My Servant System

Chapter 252 251: Adelina Leonisa

"Don't you dare speak my again, you..! YOU..!"

Gritting her fanged teeth, Adelina clenched the hilt of her golden sword as she glared down at Nirinia, who let out a sigh as she rose to her feet.

Dusting off her armor, the Djinn cracked her neck slightly as she stared directly at Adelina, the golden woman now needing to look upwards at the larger, darker woman.


Nirinia fell silent as Adelina's sword found itself laying across her neck, the keen edge pressed against her exposed skin as the Lioness growled "I SAID don't speak my name. Not ever again, Nirinia..."

Her golden eyes were hard as she glared at Nirinia, who simply nodded before gently pushing the sword away from her throat, watching Adelina slowly step back and sheath her longsword.

"Commander Leonisa."

With a sharp, curt nod, Commander Leonisa pivoted away and approached her tent, brushing past the two armored guards, both of whom flinched as their Commander passed them.

Letting out a low chuckle, Nirinia scratched her cheek as she turned towards us, a small smile on her lips as she said "Come on... hopefully she's calmed down a bit with that free hit of hers..."

The Djinn let out another sigh as she moved to enter the tent, smiling slightly at the guards as they gave her stiff nods.

Exchanging confused looks, we all shrugged as we followed behind her, not needing to be genius' to understand what just happened.

With Nirinia's personality, most likely this Adelina Leonisa was a previous lover that thought they were exclusive, but caught her 'girlfriend' with another woman...

Or seven.

Though, who knows; it could be something different, but that's the most likely situation.

Slipping into the tent, we were greeted with a rather luxurious sight for a warfront; long, fluffy rugs laid on top of raised wooden platforms, a large bed was off in one corner, whilst a giant table laden with maps and scrolls sat in the middle.

Currently, the only person in the tent was Adelina Leonisa, who was resting in a large chair as she sharpened a dagger, her eyes fixed on Nirinia as she took a look at the table.

Eventually, as we entered, Commander Leonisa glanced at us, her eyes scrutinizing us before she rose to her feet, staring straight at Leone.

Sheathing the dagger, the woman brought her fist to her chest and bowed slightly, her voice respectful as she said "Adelina Leonisa at your service, Princess Leone Presa-Ash! Do forgive me or my... prior outburst."

Letting out a soft chuckle, Leone nodded as she waved her hand, saying "Oh, it's not a big deal, Commander Leonisa~! I do understand a little on how you feel with Nirinia..."

Rolling her eyes, the Djinn leaned against the table as she watched the Lioness stand back up, her eyes holding respect for the Vampire besides us, before she looked towards Jahi and Anput next.

"It's a pleasure, Lady Jahi Asmodia, Begum Anput Sera."

Jahi and Anput both nodded to the woman, before she turned towards me, her eyes inquisitive as she stared at me for a few moments.

Grabbing the edges of my maid dress, I curtsied the woman as I spoke respectfully.

"Katherine Zara, Personal Maid of Lady Asmodia and her fiancee's."

Giving me a quick nod, Adelina turned back to Leone, a confused look on her face as she asked "Aren't you all still in the Academy? Why are you here? Ah, if I may be so bold, Princess?"

Covering her lips, Leone chuckled as she nodded, but before she could speak Nirinia said "The Marquess wants to have them forged in the fires of war, Commander. They passed their finals, so here they are."

The Commander sneered as she glanced at Nirinia, growling "I didn't ask you, Nirinia."

"Well, doesn't really matter now does it? They'll be under my jurisdiction whilst we're here, and since I AM a Squire to a Knight of Cinder, I do believe that I have just as much authority as you, no~?"

Giving the Lioness a teasing smile, Nirinia glanced at us as she continued on speaking.

"We'll find a place to set up camp before attaching ourselves to some random unit for now, but I did want you four to meet the Commander of this Legion since, should I be needed elsewhere, your protection will fall to her. You'll always be able to find her anyways; look for the heavily armored guards or the flag, and you'll find her nearby..."

Clicking her tongue, Adelina also turned towards us as she added "If the Marquess was the one to send you, then I can find somewhere to let you test yourselves. However, I will be assigning a member or two of the Ashen Guard to make sure nothing happens to you whilst you're under my banner."

