My Servant System

Chapter 59 58: Ball Up North (2)

I watched as Dark Klaki walked towards Jahi, while the Duchess started mingling among the various adults in the room.

Draka Klaki looked exactly like her mother; pale skin, long white hair, and a thin build. However, unlike the Duchess, Draka had two pairs of horns on her head, one set jutting out of her forehead pointing straight up, while the other set curled around her ears like Jahi's.

She approached the silent gathering of the various noble children, walking with a simple elegance. As she got close to Jahi, she nodded her head before picking up a glass, standing near Jahi while remaining silent.

The nobles slowly resumed their conversations, and Adrianna Ruben started asking Jahi dozens of questions, to which the Steele girl continued to listen intently, while Draka sipped silently on her drink.

Turning to Fresca, I saw her blushing as she stared at Draka, and I smiled.

"Oh my~ Fresca, are you crushing on the Duchess' daughter?"

Hearing my low teasing voice, Fresca looked at me in shock, before covering her face.

"Is it that obvious?!"

I laughed at that, nodding my head.

"You were a deeper red than the wine~"

I continued teasing the girl, enjoying her slight overreactions to things, while also keeping an eye on Jahi.

Thankfully everyone seemed to be wary of the Ruben girl, and the Steele girl also did a good job at glaring at any boy who approached.

However, while I could applaud the Steele girl, I wanted nothing more than to snap the neck of the snotty Ruben heir.

She would press herself into Jahi at every opportunity, and I even saw her whisper something in Jahi's ear a few times, a coy look in her eyes.

Jahi only laughed her attempts off, trying to remain cordial to the future Countess, however I could very clearly see her balled fist and twitching eye.

To calm myself down, I looked around the room, barely paying attention to Fresca's introductions of other heirs.

I saw a large muscular man surrounded by a few women, telling jokes and enjoying the way they fawned over him, all drinking rather liberally.

In another corner was a couple trying to be 'discreet' as they made out behind a pillar, however considering the number of gazes being sent their way I was surprised they continued.

However, what made me almost cackle aloud was when I saw the Marquess swarmed by a dozen women, all trying desperately to cling to her.

What made it worse was that she was, like Jahi, trying to be cordial to all the women, which only egged them on to try harder, pressing their chests into the Marquess and offering themselves to her in whispers.

I could see the Marquess' gaze wander over some of the women, before biting the inside of her cheek.

The Countess was outside of the ring, watching the Marquess with a smile plastered on her face, mother standing beside her with a neutral expression but dull eyes.

Every once in a while the Countess would mutter something to mother, only for her to nod in response.contemporary romance

As the beginning of the ball dragged on, I saw the Duchess eventually reach a small stage, where she gestured for a few musicians to change their music to something fitting for dancing.

Hearing the change, the nobility, both adult and child, quickly found their partners as they prepared to dance.

I watched in irritation as Adrianna clung to Jahi, with Jahi sending me an apologetic smile.

Taking a breath, I just returned her look before looking over to the Marquess, who was promptly dragged into the dance floor by the Countess, who was looking at the Marquess with a sickly sweet smile.

Everyone got into position, some people looking away from there partners as they observed the others, longing in their eyes, while some got a little more handsy than was required for such a dance.

I watched in amusement as the Steele girl slapped her partner as she let her hands drop, before storming away, leaving the girl to clutch her face in shock.

Fresca let out a sigh, watching as the Steele girl was approached by Draka, who offered her pale, dainty hand to the taller girl.

"Oh, seems like you have competition~"

I needed to distract myself, so I turned back to teasing Fresca, who glared at me.

Chuckling, we watched as the dance started, everyone gliding over the floor gracefully.

As we watched, I felt my mother approach me, whispering "The Countess wanted to let you know that you can use them as an excuse to drag Jahi away..."

I looked at my mother, who was smirking down at me. Nodding, I leaned into her hand as she ruffled my ears, before moving back towards the table the Countess had been sitting at.

"Was that your mother or your sister? You two look so similar!"

I chuckled, saying "My mother."

Fresca continued asking questions, and I would respond as best I could.

The dance slowly came to a close, and I saw the Countess look over at me, gesturing for me to go to her.

"I apologize, but Countess Haniel has requested my presence. It has been a pleasure, Fresca."

Nodding to the other maids, I made my way around the edge of the room, eventually reaching the Countess.

She sat back in her chair, watching the various women asking the Marquess for a dance with dull eyes.

"Katherine, what do you think of the event so far?"

Hearing her low voice, I nodded before looking around. Seeing no one near, I said "I dislike it."

She chuckled, nodding as she said "It is very hard to control yourself in these situations, is it not?"

