My Servant System

Chapter 44 43: Training

The days after the Empress and Sultana left were slow, but warm.

I spent most of those days in the arms of either my mother or Jahi, both still a mess from my mini coma.

I was touched, and really enjoyed the time, but I wanted to delve into my training. Thankfully, the Marquess saw my plight and managed to convince the two women that we should start going back to normal.

So, that was why I was nervously shuffling around the training grounds, dressed in a new outfit. Similar to Jahi, it was just a crop top and loose pants.

Both Jahi and the Marquess were preparing for todays session, while the Countess had managed to drag mother out into town.

I started pacing, my nerves growing. I had worked out in my previous life, but it was just to keep myself roughly in shape. I never had an interest in having muscles, nor in having an insanely healthy body.

Minutes passed, and I had paced the grounds at least four times already. Hearing the door open, I looked over to see the Marquess and Jahi stride in.

The Marquess gave me a smiled, while Jahi ran over to me and gave me a quick hug.

"Alright, since you still don't have a core, you'll have a toned down version of the regimen I have Jahi go through. Understood?"

Nodding, I waited for her to continue.

"To start off, lets have you do... fifty push-ups and sit-ups, then three laps of the grounds. Do you know how to do those?"

Nodding again, I decided to start with the push-ups. Dropping into a plank, I made sure my hands were directly below my shoulders before lowering myself.

Feeling the familiar burn in my wrists, shoulders, and chest, I smiled wryly.

I never really liked push-ups, preferring sit-ups drastically more. However, I understood why they were a staple of most peoples workouts; they used a good amount of muscles and was something you could do anytime, anywhere.

I continued, however I started struggling at the twenty mark. My body was still that of a child, even if I was stronger than my previous life.

Getting to twenty-five, I collapsed to the ground, panting. Looking to my left, I saw Jahi quickly dropping and rising, her breathing even. Pouting, I rolled over to my back, getting into position for sit-ups.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I curled myself to my knees, before lowering myself to the ground. Unlike push-ups, I managed to get up to forty before I started struggling. Shakily raising myself on the fiftieth sit-up, I tried, and failed, to gently lower myself to the ground, instead slamming into it.

Groaning, I looked up at the sky, deciding that I was going to point my next stat points into strength.

"You good?"

Opening my eyes, I saw the Marquess looking down at me with a grin.contemporary romance

Glaring at her, I continued taking in gulping breaths, trying to get my heart rate down from what felt like a hundred beats a second.

Moments passed, and eventually my heartbeat steadied enough for me to get to my feet, albeit shakily.

Taking in deep breaths, I moved towards the edge of the grounds, before I started jogging.

The grounds were a decent size, about the same size as the gymnasiums in schools. Roughly 80ft long and 40ft wide, the laps I had to take would have been easy if I was an adult, but as a kid they were draining. However, I got them done, even if I felt like my body was screaming at me.

Collapsing to the ground again, I just focused on my aching body, everything else taking a backseat. This was why I enjoyed working out in my previous life. I could throw myself into it and not think about school, work, people, money...

It was just me and my body. Nothing else in the world mattered during my workouts.

However, the Marquess had other ideas. Scooping me up, she moved me towards the other side of the grounds, where a few rocks were lined up, each a different size.

Placing me on the ground again, she pointed at them, saying "These have been here for centuries. We could use metal weights, but there's something... enjoyable about using these. Anyways, you will lift and lower that rock there twenty times. It should be manageable..."

Chuckling at me, she leaned against one of the rocks, watching me. Groaning, I dragged myself towards the rock. Wiping my hands free of sweat, I wrapped my small arms around the rock, before lifting it.

At least, I tried to lift it. I barely got it a few inches off the ground before I had to drop it to the ground with a loud 'thud'.

My arms still ached from the push-ups, and seeing me struggling, the Marquess sighed.

"Well, I guess I have to remember that you aren't part demon... Hmm..."

Sighing, she picked me back up before holding me in her arms, leaning against her rock.

"Hah... I guess we should keep it simple for now... Just get your body used to using it's muscles. Rest, then run another few laps. We'll be done for a bit then..."