Adelina glared at Nirinia, making it clear that that was not under discussion; it was a fact that the Djinn would need to deal with.

Sighing, Nirinia nodded as she got off of the table, stretching out her shoulders and arms before gesturing to the entrance, saying "Well, we're going to go set up our tents, so we'll be out of your hair now~! Bye~!"

Waving goodbye to Adelina, Nirinia swiftly exited the tent, followed by the rest of us as we each nodded or bowed to the Commander, who was staring at the tent flap with a conflicted gaze.

Returning to our carriage, Nirinia growled softly as she began to unpack the carriage, searching for the tents.


Helping her ruffle through the bags, Jahi smirked over at the Djinn, who rolled her eyes as she spat "Really Bluey?"

Glaring at Jahi from the corner of her eye, Nirinia sighed as Jahi continued to smirk at her, only to stumble backwards as she caught the tent that Nirinia tossed at her chest.

"Fine, you wanna know so badly? Pitch my tent as well, you overgrown child... By the Goddess above..."

Sitting in the carriage's door, Nirinia watched as we all began to set up both tents, working swiftly as we figured out how to get them to stand up before utilizing magic to keep them up and clean.

"Hah... so, Adelina Leonisa. Knew her since we were both kids, both had the same dreams, but..."

Stroking the 'E' on her chest, Nirinia chuckled derisively as she said "One of us succeeded, the other didn't. I just had more talent for individual combat, but Adelina was... she was a tactician too. Good with a blade, good with her magic, but incredible with strategy. She was devastated when she didn't pass the test that Lady Fenyras set up, but the Empress' wife gave Adelina a new path, one that would suit her better.

I'm sure you all know, but a Knight of Cinder is just a fancy way to say the Empress' executioners; we're her strongest warriors, and each is assigned tasks by her and only her. We answer to no one besides her; not the Council, not each other. We're self serving the rest of the time, so we can get... unruly.

Anyways, I passed the test, and the Marquess took me on as her Squire. Adelina failed, but Lady Fenyras suggested she continue on at the Academy, before getting her an apprenticeship with Commander Gaius, the previous Commander of the Ashen Legion.

With that, we went our separate ways, both training to become something better. When we eventually reunited, years had passed. I had... well, obviously we had changed, but I had, to her, become a new person. She swears I changed a lot, but I feel the same. Still want to be a Knight, still want to perfect my techniques.

contemporary romance

When we reunited I had gotten a taste of having women throwing themselves at me, but Adelina was always a prim and proper woman, so she was slightly disgusted by my actions, but..."

Scratching her cheek, Nirinia sighed as she leaned against the door, and we all glanced at one another, awaiting her next words.

"She confessed. I was caught off guard, but I decided 'Fuck it, why not? Let's see where it goes.'

It didn't go well. She wanted me to court her, to butter her up before proposing, then get married and settle down. I told her that wasn't what I was looking for, that I wanted someone to be by my side as a partner in all senses of the word, but that was too 'unrefined' for her. Our differing upbringings clashed; we were both Noble Children, but an Orc Clan is vastly different from a typical Noble Family, so our differences began to grow and grow.

So I broke up with her. We were both too damn strong headed to change, and I was getting frustrated. She continued to spit on the values I had and was raised by, and I respected hers, but wanted concessions. Marriage doesn't scare me, nor do children, but I won't change myself for them. The amount of women aiming to be my wife is a list longer then most books, so I have choices.

Do I regret being as honest as I was with her when I ended things? Sometimes. It does pain me to see her like that, but... it's both of our faults, not just mine. Yet, she doesn't seem to want to accept that."

Jahi pursed her lips as she stared at Nirinia, who was looking down at her opened palms with a nostalgic gaze.

However, a moment later she clapped, startling us as she stood up, a grin on her face.

Her quick switch to a new mood spoke volumes to me, and I gazed at her overly happy expression for a moment before shaking my head.

She wasn't my Mistress, nor my friend, so I wasn't going to dive in that can of worms willingly...

"The past is the past~! Anyways, come on, let's get something to eat then spar. I want to make sure you all are up to scratch~!"


Curious, does everyone like me doing exposition via stories? I can explain things whilst also explaining other, current happenings that way, but would you all prefer if I just dedicated a large portion of some chapters to 'What is a Knight of Cinder' or 'Who is Adelina Leonisa' in a lecture like style?


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