My Servant System

Chapter 76 75: Another Ball (1)

Kat PoV

For the fifth time in just two weeks, I stood beside Jahi, my face neutral as I watched a dozen men and women gathering around her, hoping to curry favor with the next Marquess of House Asmodia.

I could hear the various women whispering sweet promises of sex to Jahi, pressing their breasts against her arm when they could.

Keeping my lips straight, I tried my best to not growl in annoyance as they carefully covered Jahi in their cloying perfume.

I had spent the better part of an hour making her smell of me, and now that work was being undone...

Chuckling, Anput turned towards me, taking a sip of her drink before saying "You've gotten better at hiding your emotions. Why, if I didn't know you I would think you were some iron maid~"

I raised a brow, looking towards her before shrugging.

"It is an annoyance, yes, but I also know that none of those women stand a chance at pleasing Jahi in bed, making their propositions worthless. Besides, Leone is now to be wed to Jahi. What these lower nobles could possibly hope to happen is beyond me."

Anput chuckled again, nodding as she said "I never really thought Leone would ask first. I always thought I'd manage to rile Jahi up enough to take me, before having to claim responsibility~"

I sighed, however I nodded at what she said.

Many times when they sparred Jahi would get heated up, her arousal quite obvious as she started making mistakes to allow Anput to get closer, all so she could 'accidentally' take Anput into her arms and display her 'strength'.

It was rather amusing to watch, mainly because I would quickly stop any chance Anput had at getting into bed with Jahi by quickly reminding our excitable blue demoness who she already had.

Those times spent together would be amazing, as Jahi vented herself using me...

Smirking at Anput, I turned back to observing the crowd, taking in the various dress' and suits people wore.

All the men, and some women, wore elegant black suits, the only spot of color being the undershirt and tie, as well as any embroidery on their coat pocket or cuffs.

As for the dresses... well, some were quite beautiful, made from vibrant silks that complimented the woman wearing it. Others, however, were... gaudy.

The most notable was the three girls wearing frilly pink gowns, laden with gems and precious metals, all while the jewelry they wore cost more than some people's salary in a year.

Two of those girls desperately clung to Jahi, eagerly pressing their chests together in hopes of seducing the tall demoness, only to pout when she simply ignored them.

Many of the men looked at these girls, some quite obviously hoping to bed them later while others viewed them with disgust.

Someone all the men, and some women looked at with lust was the Jackalkin standing beside me, still wearing her traditional garments.

Anput was draped in almost transparent blue silk, her modest chest covered in an elaborate wave pattern cloth, while her hips were draped in a sapphire studded silk.

Her well defined abs were exposed, as was a majority of her olive skin. Anput leaned against the wall, her tail swaying as she drank from her glass, her brow raised as she wore her typical smirk, looking over the large gathering of nobles.

"Y'know, the only reason I came to these was because I wanted to see both of you. If I knew that Jahi would be constantly surrounded by pests I would have stayed home. Hah... Well, at least you're free."

Ignoring her, I slowly zoned out, waiting for time to pass.

This was our last event, and as such we could finally return to our normal schedules.

I was parched for blood by this point, and every one of the idiotic nobles surrounding Jahi looked like a premium slice of meat waiting to be carved.

"You should hide that bloodlust, Kat~ Though, that is really, really arousing..."

I turned a dry gaze to Anput, who was licking her lips as she stared at me.

Sighing, I said "Shouldn't you be doing your rounds of the ball? Talking to your peers and forming lasting connections?"

Scoffing, Anput sneered as she looked over the gathering of nobles, saying "Of the lambs gathered here, only you, Jahi, and a few others even have the slight iron hint of blood surrounding them. Even those random nobles only smell like easy kills, likely some animal or monster they outclassed and played with. So no, I will not worry about mingling with these... pathetic, worthless nobles."

I sighed again, saying "They are also the people who can send warriors or assassins against you, you know?"

She shrugged, saying "No one worth fighting would follow a coward."

Shaking my head, I caught Jahi's pleading gaze, chuckling slightly as her eyes flickered gold for a second.


Jahi PoV

I looked towards the wall, pleading as my eyes met Kat's.

However, she just lifted her hand and covered her mouth, likely hiding the grin that she wore whenever she watched me do something I didn't want to do.

Standing beside her was Anput, looking bored as she downed another glass of wine.

Sighing, I turned my fake smile back towards the various nobles surrounding me, placing names to faces as I memorized who to avoid in the future.

Namely, three people.

Baroness Fredrika, wearing some... abomination of a pink dress.

I will admit that she had ample breasts, a bit smaller than Kats, but still quite large.

She made sure I knew what they felt like, as I yet again felt my arm be buried between them.

"Lady Asmodia, you're quite strong~ Do you work out?"

I blinked a few times, listening to her drawn out shrilly voice.

Smiling, I said "Yes, I train regularly. I am, after all, heir to a WARRIOR house."

The sarcasm flew over her blonde head, as she just let out a few 'Ooohs' and 'Aahhs' as she glided her fingers over my arms.

Sure, she was cute, and I did think she wouldn't be bad as she screamed under me, but I honestly was more repulsed at how... idiotic she was.

"Miss Fredrika, really, don't you think you are too close to Lady Asmodia? Gosh!"

Next was headache number two, Viscountess Sherial clung closer to me, pressing my other arm into...

The extremely flat, and bony thing she called a chest.

Like Fredrika, Sherial wore some really girly dress, the ocean of frills and flowing silk making an odd eyesore that almost blinded me.

Sherial was... interesting, to say the least.

Her pale skin was sporadically covered in pink scales, displaying her heritage as either a Lamia or Gorgon descendant.

Unlike the Maedar, the male gorgon, who stood in front of me, Sherial was neither intimidating nor attractive.

Even though she was a few years older than me, she still looked like a child, and I felt weird as she tried to guide my hand towards her privates.

I met Kat's gaze again, watching in mild annoyance as she and Anput spoke, both smiling slightly, their tails swishing lightly behind them.

Sighing, I turned towards my third problem, though it was more due to how she constantly asked-

"Lady Asmodia, could I please become your Apprentice? The control you have over your blade is immense!"

Her name was Isla Steele, and she had been present at the ball up in the north.

She was a serious looking girl, and the only sign of her excitement was her glowing eyes, which were boring into my own.

Isla was... dedicated.contemporary romance

At a prior event she had watched as I went though my swordplay when some Baron tried to claim I was a soft, fake warrior.

After I showcased my skills, as well as beating him handedly in a spar, Isla had followed me around, begging for me to teach her.

I will admit that compared to Fredrika and Sherial, Isla was much better to deal with.

She was at least an interesting girl, someone who was looking at me not with lust, nor with ulterior motives, but instead with wonder.

Isla desperately wanted to improve, and I admired that...

But not when she asked me over a dozen times in five minutes to teach her.

Sighing again, I shook my head and said "I don't want to take an apprentice, ever. Besides, your father is a Captain of a Knight Order; ask him."

Isla sighed as well, before bowing her head to me.

I watched as she walked off, before having to turn my gaze towards Fredrika as she enveloped my arm again.

Man, I really hated these events...

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