I nodded again, before feeling someone behind me.

Turning, I saw the Duchess looming over me, a smile on her lips.

"My my, Ria, you never told me about this little gem... ice magic is ever so rare, you know..."

I shivered as the Duchess slightly opened one eye, revealing a glowing blue iris with a slitted pupil.

My blood went cold as the Duchess looked me over, her eye glacial as she eventually met my gaze.

Shivering, I almost collapsed before the Countess gently covered my eyes, speaking in a warm voice.

"Now, Duchess, I do believe we need not inform you of anything at all!"

Calming down, I felt the Countess remove her hand, and I took a breath of relief when I saw the Duchess had closed her eye.

"Come now Ria, no need to be so testy~ However, I will leave an offer on the table..."

Turning back towards me, the Duchess grinned widely as she said "Let me have the girl for a few years, to polish her, and I'll give my support to the March Asmodia for the next four decades..."

I widened my eyes at that, before turning to look at the Countess.

"You would have to ask Jahi about that, not me."

"Pah, both you and Chordeva leave everything up to your spawn..."

Sighing, the Duchess pursed her lips as she looked down at me, before shrugging.

Stopping up a glass, the Duchess kneeled in front of me, asking "Have you even attempted ice magic yet?"

I shook my head, making her sigh again.

I watched in amazement as the wine in the glass instantly froze, before the glass became covered in frost.

No rune, no ritual circle, just pure mana...

She chuckled, before saying "Know my doors are always open to you, child. I wish to train someone besides my daughter in proper ice magics..."

Standing up, she placed the glass on the table before looking over at the Marquess.

"You were so feisty earlier Ria, yet you are letting your wife place her hands on another woman now? No fair, I called dibs way earlier~"

I swear the air cracked at how fast the Countess turned her head, and I followed quickly behind her, watching in muted awe and fear as I saw the Marquess smiling down at a woman, who was in her arms.

Standing up, the Countess made her way towards the Marquess with long strides.

Hearing the Duchess laugh, I looked at her in confusion.

You were about to see someone be murdered! Why are you laughing!?

"Haha~ Chordeva just caught the woman when she tripped... Oh my~ I love seeing Ria go crazy like this~"

She kept laughing, and I watched as the Marquess was dragged by her ear out of the hall, everyone observing with either small smiles or confusion.

My mother sighed next to me, looking at the Duchess with a neutral gaze before looking at a couple approaching the table.

A woman with ears and a tail similar to us walked with a confident stride, her eyes narrowed as she looked at the Duchess.

Behind her was a man shaking in slight fear, his tail pressed tightly against his legs as his gaze flickered slightly between his presumable wife and the Duchess.

Stopping beside us, the woman nodded at my mother, saying "Julie."

Seeing my mother nod back, I tilted my head in confusion before my jaw dropped at her next words.

"Must you force us to attend every party of your, Duchess?! You now I want nothing to do with you!"

The Duchess gave a wide smile, saying "But you make every party worth it dear..."

Growling, the woman was about to leave when the Duchess added "Henry, if you wish to help me make a new child just ask~"

The woman whipped around, her lips drawn in a snarl as she snapped "Leave your claws off my man damnit!"

My mother quickly dragged me away, a small smile on her lips as she listened to the obscenities thrown towards the Duchess.

Seeing my confusion, and concern, she explained "That was Emma Fjorda, and her husband Henry Fjorda. She was a baby when the Zara tribe was wiped out, but luckily her mother escaped to the Fjorda Barony, where she eventually made Henry fall in love with her.

She is... definitely the 'Alpha' of her family, with Henry being an indecisive, shy man who prefers his books over anything else.

Now, what with the Duchess being a dragon and all, she has little to no chance to bear child, so she spent many of her days seducing men who had a trait or element she wanted. Henry has wind magic, so she had invited Henry and Emma to a ball, where she had Emma distracted before leading Henry away to her chambers.

I still don't know why Emma is still with him, but hey, everyone's different."

I looked back at the Duchess with mixed feelings, mainly being respect and disgust.

Respect for the control she had on her mana to simply output enough to freeze wine and NOT shatter the glass.

Disgust for what she apparently did in her free time in the past...

Before realizing that it wasn't all to dissimilar to what I had done.

Shaking my head, I looked at my mother and asked "Wait, you said she was a Zara member? Does that mean there are more than just you and I?"

Nodding, my mother just smiled down at me, her eyes filled with sorrow as she said "I'll tell you later, when I feel like I can..."

I nodded, before she took a deep breath.

"You should probably grab Jahi..."

I turned, seeing her being led away from the dance floor by Adrianna.

Jahi just followed behind the girl, her eyes alight with curiosity.

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