My Servant System

Chapter 294 293: Nomads

It wasn't empty; instead, this large expanse of snow fields were occupied by dozens of dark gray cloth tents, with at least a hundred people shuffling around from tent to tent, all of them armed and armored.

Freezing, I stared out at the sight of the encampment for a few moments, unsure of what to do.

If this was a nomadic tribe, I might be able to join them as they travel, or at the very least barter for some supplies by selling my enchanting abilities, but...

There was no guarantee that they were welcoming of outsiders, that they wouldn't try to enslave me to sell or to use...

Maybe they weren't nomads, but instead an expeditionary force traveling into the Labyrinthian, which would make my appearance ever more suspicious.

There were a few monsters who could take on humanoid appearances after all.

As I stood behind a tree on the forests edge, I frowned as I continued to contemplate my choices, before sighing and layering a few enchantments over myself.

Preparing myself with a multitude of wind spells, I took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the tree line, dragging the ice chests behind me as I began to approach the encampment.

It was a bit aways, but like any good encampment, they had guards along the perimeter, guards who instantly spotted me as I drew closer.

Upon my appearance, the guards shouted back at the encampment before readying their weapons, staring at me warily as I continued to approach.

Although most of it was lost on the breeze and over the distance, I sighed in relief as I realized their words were familiar, albeit laden with an accent.

Stopping roughly two dozen feet away, I raised my hands as the guards continued to heft their large spears, and I finally got a good look at them, my thoughts instantly leaning towards them being nomads.

They were tall, charcoal skinned women with long, ashen gray hair, which was plated with bones, beads, and cloth.

Their exposed skin was streaked with pulsing red veins, while their eyes were pitch black, no sclera or iris to be seen.

Overlaying their veins were tattoos that shifted in the light, the mana embedded in them obvious at a glance.

Each of them were dressed in pelts and animal skins, and various weapons made from bone hung on their belts.

"Stop! Who are you?!"

One of the guards shouted at me, and I kept my hands raised as I contemplated my answer for a moment.

More of the women gathered at the edge of the camp, and I made note of the fact that some were... obviously futa, what with some proudly displaying that fact.contemporary romance

They only stared at me warily, and I took a deep breath as I shouted back "A traveler who got lost... really, really lost. I... don't know where I am! You were all the first mortals I've seen for days!"

Turning, the guards murmured to each other before one glanced back and shouted "Priestess!", which made the others instantly part ways.

A woman taller then the rest strode forwards, most of her skin bare and covered in writhing white tattoos, while a large bone served as her staff as she approached.

An elaborate crown made from smaller bones adorned her head, and I grimaced slightly as I saw the two eyeballs that dangled on her ears.

Almost as tall as Jahi, the Priestess strode out past the guards, ignoring their pleas and drawing closer to me.

"There is a... foul stench about you, traveler."

Her voice was low and guttural, her words assured as she stopped a few feet away from me.

Letting out a wry chuckle, I said "Well, I haven't had the chance to wash in a-"

"No, I don't mean your physical body. Your very soul reeks, almost like it doesn't belong here."

Tilting her head, the tall woman frowned as she looked me over, before her eyes met mine.

Her unnerving black gaze almost made me take a step back, but I instead remained where I was, much to her amusement.

"Tell me, traveler. Do you know what a Fiend is?"

A small smirk tugged at her gray lips, and I nodded after a few moments, making it grow.

"Have you seen one before?"

Again, I waited before nodding, which made her reveal her pearly white teeth.

"That would explain it then... Pray tell, you haven't-"

Reaching forwards, she tapped her bone staff against my brow, those black orbs shining with amusement as she whispered "Made a deal with one, now have you?"

Gritting my teeth, I shook my head as I said "I myself never made a deal with one; I've only seen one, when I was a child."

Nodding, the Priestess tapped her staff on the ground twice before saying "Very well. So far, you haven't lied to me, and while you remain... suspicious, I invite you into our camp. For now."

Turning, she waved her staff towards the gathered women, continuing on in her deep voice.

"You will be under surveillance here, traveler, and should you make an effort to harm my people, you can expect to face retaliations and a swift action. However... welcome to our tribe. Valaka, Eyoli, you two will shadow our 'guest' for the time being."

Looking back at me, the Priestess smirked as she said "Any questions you have, they should be able to answer. If you wish to trade or work to earn something, let them know. And... if you desire something more carnal, look for them to warm your bed at night. They both are rather skilled members of our tribe~"

I shook my head, which made the Priestess shrug as she walked back towards the camp, with me following behind her.

The two women that she appointed as my chaperones glanced at me curiously, both of them different.

Valaka, the one who stepped forwards first, was a shorter, lithe woman, a variety of knives hanging from her belt as she frowned at me.

Eyoli, on the other hand, was around six and a half feet tall and absolutely ripped, her arms larger than both of mine combined, all while they were further accentuated by various white tattoos that swirled around on her skin.

Hanging on her back was a giant femur bone of some kind, the large 'head' of the woman's improvised hammer stained a tan color, providing evidence of its use.

Contrasting her intimidating build was the cheery, bright smile she wore as she met my gaze, her voice soft as she said "Welcome traveler! I'm Eyoli!"

Giving her a smile of my own, I nodded to her as I gave her my name, which instantly made her tilt her head in confusion.

"Aren't you a Dogkin of some kind? Why the name Cat?"

Chuckling, I followed behind her as she led me into the camp, where all the others had dispersed and returned to their business.

"Not Cat, like the animal. My full name is Katherine, but everyone calls me Kat."

"Ah~! Interesting... Well then, Kat, welcome to our tribe! As you could likely tell, we're rather nomadic, and currently we're making our way Northward, following the herds of Buffalo and Mammoths that migrate towards the colder climates!"

"You're all heading Northwards?!"

She nodded at me, watching as I let out a sigh of relief as I looked around, before I smiled wryly at her.

"So uh... I can travel with you all, yes? I need to go North as well; I think that will lead me home..."


Scratching her cheek, Eyoli glanced at the silent Valaka, who returned her gaze and shrugged.

"You see, that would all... depend. If you're worth the resources to keep around, I mean. Sheltering you for a day or two is fine; costs little, and it's basic courtesy out in these snowy plains.

But, if you can't prove that you have some kind of value, either in a trade, as a hunter, or as someones mate, we'll uh... have to leave you behind. Sorry, but that's just how it is here."

The two cast a glance at me before leading me to a tent, where Eyoli took a deep breath as she said "This is the tent Valaka and I share, and it's where you'll be staying for these two days. If you want to join us throughout the day to see what kind of jobs are available, you can, or you can stay here and..."

Eyoli gestured towards the bedrolls that were spread out, and I shook my head at her invitation, saying "Sorry, but... I have three lovers I need to return to. So..."

"Ah, that's alright! Sorry for asking... Anyways, Valaka here is a hunter, and since everything's gone for the moment, she spends her days repairing weaponry and preparing food for the tribe. I'm a guard and a personal dancer for the Priestess. Just... let us know who you'll be following, and then let us know when you find something to do!"

With that, we entered the tent, and I stopped for a moment as I glanced back at the ice chests.

Opening them, I showed the feathers to the two women and asked "Are these worth something?"

Eyoli reached into the chest and grabbed a feather, before she widened her black eyes in surprise as she muttered "Is this..?"

Valaka nodded, snatching the feather from her hand and narrowing her eyes at me, asking "These are from Arctic Cor's, aren't they?! How could you hunt one of these on your own?!"

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