My Servant System

Chapter 57 56: Reward

I continued thinking up ways to ward of the various people trying to get closer to Jahi at the Duchess' ball when I heard the Marquess get up.

I watched as she stretched before making her way towards the door, looking back over her shoulder as she said "Well, they shouldn't be home for another few hours, so make sure you eat and rest~"

Nodding, I looked back down at the water, enjoying the silence that fell in the room.

Time passed, my body slowly returning to its natural state thanks to the influx of mana from Undine's Blessing.

Getting up, I dried myself off before putting on my maid dress that the Marquess had left outside.

Picking up the last thing I needed to wear, I moved to the mirror and watched as I slipped the collar onto my neck, pulling it tight. Twisting it, I shivered as I saw the small gold pendant laying against my skin.

Grabbing it, I bit my lip before exiting the room, making my way around the castle as I picked up the things I would need for tonight.

Ignoring the confused gazes of the other servants, I piled everything up in the corner of our bedroom, swallowing down the abundance of saliva as I imagined what they were going to be used for.

Shivering again, I tore my gaze off the items before making sure the bedroom was in order.

Making the bed, fluffing the pillows, placing all of Jahi's books back on their respective shelves, before looking around the room with a nod.

This wasn't for the quest, as I had cleaned just a few days prior, but I was a bit of a neat freak in this life. As much as I loved the sight of all those books being used, I also started going crazy at how fast Jahi piled them back up on the ground as she reread them or took notes on history or geography.

Smiling as I looked around the now clean room, I moved to our living area, where the longer I looked the more I realized that neither of us cared for decorations beyond books, blades, or artwork.

Shelves were lined with books, there were a few swords and daggers hanging on the walls, and various landscapes, flowers, and even maps were scattered around the room, either on the wall or in small frames around the room.

I slowly lost myself to tidying the room, enjoying the mindless task while I theorized a few more spells to attempt tomorrow.

Hearing the door behind me open, I turned, smiling.

However, my face froze as I saw Jahi enter...

Wearing a dress.

Her cheeks were purple, and she refused to meet my gaze.

She was wearing a long, flowing ocean blue dress, adorned with small glittering sapphires and a few diamonds.

Not only was the dress a blatant display of opulence, but it showed off her lithe figure as it hugged her waist tightly.

I continued staring at her, much to Jahi's displeasure, as she quickly dragged me into our room.

"I really, really need to insist that mom takes me shopping, and not mother... really, this dress..."

She was shaking slightly, her cheeks darkening as I remained silent, looking at her exposed upper back.

"Help me get it off..."

Hearing her low growl, I woke from my reverie before undoing the various buttons and strings that kept the dress tied and tight.

I marveled at the wealthy dress, each thread glistening like the waves beneath a full moon. Seeing the gemstones scattered around the dress made me realize just how absurdly wealthy nobles were, and just how talented some seamstress' could be.

I mean, how in the world do you make GEMSTONES on a dress look so good, without being tacky?

It was a work of art, and I made sure to treat it as such.

After getting Jahi out of her ballgown, I had to tear my gaze off of her bare skin.

If the Marquess was a sapphire or cobalt blue, then Jahi was cerulean or azure blue.

Both were much different from what I had ever seen, yet both were so beautiful.

Gently laying the dress on our dresser, I pulled out a pair of pants and a simple shirt, handing them to Jahi as she quickly dressed herself.

"Let's eat before..."

Following her gaze, I blushed when I saw her smirking at the items I gather earlier.

Nodding, I gulped before saying "I'll go make us something!"

Without letting her say anything, I ran from the room, making my way quickly to the kitchen.

Seeing the familiar barrel like figure of Lesnera, I bowed to her before preparing my area.

Making sure everything was in the right spot, I rummaged though the pantry, grabbing lettuce, various vegetables, some spices, and two chicken breasts.

"Miss Les, are you making any bread tonight?"

Slicing some spring onions and carrots, I looked over at the dwarven woman, who smirked at me.

"'Course I am dear. What kinda kitchen would I be runnin' if bread wasn't bakin'?"

