors. Human mages specializing in the darker side of magic had found a way to use different kinds of mana to bind the bones together and bring 'life' to the skeleton, creating Spartoi.

However, the one currently tearing out a mans throat was no human; it was much larger, with bones twice as thick as the average human. Besides that, the skull was the main giveaway; two large tusks rose from the lower jaw, all the other teeth resembling fangs. On the crown of the skull were two rows of small spikes.

This was someone reanimating an Orc; a large one at that.

It looked to be taller than me, probably standing at Moms height.

The bones were inscribed with silver runes, and they were surrounded by a green energy, likely wind mana.

Holding a large axe in one hand, the Orc Spartoi turned towards me, still drinking the blood from the musician, before tossing him away like a doll.

The sound of bones scraping against each other cut through the various screams coming from the nobles, and the Orc Spartoi tilted its head as it looked at me.

Raising its axe and pointing at me, the Orc Spartoi lumbered closer to me, gradually increasing its speed as it raised the axe in both hands, slamming it down towards me.

Jumping to the side, I raised my blade and slashed towards it, frowning when it clanged off the mana coated bones.

Taking a few steps back, I channeled more mana into the blade, making it flare and grow longer.

The Orc Spartoi lumbered towards me again, the axe swinging towards my stomach.

Preparing to parry the blow, I planted my feet and raised my blade, only to watch as a silver blur flew in front of me, knocking the axe to the side.

Anput stood between me and the Orc Spartoi, her arms coated in metal gripping a blade that fused to her arms.

Peering over her shoulder, Anput gave me a smirk as she said "Maybe this can change your mind about our union~?"

I shook my head, smiling at her wryly, watching as she flicked her blade towards the incoming axe and sent it to the side.

Rushing forwards, I felt my body grow lighter, a similar green glow covering me just like the Orc Spartoi.

Stabbing my blade towards its skull, the monster swayed to the side, not fast enough to entirely avoid my strike as I scored a deep gouge on its cheekbone.

It stumbled backwards, a hand going to the wound before glaring at me, the green energy gathering in its eye sockets flaring.

Anput and I stood together, and I noticed she also had a green aura surrounding her, making me glance over my shoulder.

Seeing the familiar silhouette of Kat shrouded in a green glow, her arms outstretched as runes flickered around her, I smiled.

Turning my attention back to the monster before us, I traced a rune in the air, creating a sphere of light.

Sending it hurtling towards the Orc Spartoi, I rushed behind it, using it as a distraction to slip behind the monster.

Covering its eyes, the Orc Spartoi swung its axe blindly, hoping to score a hit.

Sadly, it only hit the air, as I ducked beneath one swing and lanced my blade into its ribcage, grunting at the force of the impact as my magic pierced the mana surrounding the monsters body.

Anput moved behind the Orc Spartoi, her blade digging deep into the neck before completely shattering the bones, sending the head rolling to the floor.

The mana surrounding the monster slowly dissipated, and I started observing the surroundings, trying to find whoever summoned the Orc Spartoi.


Kat PoV

I felt my mana slowly drain from my core as I kept the support spell up.

Although simple, it was quite a useful spell; it increased the movement speed and attack speed of the recipient, as well as adding a little extra piercing power to their blows.

Jahi and Anput easily dispatched the monster, Jahi utilizing her light magic to blind it before slipping under its blows, piercing it in the ribs.

As for Anput, she had lodged her blade into the Orc Spartoi's neck, wrenching its head clean off.

Cancelling my spell, I took in a breath and marveled at how I could feel mana slowly entering my core, replenishing what I had just used.

Seeing Jahi scanning her surroundings, I also started looking around, before grinning.

Hearing someone trying to sneak behind me, I carefully palmed the dagger I had started carrying with me everywhere, unsheathing the blade as the steps got closer.

Grinning, I chuckled when I felt someone try to wrap their arms around my neck, groaning in shock when I slammed my foot onto theirs and pivoted.

Bringing my dagger to their throat, I tilted my head as I asked "So, who're you?"

Standing in front of me was a middle aged man, his patchy beard and creased eyes making him look much older.

Lanky, dressed in patchwork clothes, and with weathered skin, he looked like your average laborer.

Glaring at me, he shouted "Why're you defendin' them stuck up nobles!? Aren't you tired of having' to follow orders all the time!?"

I looked at him, confused, before saying "No, not really. I actually quite like my job."

He sneered, spitting on my face as he said "So they brainwashed you! Damn nob-"

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself down, however...

Burying the dagger into his shoulder, I threw him to the ground, sitting on his chest as I twisted the blade.

Screaming in pain, he looked up at me in fear.

Wiping off the spit, I stared down at him, tilting my head as I said "Spitting on people is rude, y'know? Did your mother never tell you that?"

Panting, the man stuttered "M-Monster... Y-You're a damn MONSTER!"

Shaking my head with a sigh, I slide the blade from his shoulder, making him groan in pain, however he looked relieved.

Sadly for him, my blade sunk deeper into his other shoulder, making him scream again.

Coating my finger in wind mana, I pressed it to his open wound, grinning as he squirmed under me.

"Well, let's start with a question. Why'd you do this?"

Removing my finger, the man blinked a few times, his eyes radiating fear as he said "I-I don' know his name... ju-just that h-he told me to sm-smuggle an Orc tusk into the venue..."

I sighed, saying "Well, if you don't remember anything useful, I'll just have to..."

Coating my finger again, I waved it in front of his face, chuckling as he blanched.

However, even as he sputtered out a jumble of words, I felt someone gently touch my shoulder.

Looking up, I saw Jahi staring down at me with golden eyes, smirking at me.

"Why not turn him over to the authorities, like we're supposed to?"

Sighing, I removed the dagger again, taking Jahi's hand and standing up.

Pulling me into her, I smiled before clinging to her body, enjoying her warmth.

Stroking my hair, Jahi kept me close, looking towards Anput and saying "Are the guards here yet? I really don't feel like dealing with either them or this psycho."

Chuckling, Anput replied "Yeah, sounds like they're close."

Scooping me into her arms, Jahi made her way towards the exit, where our carriages waited.

Looking over at Anput with a smug grin, I watched as she pursed her lips before entering her own carriage.

Jahi stared down at me, a smirk on her lips as she said "Well, I guess my puppy deserves a reward, hmm? After all, she managed to take down the culprit of this 'heinous event'!"

I chuckled as she spoke in an exaggerated manner, before smiling up at her.

"Yes, I guess I do deserve a reward, hm?"


Lemon next


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