I nodded, though I was too tired to speak. I watched Jahi as she continued her workout, changing from push-ups to sit-ups.

Minutes passed, and eventually I asked "When... when can I learn to use a weapon?"

Looking down at me, the Marquess pursed her lips, before saying "Probably in a month or so. I plan on just teaching you to use short blades for now. Something everyone should learn, and is simple enough to introduce you to handling a blade."

I turned my gaze back to Jahi, before asking "Will we learn with real blades or practice ones?"

Chuckling, the Marquess said "Practice ones. It'll hurt to get hit, but shouldn't kill you. The only difference between them and real blades being the sharp edges and maybe the weight. I want you both to be used to using metal, not changing from wood to metal. Theres a big difference between the two."

Seeing Jahi get up, a slight sheen of sweat covering her body, I watched as she started jogging around the grounds. She moved at an even pace and took practiced breaths.

I looked at her with slight envy, wanting to be able to do what she was currently.

Sighing, I snuggled into the Marquess arms, enjoying the soft sensation of her chest.

"Y'know, you and Jahi are very different. She was always more... independent. She wouldn't refuse physical affection, but she never went out of her way to receive or give it. Hah, I wish she did though. It feels nice..."

Saying so, she held me closer, and when I looked up I could see her smiling warmly at me.

"Maybe I should ask Julie..."

I gave her a dry look, making her chuckle. Ruffling my ears, she went back to observing Jahi, her ruby eyes glowing with warmth.

We fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound being that of Jahi's feet hitting the stone path and her paced breathing.

Eventually, Jahi walked in front of us, taking quicker breaths. Her body was now shining with sweat, and I had to drag my eyes away from the sweat that dripped down her midriff.

Smiling at us, she asked "So? What now?"

Placing me back on ground, the Marquess said "We'll go through a few spars, while Kat gets her last laps in. Then we're done for today. I have some work I need to finish..."

Sighing, she nodded her head towards the center of the grounds. Jahi walked behind her, though not before giving me a knowing smirk.

Blushing slightly, I resumed my laps, taking a slower jog so I could observe their spar. I may not be able to spar now, but that doesn't mean I couldn't learn something from watching them.

Jahi took up a stance opposite the Marquess, before throwing a quick jab towards her stomach.

Lowering her arm, the Marquess blocked the punch before sending punch of her own towards Jahi.

Swaying, Jahi let the fist sail past her, before ducking under the arm, sending quick punches towards the Marquess' side.

I watched as they slowly warmed up, their punches, chops, kicks, and dodges growing in speed. Eventually, I could barely comprehend one blow before another two were sent out, or I couldn't track how they dodged something.

Their spar provided the perfect distraction, as I managed to perform more than three laps, only stopping when my lungs burned with each breath and my leg muscles screamed in pain.

Dropping myself onto a rock, I continued to watch them spar, entranced by their elaborate dance.

I don't know how much time passed, but eventually they stopped, Jahi panting while the Marquess just wiped her brow.

Yet again I had to drag my eyes off of Jahi's body, focusing on her flushed face.

Walking towards me, I broke out of my reverie, grabbing the towel I had readied after I finished my laps.

Moving forwards, I wiped Jahi off, my head spinning slightly at her scent. The tang of sweat mixed perfectly with her naturally sweet smell. Seeing my nose twitch, Jahi grinned before saying "If that was all mom, I want to go take a bath now..."

Giving a knowing grin to Jahi, the Marquess nodded, shooing us out of the training grounds.

Grabbing my hand, I was dragged from the room.

Jahi rushed us through the halls, and my heart beat quickened.


Sorry for the long delay. I was going to get the chapter out yesterday, and even had a third of it done, but Destiny 2 released the Lightfall Showcase, as well as the new season, so that's what I was doing both yesterday and today.

Also, the reason we are on 44: Chapter 43: Training, is because I put a little disclaimer thing before Chapter 1, letting new readers know that the story is 'slow' and that the style changes from the first few chapters.

Other than that, we are probably two chapters away from Kat's core, so...



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