I laughed at that, before kneading the spices into the breasts. After determining that they were seasoned enough, I gently placed them into the pan, letting them cook before chopping the lettuce. Before I forgot, I put on a teapot and let the water boil.

Finishing, I grabbed two large bowls and started creating my salad, watching the chicken closely.

Making sure it crisped just enough, I asked "Do you have some I could take now?"

Lesnera nodded, shouting for one of the other servants to bring me a tray.

Slicing the chicken into thin strips, I waited for them to cool off as I looked at the small loaf placed in front of me. Nodding to the servant, I turned off the stove before taking the teapot and placing it on a tray. Then, I put the chicken onto the salads.

Grabbing a few utensils, I started arranging the tray before placing it on a cart.

Bowing again to Lesnera, I made my way back to our room, where Jahi was lounging on a couch, book in hand.

Hearing me enter, she closed the book and moved to the table, smiling at me.

I started arranging everything on the table, placing the teacups down first before pouring her some.

Finishing, I smiled down at the table, proud of yet another good meal.

Sadly Jahi didn't appreciate my efforts, as she scarfed down the salad and bread in a flash. Pouting, I ate my own portion at a slower pace, savoring the dry heat of the chicken paired with the fresh flavors of the tomatoes and carrots.

Jahi watched me as I ate, before moving to the door to hail a servant.

"Take this back to the kitchen."

Nodding, the servant cleaned up the table, looking at me in surprise when I helped move my own dishes onto the cart.contemporary romance

I was slightly annoyed to think that the servants of the house thought I didn't do anything like them...

However, I could understand it, as both the servant and I could feel Jahi's gaze as she leaned against the bedroom door, her eyes narrowed as she waited.

After all, this girl in front of me was just a servant, while I was Jahi's personal maid, and I was in bed with her...

The girl gave me a nod, before bowing to Jahi and leaving the room.

Silence fell, and upon turning I shivered when Jahi was grinning at me widely.

She curled her finger at me, gesturing for me to approach.

Moving towards her, I yelped when she pulled me into her, her hands wandering as she gave me a loud kiss.

Pulling away, Jahi led me into our room, throwing me onto the bed as she turned to the small pile in the corner.

Lifting a small spool of rope off the ground, Jahi grinned over at me, making me shiver.

Licking her lips, she moved over to me before throwing the rope on the bed.

Climbing on top of me, she pinned me to the bed before lifting my dress over my head, tossing it to the side.

Taking the rope, I watched in anticipation as she tied my hands together, before she looked at the remaining rope in contemplation.

However, she shook her head before looking down at me in interest, her eyes trailing around my exposed skin before she grinned.

I lost myself quickly to the sensation of her lips and teeth on my skin, reveling in the mix of pain and pleasure it brought.

This was her reward for tonight: me. I recalled her making a bet the first time she sparred with Anput, where if she won she wanted to do whatever to me that night.

So, I told her that I was hears for the night, and had gathered a few spools of rope and some chains as well, since she and the Marquess enjoyed calling me 'pup' or 'puppy'.

The last item was a stretch, and likely not something we could use on a whim.

I had grabbed a long strip of leather, which could take the place of a whip...

However, after thinking it through I decided that I would need to either make my own or find one that could cause minimal damage.

Unlike my last life, I didn't need to worry about deep wounds or scars, but it would probably be leaving the whole 'pain is pleasure' idea and jumping to just straight pain.

I wasn't that far gone to just enjoy getting truly whipped.

However, I do have to admit that the way her teeth and hand dug into my body felt heavenly...


So I wonder just what Kat's kink is...

Anyways, next chapter should be later today, and it is the Ball up North, so look forwards to it.

As for yesterday, Football is the reason I only released one chapter. Going forwards, that will likely stay a constant, so Sundays will be my 'break' from writing. I have definitely noticed that I enjoy writing more than gaming now, and haven't really found a lot of books to read, leaving me with either just mindlessly browsing YT or writing to take up my time.

Which I why I am happy that I have multiple books, where I can write different things.

Anyways, after today is when I will be taking that contract, so I am just giving the heads up.



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